French Quarter
Well-Known Member
I know what you mean. It took me awhile to learn their names also.
For the bad guy, I had to use an old classic cartoon to help me remember his name. His name is Kylo Ren, which clearly means he runs around with a cat-looking thing named Stimpy.
The lead girl's name in the movie is Rey, which I associate with "Ray, a drop of golden sun.." from the lyrics of a popular Sound of Music number, starring Julie Andrews.
The lead good guy's name is Finn, as I mentioned earlier, which reminds me of Huck Finn. See how easy this can be?
So based on my genius name-association tricks, I now clearly remember the 3 main characters of the new Star Wars film:
-Julie Andrews (the lead girl)
-Huck Sawyer (the lead good guy)
-Darth Ren & Stimpy (the bad dude)
It's foolproof!
I keep calling him Rilo Ken and it drives my kids crazy.