I think this should have been the new window:
View attachment 114885
I am very honored that you think this!
Just know that if ever I become an upper-up in the TDO chain of command, there will be significant changes to the WDW that we all love.
Hall of Presidents will be completely revamped to become the
Galleria Of Dukes, and will consist of famous historic Dukes making 30-min proclamations each. (I am very much looking forward to seeing my AA figure). I will also hire a CM for the sole purpose of standing out front of said attraction, and informing guests confused by it's name that this is
not a public restroom facility, but rather a show presentation.
-Any park with over a fourth of it's offerings closed will not charge more than $40 per day admission.
-Every member of WITWIBS, whether casual or frequent, will receive his/her very own window on Main Street.
Jungle Cruise will have all boats removed & replaced with canoes for guests to maneuver themselves. All animal animatronics will be replaced with live American alligators to roam freely.
-Since the gators won't realize they're supposed to stay within the confines of the Jungle Cruise attraction, all guests entering MK will be required to carry their children at all times, just for safety purposes. (Who just solved the stroller situation? This guy!)
-The only guests to receive admission increases annually will be those who disagree with me on these forums.
-Anyone on property who is heard singing
Let It Go outside of attraction-appropriate surroundings will be asked to leave immediately.
The Duke has spoken!