Where in the World Isn't Bob Saget?


Well-Known Member
It's like Blizzard Beach here today with all the melting snow. We had a blanket of snow across everything two days ago, and we're down to just the piles in shade or from where the plows pushed everything.

I was able to go out in a t-shirt, shorts and flip flops today. It's in the low 50s... only in Wisconsin!
My yard looks like Blizzard Beach mixed with the cleanliness of River Country in its current state.


Well-Known Member

hmm, quiet. A little too quiet.


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Actually I have a hide-and-seek story.

So being the mature adults that we are, my friends and I played hide and seek in one of my friend's basement one night in complete darkness. At first I hid behind a recliner. The person seeking ended up rocking the chair really hard and slamming it into my head twice. He didn't find me...


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
There's this one guy in my Creative Development class that has an obsession with grasshoppers...

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