Well-Known Member
My guess is that it's not so much about how difficult your question is to answer and more about the volume of emails they get. They probably have limited time in which to answer those questions and do it in the order in which the emails come in. It might not take 21 days, but then at least you get confirmation that your question was received and they have time to answer all the questions before yours without some really impatient person sending them 15 emails because they aren't sure the first 14 got through because they didn't get an immediate response. It makes sense really. It buys them time and hopefully reduces redundancy of emails from one person. And my guess is that customer service in Europe differs as greatly as it does in the US. Who has never experienced an unhelpful customer service representative in the US? I know I sure have! I've had great experiences and horrible ones, in the US and in Europe. I will say France was by far the WORST for customer service overall, but I've also had worse experiences in the US than we had in France, too. It really depends on the company, the situation, etc. In restaurants, you can expect the US to be better at it because the servers rely on tips. They HAVE to be attentive because otherwise they don't get paid. Whereas over here, they just have to be competent. They get paid whether they serve your drink at the speed of light or if a sloth could have done it faster. But I find a lot of US people have unreasonable expectations for service. Not everyone, but a lot. I hope you get a response soon, though and that it doesn't take 21 days. At least you asked enough in advance that you have time to wait for an answer. I would hope most people don't wait until the week before they leave to ask those kinds of questions. I've been known to ask things months in advance just so I have plenty of time to plan once I get my answer. If I don't have time to wait, I'll call instead of emailing.I bet that's true @Lilofan ! ...and since that was an auto generated response...that means their own people have to wait 21 business days for a reply as well. Only Steve asks questions 5 weeks in advance.By the time people get their answer, it is too late.
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