Thanks. This is only the 2nd time. We managed to hold it off for a long time....we got vaccinated as soon as we could, we followed all the rules, didn't go anywhere, even on the holidays,and we masked. We were pretty careful, but E got it at school, which really, it was a miracle she didn't get it sooner than she did. A is the only one who hasn't gotten it because he isolates in his room all the time anyway. If he's not at school, tennis, or chess, he's in his room on his computer. So he never got it, but E and I like to watch movies and stuff together, and we had just spent a couple of days watching movies and stuff. Oh wait, no....she DIDN'T get it at school. She was exposed 3 times in one day at school and still didn't get it, which shocked us. She got it at the zoo. They had lifted a lot of restrictions, and my birthday is in December, and I had asked to go to the zoo for my birthday, but we went into lockdown a week before my birthday, so we couldn't. So as soon as we got out of lockdown, we went to the zoo. A got really upset because they got rid of the bighorn sheep....he LOVES sheep, and was really disappointed. My husband ended up having to leave with him because he was so upset. So E and I were in the zoo all day, just the two of us, and we tested the day after and were negative and we spent the day watching movies, but then a couple of days later, she started getting symptoms. Then a couple days after she got symptoms, I did too. So she got it at the zoo, which HOW did she get exposed so much at school and NOT get it, but being at the zoo is where she caught it. It was the last day of a vacation, so she hadn't been at school that whole week, so she couldn't have gotten it anywhere but the zoo.
This time, my husband says his coworker got symptoms, did a test and it was negative, so he went back to work and never did a test after, so he is pretty sure that's how he got it....his first test was negative, too. I told him to do another one in case he was in the incubation period. And here we are. He's feeling a lot better already. My head hurts, I'm a bit achy, I have a fever, so I'm sweating buckets, but I don't feel completely rotten. It's more annoying than anything, and I'm really tired, even though I'm doing nothing. Last time I had to stay in quarantine the full 10 days because I still had symptoms. I'm hoping it will be shorter this time.