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For years I always thought of myself as a huge Disney Park fan, but I have to say that there is nothing about being in the parks when it is raining to be enjoyable. I didn't mind a brief shower, something that Florida as a lot of, but to wander around in the rain would be a mood killer or me. I'd rather stay in a hotel watching reruns than do that. So I will send back me Disney Fan Card.
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The first time I saw that fountain on the right was when I became so amazed at the detail that they put in the attractions. The cracked tiles and dirt, but mostly the fake water line that showed where the water level would have been had that been an actual fountain that was left neglected. It blew me away. There were many years when they stopped doing that and it was mostly after Fastpass was introduced and so much of the detail of the "old" Disney was bypassed and no longer considered important. Quantity instead of quality became the hallmark of the WDW Guest. That always made me sad.