Wow that sounds pretty nightmarish. And too bad A couldn't celebrate his birthday at school. Happy Belated to him.
We don't have to cover other teachers classes a lot. One year I and another teacher had to cover the band and the choir teacher's middle school classes often during our prep. Both the band and choir teacher were having a lot of health problems and seemed to schedule their dr appointments in the afternoon, if a sub couldn't be found we were asked to cover. In our contract it says that they can only ask us to cover another teacher's class once a semester during our prep time, but non of us want to be a jerk and say no to our secretary who has to find coverage and we do get paid. The year I and the other teacher had to keep covering for band and choir we would just rotate and take turns.
Well, A did get to bring treats the day BEFORE his birthday, but they also usually get to pick what they do for the last hour of class on their birthday. They usually choose to have an extra hour of PE, but the PE teacher has been sick, so they haven't been having regular PE anyway. His school is different, since it's all kids with Autism. It's more like an elementary school set up. They have their regular classroom teacher or 2, but Art, PE, and Social skills have separate teachers. Only right now, since the regular teacher got a different job and they haven't found a replacement, they just have different teachers for everything but Art, PE, and Social Skills. Their Social Skills teacher was out for a few weeks, but I think she's back now, but she's not there every day....I think that's a once a week class. PE is twice a week, but right now they just go to the gym and shoot hoops or go outside and play 4 square because the teacher's not there right now. So he was disappointed that he couldn't celebrate ON his birthday, and that it wasn't the way it usually is because the PE teacher is out, and they don't have a regular teacher...routine is out the window for now.
That's good that you get paid extra if you have to take another class! And it sounds like they try not to do that if they don't have to. In most secondary schools here, at least standard ones, not special education like A's, if a teacher is sick, they just cancel that lesson for the day and the kids have a free period. Sometimes they'll try to get another teacher in that subject to cover if that teacher is free during that hour, but if not, they just cancel the lesson and the kids have that hour off. E is ticked about her schedule on Thursday this week. She always has 6th hour free on Thursdays, but her 7th and 8th hours are also canceled, but then she has one class in the 9th hour. So she has 3 free periods in a row, but has to stay there for the one period. So she's at school until 4:35pm, but with 3 hours of nothing. And the worst part is it's her English class, which for some reason they divide and have twice on Thursdays. So she has English class at noon, then has 3 hours free, then goes to the same class again at 3:45. They aren't supposed to have more than 2 free periods in a row. Some kids have to bike for over an hour to get to's really unfair for them to have so many free hours and then come back, because they don't have time to bike home and then bike back for that last class, so they have to just sit there for 3 hours and do nothing. We only live a few minutes from the school, so she COULD come home for those hours, but once she's home, she doesn't really want to go back, and it really doesn't make sense to have the same class twice in one day. Why not just have a double class period then? Why split them up with other subjects in between? It's really wonky.