When you're the leader, you don't have to follow.
There are at least a dozen Builders offices with 2 minutes drive of my site. I would expect that he has compared everyone’s prices and talked to at least half of them.Why does it matter?? Either you like the house or you don't. People move...just because you love your neighbors today doesn't mean they won't move tomorrow. And just because you don't like them doesn't mean they'll be there forever. What does he mean by "Other builders"? Is he looking at a lot of different houses, or does he move a lot?
Mike and I car-pool (when we’re going to the office that is), because his office is only 5 mins away from mine. Now that we’re working from home, it’s very obvious that the same people are calling and emailing, because they call me and then five minutes later call him and try to use my much lower prices to negotiate on his last house. Our homes aren’t even comparable in terms of size, location, or finishings, so it’s ludicrous that people insist he drop his price a quarter of a million dollars to match mine.
And yes, people move often. Especially in a market of rapidly escalating house prices. It’s how they start off in a $350,000 house 8 years ago and live in a million dollar house now.