I want to share an embarrassing story about myself and what kind of day I had last Tuesday. First, I promised that I would put new grips on my son in laws golf clubs. He apparently had good luck because they came out perfect, however, this was my day.
It gets hot here so I wanted to get out as early as possible to set up my garage to do that club chore. To begin with since there isn't a lot of moving air in my garage, I took a LARGE McDonalds cup and filled it with Ice and Tea to take out with me. As I was putting the cap on the cup my hand hit it and tipped it over spilling all the contents on my counter, across the stove, all over the floor and somewhat on me. Since I had no one in the house that I could turn to and say "clean that up" it meant that I was going to take an hour and clean up the mess. All the while the day isn't getting any cooler.
I had a opened my tool box and put my key fob just in front of the box and went about doing the clubs. I had a half full trash bag that I was using to put the old grips and misc. trash in as I worked. Just before I went out I had cut up one of my favorite t-shirts (one that said "Whatever" on it.) and was using the pieces to clean up the shafts and solvent that I was using. I ran out of solvent so I jumped in the car and drove to d icks sporting goods and picked up a bottle and went back and finished the clubs. I put all my stuff away except the tools I had used, collected trash and rags and old grips put them into the trash bag and took it down to our area dumpster. I came back and finished cleaning up. Then I put my tools back in the toolbox and went to put the clubs in my trunk and couldn't find my keys. They were no where to be found. I could only figure out that I had put them down and then accidentally put some of the rags on top of them so that when I picked the rags up my key fob was under them and I picked it all up and threw them in the trash bag. I ran down to the dumpster and it was to late. The dumpster has a compactor built in and It had taken whatever what thrown in there and crushed it into a ice cube sized cube. My effort to do something nice for my son in law has now cost me $400.00 for a new fob.
If that had been the end of it I would have been happy, however, when I got back in the apartment I went to change into my slumming gym shorts and when I took off my regular shorts there was a huge, wear induced, hole in the back. Chances are that I went to the store with half my, fortunately underwear covered, butt fully exposed and didn't even know it. Although that should be enough, it wasn't. Later on, tired and frustrated and angry at myself for such an expensive mistake, I decided to have some comfort food and spaghetti came to mind. I opened the jar of sauce and started to pour half the jar into a pan when I noticed that the inside of the cap was black (as opposed to the normal red tomato color). I noticed that it didn't smell real good either. I felt that I should load the jar back up with the already panned sauce to take it back to the store. As I was pouring it back into the jar from the pan, instead of just putting it all in the garbage disposal, and managed to have the pan slip out of my hand causing spaghetti sauce to end up all over the counter, floor and me.
After turning the air a significant blue color due to some very creative language, I decided that I should probably just clean it up and then head for my closet and curl up in a fetal position, but, I'm to fat to do that... so I had to just be a man and deal with it, by watching a number of George Carlin shows on You Tube. I honestly cannot remember a day like that in all my 71 years on the planet. It might be time to start looking for that home my kids are always talking about putting me in.