Well-Known Member
Years and years ago, back when cars were first invented, I took drivers ed. Wasn't even required back then. The instructor taught us a simple way to parallel park perfectly almost every time. I still use it and it still works.Oh - I forgot the best part of the night!!! Parking is always an issue “down Port” as we call it, and as I was driving down a side street I saw people get in a parked car about 15 feet ahead of me so I threw on my blinker and waited. Then reality set in: I was going to have to parallel park my beast (new Traverse). They pulled out, I pulled up next to the car in front of the open spot (we do NOT go in head first!) and backed that puppy in perfectly on the first try. OK it was slightly crooked but I didn’t care!! Go me!!![]()
Drive up alongside the car in front of the space. Line up (as best you can) your rear bumper with the rear bumper of that car. Immediately turn the wheels all the way to the right and back in slowly.** When the back of your front seat or the approximate center of your vehicle, lines up with the rear bumper of that car straighten the wheels and back in on that angle until you can turn the front wheels all the way to the left and still have the front of your car clear the rear of that same car. Doing that you should be able to then be straight in the parking spot and with perhaps just a little forward motion be centered in the parking space. Easy Peasy!
This has been a public service message!
The direction you turn the wheel depends on what side of the street you are parking on. If you are British or on a one way street and you park on the left side then you alter the two listed wheel positions. First to the left and then to the right. Sorry for the simple spoiler, but, I didn't really want to be responsible for a major traffic problem in downtown London.