It would seem to me to be a very small problem. After all, it has already been used for the purpose it was created. The wedding is over, the reception is just a place to party. Shortly after it will be put in storage never to be seen again until some grandchild finds it while cleaning out your place and uses is for dust rags. I'd let people paint graffiti on it after the official ceremony. How many women actually ever look at it again for nostalgic purposes. I'll bet it is a small percentage. I don't even know what happened to my wife's gown. When she left I don't remember if she took it with her and if she did what happened to it after that. I know it wasn't among her belongings when my daughters moved her down to NC. She either lost or sold or threw away her wedding ring and engagement ring because that was never located either. That can't be right... who would buy a used wedding ring. Maybe an engagement ring, but, who knows.