Premium Member
I know that the impression of us that that we all own guns and can't wait to use them. The fact of the matter is, that unless you live in a rural country side where hunting is a way of life, there really are not that many floating around. The bad guys have them and they are pretty much the only ones that know how to use them without shooting themselves in the foot anyway. The last person in my family to own a gun was my grandfather and the was just a 22 cal. Rifle. Now I have been trained (many years ago) to know how to take care of and use an M-16 rifle and an M-60 machine gun, but, those things get very bulky under your coat. Say hello to my big friend!
I agree. I think the U.S. media tends to show the most sensational news stories. It's a business, and viewer ratings generate more profit for the news organizations. However, that can sometimes give a false impression (to some) that "everyone" owns a firearm, which is not true. I would also share with @JenniferS , that only one person I know, out of friends, family, and coworkers down through the years, has owned a weapon, and it was a hunting rifle. (His family would go to Maine in hunting season, and that was a passed-down tradition from his great-grandfather. He was a responsible person, and always kept it locked up, with the ammo locked up in a different location from the rifle.) Even my eldest brother who (years ago) was a Marine, never owned any weapon after his tour of duty concluded.