I would like to draw your attention to a very special event taking place right in front of your eyes. This has been a long time coming, and I've gone through many daunting obstacles to get here. Ladies and gentlemen, my 20,000th post.
In my 20,000 posts, I've accomplished a lot. More than most posters can ever dream. I've gone from annoying newbie to annoying non-newbie. I've gone from Where in the World Is Bob Saget to Where in the World Isn't Bob Saget. I've gone from reporting wannabe to Cheese Sauce Investigator. But more importantly, with the creation of WITWIBS, we have been the largest source of Blaming Meg in the history of the world. No longer shall children cry themselves to sleep at night because a Meg is left to be blamed. No longer shall rhubarb be frowned upon as a casual snack. With the Blaming of Meg, anything is possible. And because of all those BMs, I have achieved a high standing of dignity and accomplishments. But without WITWIBS 1, WITWIBS 2, or mindless other posting sites across these forums, I would have not been able to reach my goals. In life, always aim for the moon, because even if you don't make it, you'll reach the atmosphere and burn up because you don't have the proper equipment.
And now, I will continue to fight toward post 30,000, 40,000, 50,000 and more. I invite you all to come with me on this journey. Unless of course you haven't showered today; then by all means please stay away.
Here's to the first 20,000, and 20,000 more!
Wow, 20,000 posts already! And to think, yesterday you were only at 19,995 posts....