Well-Known Member
To communicate, sharks secrete a potent projectile from the lower regions which assists in the marking of territory. The shiny substance which lays across a shark's skin is called: Plymtosis (Ply-ma-tow-sis), which has two purposes: 1). It releases a scent which can only be picked-up by the keen sense of smell by other sharks. 2). It serves as a protectant against underwater bacteria which could lead to disease.
Sharks have a very powerful eyesight, capable of seeing a small object less than a foot in diameter, up to half a mile away! As far as hearing goes, sharks pick up vibrations in the water rather than actual sounds. A shark can hear the movement of a seal over 50 miles away, and be able to tell the length, width, and girth of the animal.
I hope you all feel a lot smarter!
You're pretty smart ....for a shark. Did you go to college?