First of all, we're all happy and relieved that you are o.k.
I'll bet that Belle and Ranger were ecstatic upon your arrival home, too! Dogs stress out when a member of the "pack" (not to mention, their bestest buddy) is away from the "den". I hope you can relax at home with your family today. I'm sure DWifey will cook you a delicious dinner to celebrate your return.
As for your head MRI experience, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I had one of those done a few years ago, and I was freaked out; the cage made me feel claustrophobic, even though that's not usually an issue for me. Just like you, I had the headphones on, and the technician kept talking to me (from his adjacent room location via the headphones), assuring me that all was fine, etc. (You'd think I was a 5-year-old; I was such a fraidy-cat. Ha!) Luckily, the technician was used to some (pathetic, like me) patients who had fear issues with the cage, and had his soothing spiel perfected!