@NYwdwfan This must just be the week for schoolmade meltdowns. My daughter came home and broke down into tears, a mountain of tears and I couldn't figure out why. Ring, ring, calling a teacher. It seems they had a creative writing project where there was a child's swimming pool filled with sand and gemstones and the kids had to sift through to find one then write about it. Sounds simple enough but the kids who are really struggling with writing got first dibs and their gems were the size of a golfball. The last to go were those who excel (like my daughter) and their gems were the size of a dime. A dime! Needless to say it took the last students much much longer to find their gems and they didn't get to finish their paper. (Why the gems weren't all the same size is still a mystery to me.) After I said I would call the elementary school education coordinator, the teacher said those who didn't finish will be given the opportunity on Monday.
Sometimes I just don't get the reasoning behind school projects.