Where did you get your "Dreams"?


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Original Poster
Ok this topic is coming off of the Dream Fastpass topic, but I thought it could be a great discussion for all of us who have been wanting a pair of Dream Ears or Dream Fastpass.

The computer "randomly" generates when and where the day before then they are put in envelopes till the next day. But I can tell you that that computer randomly generates when (very close to opening every day) and where (between 3-5 of the same locations in each park) to give out Dream Ears/Dream Fastpasses.

"Random" Locations for around opening time:
AK - Primeval Whirl/Pangani Forest Trail/Maharaiah Jungle Trek
MK- Carousel/Frontierland Train Station/Peter Pan's Flight
Epcot - JII w/Figment/HISTA/Test Track
MGM - One Mans Dream/Star Tours/ToT

Those are a few of the ones that I have heard. I will be testing them all out next week. If you have heard any or won any in the early morning please post them.



Well-Known Member
You'll note that (with the possible exception of Star Tours) that none of those are exactly barn-burner attractions. Seems the early ones might reward those who head for the minor attractions that are typically overlooked in the morning rush.

But then again, if it's random, it shouldn't matter.


New Member
I was there just 2 weeks ago. I was talking to a family on the bus back to the resort from AK. They had the dream fast passes. They said they were given out in the Pangani Forest. They had called about 20-25 people together and started to hand them out. That is the only one that I saw on my 4 day trip.


Well-Known Member
On more than one occasion, going through AK soon after opening, I have gone over towards Everest through Dinoland. A few times for sure I have seen the ears being given out, or had just been given out at Primeval Whirl.

I have won 2 pin lanyards, both mid day and both at E-tickets (Exiting the Library at Tower, and Entering the 1st briefing room at M:S). That doesn't do anything for your theory (which I believe is on the right track) but that has been my only winning experience.


Well-Known Member
We won dream fastpasses in March at MK, on the train station platform in Frontierland, by Splash/Big Thunder.

Then in April, we won collectible pins and lanyards walking off the ride, at Big Thunder.

Also, a dream squad guy came up to me and made conversation just by the bridge at Splash, and was looking at our shirts, which had Mickey icons on them, seeming to search for something. We didn't get chosen, but my husband stalked him (he thought covertly, but I think he was obvioius) for an hour and he never did give anything away. Must have been a certain character on a shirt he was looking for.

So, all three were in frontierland, early, like 9:30 a.m.

Ella's Mommy

Active Member
There was a tread yeasterday about Dream passes and one lady said she got them in MK around 10 in the morning coming out of HM. Hope this helps your reseach:wave:


New Member
We were there last week and we won the lanyards and pins coming out of Haunted Mansion in the morning (probably sometime around 10:00 am).


Well-Known Member
Personally, I've gotten Dream Fastpasses on Soarin' on two occasions. I've also seen lanyards handed out at BTMR in the MK. All of these happened within an hour of park opening.


we got dream ears...at the exit of crush'n'gusher.

also my dog got pet of the day dream porcelin bowl at epcot

then the next day got pet of the day dream chew toy ball and leash at animal kingdom!!


New Member
Last Oct we saw them being handed out at MK both times at the exit of Peter Pan's Flight around 10 AM. We were on IASM both times...darn.


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Original Poster
Also, a dream squad guy came up to me and made conversation just by the bridge at Splash, and was looking at our shirts, which had Mickey icons on them, seeming to search for something. We didn't get chosen, but my husband stalked him (he thought covertly, but I think he was obvioius) for an hour and he never did give anything away. Must have been a certain character on a shirt he was looking for.

I can tell you that stalking Dream Squad are most of the time just walking around talking. They are not really "looking" for something on a guest. Most of the time it is go to this location and and find a guest sitting and they win. But if you are stalking a Dream Squad and they know it they do not have to give you anything when/if they start giving out anything.



Well-Known Member
Darnit! No wonder I never have won anything in the parks! I'm not even on the road at 10am let alone at the parks! We normally arrive around noon-ish or so and I've never even seen anyone get awarded a prize. Guess I know why now.


Well-Known Member
Please, please do not stalk the Dream Squad CM's. That will get you nothing, and it comes across as downright creepy.

I've seen dream fast passes given out on Living with the Land and pin lanyard sets and ears on the Friendship Boats (if you went on the boat going one way, you got pins, the other way, you got ears).


Account Suspended
I saw a little girl with a handmade sammich board that was asking the dreamsquad to pick her to stay in the castle.

It was sad.

She was hanging out in the courtyard o the castle in fantasyland.

One of the many reasons I hate YOMD.


Well-Known Member
I really enjoy just talking with Dream Squad members. I could care less about winning anything, but they have some of the greatest stories about making guests happy.

Edit: Not that I wouldn't kill for one of their messenger bags though. :D


Well-Known Member
We did not win any ears or lanyards on our last trip, however, we were waiting to go on the Great Movie Ride the dream team was all there hanging out waiting for us to leave. I guess the next people to come in to the loading area were going to win something. So you can add the Great Movie Ride to your list of areas to be.

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