As many of you may know, we hope to make our first visit with the kids next year in April. It will be our son, who will be almost 4 at that time, and our daughter (if the sonogram is correct), who will be almost 10 months old at that time. I plan to make stops at most of the rest stops on the way down, so as to give everyone a chance to stretch their legs and for the 4 year old to run around a little, etc. Rather than adding even more stuff to an already full van, by trying to pack enough food for viddles at the rest stops, I thought it may be nice if we could just go through a drive through at a town really close to the rest stop exit, and then sit down at the picnic table at the rest stop and eat. Problem is, even though I've driven the route enough to know where many of the rest stops are, I can't remember if there are towns right nearby that have a fast food place. And I don't want to drive right by the town, not knowing that there is a rest stop just up the road, and then get to the rest stop, having missed the chance to pick up something to eat back at the last town. So my question is, do they make some kind of a book that tells where all the rest stops are and what the closest exits are where you can pull off and get a burger or something? In the back of my mind, I'm kind of thinking I saw a book kind of like that once, but I can't remember now what it was called, or if I may even be just imagining it.