Highly recommend ebay!!! Pins are so expensive in the parks and my DS is hooked on the pin trading, I swear the boy spent well over $200 of his own $$$ on pins when we were there in Dec. On the DME on our way back to the airport in Dec, I got to talking to another mom about the pin trading and she sugguested I check out ebay, so for Christmas in anticipation for our upcoming trip to Disney I took that advise and checked out ebay. I seriously got 100 pins for $54!!! Got some really great pins too! There were even about 5 of the vinylmation pins in there that my DS LOVES to collect TOO!!! And all the Pins I got were authentic. Needless to say, best $54 I ever spend. We leave in 3 weeks for the world and he already has his pins packed and ready to trade! :wave: