Where are all the people? Sept 1-8 TR

We are back from another action pack, yet surprisingly relaxing, Disney World adventure. Our latest trip took place September 1st thru the 8th and had us residing in a studio at the Beach Club Villas. It had been a while since we stayed in our home resort and it felt so nice to be back. Let’s face it though, it was nice to be back in Disney at all. There was a gap of nine whole months in between trips this time. Usually we try to schedule the trips about 6 months apart. This keeps it so once you are back home it isn’t too sad as there is already another trip to look forward too. When we got back from our trip last January we didn’t even have this trip scheduled yet…very depressing.

Many times when we go to Disney, it is with extended family that can number over 20 people at one time. This trip however we kept it small with only my parents, my sister and I. This was very different for us, but it was a fun trip. Although it felt very relaxing we were able to do just about everything that we wanted.

So who am I? My name is Lindsay and I am a 26 year old vegan. I have been going to Disney with my family often since I was little and although the nature of the trips has changed somewhat, my love for the place has not. This is my third trip to Disney as a vegan, but I was concerned since I had learned that many of the old standby foods had been replaced with non vegan alternatives.


My sister will also be appearing often in this report though this was not technically a vacation for her, more on that later. She is 22 , just graduated from college and has recently moved to the Orlando area for a while. This is actually one of the reasons for the gap between trips, we timed this vacation so that we can visit.



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Once our boat ride was over it was finally time to board our hang gliders.


Inspired by our lovely trip to California, we decided we wanted to travel the world. Now journeys around the world can be long so it is very important that one stops for the proper supplies, and hydration must be considered.


Look I think I see the pyramids!


Soon enough we found ourselves in Mexico.


After leaving Mexico, we had a minor run in with some trolls. We were able to escape, but is was a close call.


We made a quick stop in China to pick up some Japanese sweets.




Soon enough we were in Japan. Having lived there for a year I like to spend some time here because the Japan pavilion is the closest I can get to going back.

My sister striking a pose



Well-Known Member
Love the TR! What are the Japanese snacks? I know what the outside is but is the inside creamy? My son may love these! He loves all things Japanese!


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Love the TR! What are the Japanese snacks? I know what the outside is but is the inside creamy? My son may love these! He loves all things Japanese!

They are a sweet that has azuki bean paste inside and mochi on the outside. Azuki bean paste is something that they use a lot in Japanese sweets. It gives great texture and with sugar added is really sweet. Mochi is made by pounding rice until is is gummy and smooth. This sweet are yummy, if your son like things that are japanese i would recommend them. They are one of the things that you can find that are actually eaten in the country. I used to eat them all the time when i lived there.

i just think that its funny that you have to buy them in china as they do not sell them in the Japan Pavilion


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After our journey it was time to make our way back to the Beach Club to pick up the car, we had lunch reservations at Kona Café. I had never eaten there before and was excited to try somewhere new.

We checked in and were seated right away; this would be a trend on this trip. My family checked out the menu and the Chief came out to speak with me about what I could have. They were able to make a veggie stir fry with rice noodles and tofu. It was very tasty.


We passed on dessert here as we had bigger plans. After we were finished lunch it was back to the car and off to the Beach Club. There were some ice cream sundaes just calling our names. We headed straight for Beaches and Cream. They were able to make me a nondairy vanilla sundae with peanut butter on top. OMG soooo yummy.

The before and after shots.


disney dharling

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Every time I read these I wonder how old these kids are now and if they come to visit their quotes. I know if I had one I take a picture with it every time I visited.


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Every time I read these I wonder how old these kids are now and if they come to visit their quotes. I know if I had one I take a picture with it every time I visited.

I thought about that too...lol. Also, the quotes seem like they would be said by a person a little older than 10 or 11. I always wondered about that.


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Full to bursting my mother and I made our way to the Magic Kingdom. I had wanted to make sure to be there that night as it was going to be the last night for Magic, Memories and You. I just love the way they are able to project everything onto the castle and make it look so real.

As is second nature we walked down Main Street and veered right towards Tomorrowland.


Then, straight onto the Peoplemover.


One of my favorite views of the Castle is from here.


On the People we heard about some intergalactic trouble, so once our tour was completed we made our way to join the fight against the evil emperor Zurg.


We take our evil fighting very seriously


We somehow found ourselves in Adventureland and signed ourselves up for a cruise through the Jungle. It sounded so nice and relaxing, but the closer we got the more ominous things looked.




Feeling confident after facing the jungle we decided to take on some Pirates. They are not really bad, just misunderstood. …right?


After Pirates, we made our way to the hub only to discover that time had gotten away from us. The show had already started. We were able to catch the second half, but I must confess to being disappointed for not being able to really see it. I keep telling myself not to be too upset as they say it should be back with a new name once the expansion opens, it helps a little.

We were starting to feel the long day at this point and made our way out of the park to the buses before the post wish crowds arrived. We made it to the rooms and right to sleep. We had another fun filled day planed.


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Day 3

This morning started early for me. I have recently begun training for the Disney Princess Half Marathon this coming February (so excited!!! And terrified :/) This is my first foray into running and I knew that I couldn’t go the whole week of vacation without a run or I would pay for it once we got back. So my alarm went off at 6:30 and I was out the door by 6:40. Since we were staying at the Beach Club there is a good run about 2.5 miles long right there. I ran out towards the Yacht Club, past the Swan and Dolphin, down to Hollywood Studios, up past the Boardwalk and back around to the BC. In the beginning of the run it was nice, but what I difference a half hour makes. By the time I was passing the Boardwalk, the humidity was out in full force and was making that last stretch not so fun.

Once I was back in the room, we all got up and dress. We were going to the Magic Kingdom today!
I really like the walk to the bus stops here; it’s pretty and always makes me feel relaxed, yet excited.




That’s where we’re going J

Soon enough we were walking under the train station and out in the MK. First up, some quick pictures.




Can’t leave without this one.


First stop was Frontierland to pick up fastpasses for Thunder Mountain. As we were making our way back who should we meet, but Frontier Donald himself. We couldn’t leave without stopping by for a quick hello.


After saying our good-byes to Donald we finally found out destination and obtained our fastpasses. We were going to try to get in the stand by line as well, but it was not working just then.

It was around now that we started looking around and noticed the lack our crowds. Where is everyone? We thought that perhaps we had just picked the best park that morning (never seems to happen to us), after all it was definitely crowded the night before.


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Taking advantage of the low crowd levels, we decided to ride some things that we usually do not want to wait in line for.

First up was the Magic Carpets, we walked right up and were in the next group.



Not a bad view…

Since my father did not get the chance to ride the night before, we chanced another run in with some Pirates. Once the ride was over and we were out of our boat we thought we were in the clear, but who should be waiting for us right outside? Pirates!

Lucky for us they found a few young recruits to keep them occupied.



As we made our escape, I check my Mobile Magic app and saw that TM was running again. We only had time for a few quick pictures before we were seated in our car.


Look! Hidden Tink…





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We had a quick chat about what to do next and decided to see if we could catch the Dapper Dans. When we arrived on Main Street to see the start to the Move it, Shake it, Celebrate it Parade. Knowing that the Dapper Dans wouldn’t come out until it was over, we stayed and watched.



We stayed to watch the Dans, then we made our way out to the MK. We were having lunch at another new restaurant for us. The Grand Floridian Café.

The staff here was nice and there was hardly anyone in the place. I didn’t have anything fancy today as I was just feeling like a simple salad. It was very good and exactly what I was looking for.

Once we were done with lunch we took some time exploring the grounds of the Grand Floridian.




In the afternoon we had to once again venture off the park to pick up some things for my sister. We ended up having dinner off the park as well. We went to the Ale House and like I wasn’t feeling like trying to explain so it just went with a plain baked potato. I actually really like plain baked potatoes so this was good.

Soon enough we were back and it was time to have some fun. I had wanted to go to Epcot to look around and see if we couldn’t catch any of the entertainment in the countries. We were in luck and the acrobats in China were sent to perform.

First things first, a little refreshment. The Mango Gingerita from the stand outside China. It was delicious. They flavors were really nice, but the drink itself was quite weak.


Then it was time for the show.



Once the show was over we continued walking around and headed out of the park for the night. It was another long, but very fun day at Disney.


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Day 4

We picked this morning to be our Hollywood Studios morning. It was another nice day and we got an earlyish start getting ready to be their when the park opened.



We missed it, but not by much. Most of the people were still making their way through the turnstiles.

Can’t walk in without some Hat pictures.



I really like the old fashioned Coke pictures that they use here


We headed straight for Toy Story and picked up fast passes. After we got them, the line stayed short so we go in the stand-by line as well.



Can you tell how my sister feels about being in jail…


This time we got to ride in the Wheezy car.


I managed to win this round, but not by much


Once we were off the ride we, once again, expected to start seeing some crowds. Once again, we couldn’t find them anywhere…


My favorite show!


My mom and sister wanted to get something to eat so we stopped at Fairfax fair. We had a friend decide to join us for our meal. And oh my was he vocal.



Well-Known Member
Man I've really got to rethink what time of year we go... I thought it was dead in March when we go but these pictures of DHS make me realize I don't know what dead is. LOL!


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Man I've really got to rethink what time of year we go... I thought it was dead in March when we go but these pictures of DHS make me realize I don't know what dead is. LOL!

lol...yeah, we usually go in January and thought that it was impossible for the crowds to get any smaller, until this trip. Just wait until we get to the next part about epcot...its going to blow your mind.


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Next we wanted to ride Star Tours so we traveled over to that side of the park and did some site seeing along the way.





It was a good ride, but to be honest I couldn’t really pay much attention. There was a family seated right behind us with a little girl. I knew that we might be in for it when I hear the little girl ask if this was a scary ride and the mother tell her not to worry; it was just a show…

Needless to say the little girl’s anxiety grew as we sat down and she had to buckle up. Now this girl was around five or six maybe and not stupid, she knew something was up. Mom continued to tell she not to worry is was just a show. As soon as the door shut and the first little bump when they release the safeties went, she started screaming to be let off “I WANT TO GET OUT, I WANT TO GET OUT” This lasted for the entire ride. I don’t think anyone in that car enjoy one bit of that ride and poor girl was probably traumatized.

After that experience we opted for something when less of a probability of screaming children and decided on the great movie ride. Is it just me or did the acting used to be better…

Then it was time to use our fast passes.
I won again, but Hayley’s score went up too.


This looks interesting.


Hey! Guess What! Its almost time for the Beauty and the Beast Show J






After the show we went back to the hotel to enjoy the fabulous pool. To be honest the pool is one of the main reasons that we like to stay at the Beach Club.

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