Bold=RestaurantItalicized=ShopDISNEY/UNIVERSAL STUDIOSDisney/Universal Studios- JUMP INTO THE ACTION This park, a collaboration between companies formerly portrayed as enemies, offers guests multiple experiences that allow them to enter the action of Television, Music, and Film Production. This park brings to live many different characters, movies, and TV shows loved worldwide, such as Shrek, Ghostbusters, The Simpsons, and characters from Disney Animated films. The park is divided up into several areas, each tieing back to the overall theme of "showbiz."
This is where the magic happens. The centerpiece of American film, television and music industries for decades, this recreation of one of the most renound cities on Earth allows guests to experience the magic of showbusiness. Attractions include:
-The Walt Disney Story- A showcase of Walt Disney, one of the major pioneers of the animation and film industry.
-The Great Movie Ride- A dark ride offering a glimpse into some of the greatest movies of all time.
-The Twilight Zone: Tower of Terror: Based off the classic television show, this free-fall attractions puts you right into a haunted elevator shaft.
-Revenge of The Mummy- The classic trilogy comes to life in this dark ride gone bad.
-Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure- The guys that pioneered the "teen movie" share with the Disney/Universal Studios audience their larger-than-life history report.
Lucas Landing
An area of Disney/Universal Studios is dedicated to the man who created two of the greatest film franchises of all time: Star Wars and Indiana Jones. Attractions include:
-Star Tours II: A complete "reimagineering" of the original Star Tours attraction, this 3D simulator takes you to a different area of the Star Wars galaxy each time you ride.
-Meet Master Yoda: One of the greatest film characters of all time comes to life, as Jedi Master Yoda interacts live with Disney/Universal Studios guests.
-X-Wing/Tie Fighter Fliers: Relive the battle of the Death Star by choosing your side: will it be the Empire or the Rebellion?
-Indiana Jones Adventure: The adventures of theworld's greatest action hero cannot be limited to one attraction. So, this double-ride complex includes the classic EMV Indiana Jones Adventure through Forbidden Temple in search of treasure, while a Mine Coaster Indiana Jones Adventure takes guests through that same temple, in a mad dash to escape.
-Indiana Jones Academy: A real live Indy teaches guests at Disney/Universal Studios how to be true adventurers.
The Backlot
Ah, behind the scenes work. If not for it, the entire showbiz thing would never happen. It's the people that work in places you don't get to see that create the true magic. This area of Disney/Universal Studios is dedicated to them. Attractions Include:
-Universal Pictures Backlot Tour: A redesign of the classic Backlot Tour, this tram tour attraction takes you through multiple classic Universal films, such as Backdraft, Earthquake, Fast and the Furious, and Twister. You'll also pass by working film studios and sets on your tour.
-Movie Cars Backlot Set Adventure: If the tram tour is too boring for your standards, experience it from a bit farther away, while piloting a recreation of classic movie cars, such as the Ghostbuster's Ecto-1 and the Batmobile, of course.
-2012: Be Part of the Disaster: Described as "an apocalyptic Soarin'" this attraction takes you (somewhat safely from above) through the events of the end of the world, all in 3D!
-Hollywood: RIP RIDE ROCK IT!: Choose your own musical background and rock out to it while riding this thrilling coaster that takes you through sharp drops, turns, and of course, inversions.
-American Idol Experience: Always wish you could show off your amazing pipes, live on stage? You can now! This attraction takes guests onto the stage, where they will be performing for a live theme park audience! Guests who are chosen as winners also get a chance to be on the actual television show.
-Bohemian Rhapsody: The Ride: Based off the original idea of Nights in White Satin: The Trip at the now defunct Hard Rock Park, this attraction takes you through a unique story with amazing special effects: lighting, sound, scenery, smoke, lasers, etc. Oh, and it's all set to Queen's classic song, Bohemian Rhapsody.
-Rock n' Roller Coaster: Starring Aerosmith!: This indoor coaster lets you rock out in your super-stretch limo to the best of Aerosmith. Let's just hope you can make it to that concert in time, I suppose a launced 60 mph should suffice.
New York
One of the centers of the entertainment industry, the New York area features aspects from movies filmed there, and the Broadway musicals that have played there for decades. Attractions include:
-The Hyperion Theater featuring: Hercules: Zero to Hero!: The Hyperion Theater, in it's life, would show a variety of musical stage shows. For the time being, it's current show would be Hercules: Zero to Hero! Journey alongside Hercules through a condensed version of the classic animated movie.
-Ghostbusters: The Ride: Hailed as the Men in Black of Disney/Universal Studios, this attraction pits two teams of Ghostbuster "rookies" against each other, capturing ghosts throughout NYC, and then a final encounter with none other than the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man. The team with the most PKE Points gets "hired."
-Ghostbusters: The Great Fright Way: When the line for the GB ride is too long, you can still get your GB fix with this outdoor mini-show. The Ghostbusters meet and greet with guests and perform their theme song.
-Universal Studios: Blast From the Past: In a huge response to the nostalgia effect, this attraction offers guests to experience "film" attractions that have gone extinct. These include The Funtastic World of Hanna-Barbera, T2:3D, Alfred Hitchcock: The Art of Making Movies, and Back to the Future: The Ride. Each of these attractions will be shown in it' separate theater. Also, this attraction gives you the oppurtunity to buy DVD's of the rides, classic Universal TV spots, pre-show films, etc. You can also buy CD's or MP3's of classic park audio.
-Universal Classic Monsters Musical Revue: This musical stage show puts classic monsters, such as Frankenstein, Dracula, The Mummy, The Creature from the Black Lagoon, and Wolfman live on stage performing their individual, somewhat comedic, musical numbers. And oh yeah, all this is hosted by Beetlejuice.
Animation Studios
Whether you may know it or not, Animation is one of the most popular film genres. This area of D/U Studios features characters from animated films, new and old. Attractions include:
-Woody Woodpecker's Nuthouse Coaster: A kiddie coaster themed to one of Universal's mascots, Woody the Woodpecker.
-Dreamworks Animation Adventure: Journey alongside Shrek through various worlds of Dreamworks animation in a search to save the Gingerbread Man.
-The Magic of Disney Animation: A walk-through attraction showcasing some Disney animated work of the past, present, and future.
-Mickey's Philharmagic: A musical 3D show that takes you through various songs from Disney animated films.
-The Simpsons Ride: Join the Simpsons family on an epic adventure through Krustyland.
-Itchy and Scratchy Coasters: A pair of dueling wild-mouse coasters.
Pixar Place
-Bug's Life Set Adventure
-Toy Story Midway Mania
-Remy's Sewer Adventure
-Monsters Incorporated Door System Coaster
Muppet Studios:
-The Great Muppet Movie Ride
-Muppet Vision 3D
-Swintrek Adventure/Cooking With the Swedish Chef
Nighttime Entertainment:Fantasmic!

isney/Universal Studios Star Cars Parade
Port of Entry
The Adventure Begins! As you enter the gates of Universal's Islands of Adventure, you first come across a small souvenir stand, Port Provisions. Continue down the long line of shops and restaurants, starting with the park's largest souvenir shop, Islands of Adventure Trading Company. Soon follows the Island Acessorisors jewelry store, the $10 and under store, Island Outpost, the Port of Entry Christmas Shoppe, and the mystic wares of the Ocean Trader Market. Strategically placed along this line of shops are Port Merchant Carts. As you approach Islands of Adventure's inland sea, you will find four restaurants. On the left are the Arctic Expressice cream shop, and a Cinnabon. On the right are the Croissant Moon Bakery, and one of the park's only sit-down restaurants, Confisco's Grille and Backwater Bar. After you've shopped and ate, you have the option of turning right to Seuss Landing, left to Sci Fi City, or maybe take a boat ride on the Island Skipper Tours. You choose to start out small and turn right.
Seuss Landing
As you enter the wacky world of Dr. Seuss, you may decide to let your kids run around in the interactive playground, If I Ran the Zoo. After that, head right to ride the park's dark ride, The Cat in the Hat. After reliving the Dr.'s most famous piece, you can maybe purchase a souvenir in Cats, Hats, and Things. If your still dizzy from your last ride, have a seat and watch a shortened version of the Broadway's Seussical the Musical. A few steps away is the Dumbo-style attraction, One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish. Take some time to dry off by riding the Caro-Seuss-el, a new twist on the classic carousel. If your hungry, grab a quick bite in Circus McGurkus Cafe' Stoo-Pendous. Continuing through the island, you notice a strange train-like vehicle traveling above. It's the High in the Sky Seuss Trolley Train Ride! You can take a ride if you wish. But first, you notice a crooked sign that reads: MT. CRUMPIT ---->. Going down this path, the normally upbeat feeling of the area turns gloomy. At the base of the mountain, you find a group of Whos are making a business offering mine car tours to the lair of the evil, cunning, foul: Grinch. This is Mt. Crumpit Tours. A normal, slow tour turns awry when an encounter with ol' Mr. Grinch turns into an out-of-control thrill ride through his lair and the bowels of Mt. Crumpit, dumping you into the Whoville Gift Shop. As you exit this area, you pass by the large Mulberry Street gift shop on the the left, and Snookers and Snookers Sweet Candy Cookers on the right. You see a large eagle-like statue welcoming you into the next area of the park.
The Lost Continent
As you enter this island, you enter what looks like an Ancient Greek city, in ruins. You first come across the best restaurant in the park, known as Mythos. To the right is the interactive walk-thru attraction Journey Into the Underworld. Your journey exits into Treasures of The Underworld. Passing through a heavenly arch takes you to the Olympus Area of the island. To the left is Nectar of the Gods, a restaurant. A variety of small shops selling a variety of wares are found in this area. This area houses Hercules and Xena Stunt Show and The Wanderings of Odysseus , retelling the events of the stories. A short walk through Zeus' Garden leads you to Mt. Olympus, where you can ride in one of the god's chariots around the mountain, in the Mt. Olympus Coaster. After you've become one with the gods, you see puffs of smoke nearby, followed by a train whistle. Moving towards it, you see a magical, snow-topped village.
Toon Lagoon
Your first stop in Toon Lagoon is the dark ride based on a classic cartoon, The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle. As you continue down the streets, you pass the home of the Dagwood sandwich, Blondie's, as well as the Betty Boop Store. Your next experience is the log flume attraction Dudley Do-Right's Ripsaw Falls. Next comes the quick service resaturants Comic Strip Cafe' and Cathy's Ice Cream. Right next door is the Toon Extra store, and a variety of Fun and Games. Close by is the wild mouse coaster, The Comic Coaster. You realize you missed some stuff, and decide to backtrack to the front. You pass the Gasoline Alley clothing store, and Dippin Dots Ice Cream. You decide to get soaked on Popeye and Bluto's Bilge Rat Barges. Close by is Popeye's boat become playground, Me Ship, The Olive. You realize you've done everything in Toon Lagoon when you hear police sirens and screeching tires nearby. You rush towards it, to find yourself face-to-face with a city street.
The Wizarding World of Harry Potter
-Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey: Acclaimed as a combination of Spiderman and Soarin' this state of the art attraction utilizes a robotic arm technology, transporting you into the world of Harry Potter.
-Dueling Dragons: This dueling inverted coaster pits a Chinese Fireball and a Hungarian Horntail in an epic battle. CHOOSE THY FATE!
-Flight of the Hippogriff: Hagrid teaches you the ways of the Hippogriff before you take flight on this gentle kiddie coaster. Ford Anglia Flight: A state of the art simulator puts you into the Weasley's flying car, encountering the Hogwarts Express, and of course, getting caught in the Whomping Willow.
-Hogwarts Express: This leisurely train ride, based off the Hogwarts Express from the movies, guests will magically enter platform 9 3/4, and take a tour of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter in a circuit around the area.
The basic theme of this Kaiju Island is giant monsters. The area's backstory is that scientists from around the world created a safe haven for all giant monsters to live in harmony (to some extent.) Current inhabitants include: Godzilla, Mothra, King Kong, King Ghidora, Gamera, Jaws, Mechagodzilla, among other monsters. Scientists, at their own risk, have opened up Kaiju Island for scientific research (with some aspects of tourism, of course) on the monsters. The current attraction roster for Kaiju Island is:
-Godzilla vs.
Godzilla has fought a variety of monsters in his time. This attraction puts guests in the middle of an epic battle between the big G and a randomly selected opponent. Because of this, each ride experience would be different. Special effects would play a huge part, with large AA versions of the monsters. The climax of the ride would occur when Godzilla hurls the ride vehicle at his opponent, defeating it. Example: If Godzilla were battling Mothra, a special effect would be bolts of lightning generated from Mothra's wings. A common effect in all ride versions would be Godzilla's different types of beams. BTW, Godzilla always wins. Come on, why wouldn't he?
-King Kong Encounter
Because Kong was found to be too powerful to roam free on the island and battle with the other monsters (he defeated Godzilla in King Kong vs. Godzilla) he had to be held in captivity. Guests enter the Kong viewing area, where a scientist explains an AA King Kong to guests. About 2 minutes into the tour, Kong frees himselfs from his chains and knocks out the electricity. He begins to wreak havoc, breathing on guests, roaring loudly, and throwing (fake) park guests. Eventually, Kong busts through the wall, and the power is restored by a scientist. He plans an evacuation of the viewing area, but discovers the exits have been covered by rubble. He leads the guests, with caution, out of the busted wall in an attempt to find the emergency exit. The guests walk through a jungle-like area, all the while hearing ominous and mysterious noises. The scientist finally finds the emergency exit, and the guests are on their way out as Kong reaches out and grabs the scientist, retreating into the jungle. The guests, however, are able to escape and the attraction concludes.
-Mothra Coaster
Basically a lay-down coaster, in the style of Manta at SeaWorld. The track would be yellow and guests would experience multiple drops and inversions.
Based on the classic Universal attraction... but with a twist. Scientists are offering tours of the lagoon in order to view (from afar) their newest addition to the island, Jaws. But guests soon find out that Jaws has escaped his confinement area, and chaos ensues.
-Transformers: Megatron's Revenge: Join the Autobots as they attempt to defend earth from the evil Decepticons in this Spiderman Style attraction.
-Battlestar Galactica Battle Towers: Choose your side, Cylon or Human, as you go head-to-head in an all out space race in this dueling drop tower attraction. An interactive element is used in this attraction: the tower in which most people press the button (when it flashes) first wins. There is three separate launches, and each drop involves people pressing the button again to go higher.
-Star Trek Coaster: The Starfleet Spacestation is under attack by the evil Klingons! Proceed to the multi-passenger escape pod. (It's a launched lay-down coaster.)
-Accelator: Climb in one of the many Accelator pods and help generate power for Sci Fi City!
World Bazaar
Magic Kingdom Dubailand's version of Main Street (a turn of the century American town is kinda out of the question) features aspects of Islands of Adventure's Port of Entry and TDR's World Bazaar. A giant roof shields World Bazaar guests from the hot Dubai sun.
-World Bazaar Vehicles
-World Bazaar Cinema featuring classic Disney cartoons
-World Bazaar Penny Arcade
-The Walt Disney Experience with Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln
-Magic Kingdom Dubailand Railroad Station
My Adventureland is kinda based off WDW's, but more generic: First is South America, then Pacific Islands, then African Jungles, then finally, a Caribbean port. So, I always kinda thought that Adventureland was never given the star billing.... Tomorrowland has it's Space Mountain, Fantasyland has the Princesses, Frontierland with Splash Mountain/Thunder mountain. And what did Adventureland have? Nothing to boot but a ride about pirates. So, in Magic Kingdom Dubailand, Adventureland will be the largest and most heavily themed area of the park.
South America Sub Area
-The UP Adventure
-Raging Spirits
Pacific Islands Sub Area
-The Enchanted Tiki Room
-Tiki Totem Towers
Africa/Jungle Sub Area
-The World Famous Jungle Cruise
-Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse
Port Royal Sub Area
-Pirates of the Caribbean
-Captain Jack Sparrow's Pirate Tutorials
-Pirate Treasure Hunt/Battle For Buccaneer Gold
This Frontierland will be divided into three areas:1) The Boomtown Area (Think where all the stores and Country Bears are in WDW)2) Backwoods (Think Critter Country)3) Desert/Mining Settlement (THUNDER MESA)
Rainbow Ridge (Boomtown)
-Frontierland Shootin' Gallery
-Woody's Roundup Revue
Critter Corral (Backwoods)
-Splash Mountain
-The Country Bear Jamboree ft. Fozzie Bear
-Big Thunder Mountain Railroad
-Geyser Mountain
-Blazin' Saddles
Discovery Bay
Based on Tony Baxter's original Discovery Bay pitch for Disneyland, my Discovery Bay keeps the Jules Verne theme (Vulcania sub-land) with an additional sub-land, known as Crossroads of the World. COTW serves as the entrance to Discovery Bay, with a central hub representing adventurers overall, with 5 areas radiating from it: Vulcania, Egypt, Liberty Street, Chinatown, and London Street. Discovery Bay is home to a new version of the Haunted Mansion, based off a famous explorer (Walter Wilson) who went missing in a balloning accident. They say his ghost haunts his luxurious mansion, filled with haunted treasures from adventures past. Each area of Discovery Bay will have a restaurant featuring each area's "representative." These, in order as posted before, are: Captain Nemo, Cleopatra, Benjamin Franklin, Confucius, and Shakespeare. Also, the 20K attraction and the Sailing Ship share a lagoon.
-Chinese Fireworks Factory
-Sailing Ship Columbia
-Tomb of the Snake King
-The Haunted Mansion
-Journey to the Centre of the Earth
-From the Earth to the Moon
-20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Ursula. Jafar. Hades. Captain Hook. All great villains. But, as you may now, at the end of all their movies, they were defeated by the hero. So, what now? They really don't have a choice. Yensid banishes them to the Shadowlands, an area on the outskirts of the Magic Kingdom. But this ain't no Storybookland. The Shadowlands are a desolate area containing a rogue's gallery that you can't shake a stick at. In order for some villains to adapt, however, they need to be in their natural habitats. Sort of. The Shadowlands has Downtown Shadowlands, as shady as it gets; the Dark Jungle, filled with the most deadly non-human villains; and Port Evil, where the most villainous Pirates and Seawitches thrive. Then... there's the Underworld, home to none other than Hades. The Underworld also serves as the entrance to Bald Mountain, which towers over the Shadowlands, and is said to be home to not only Maleficent, but the baddest of the bad, Chernabog.
Downtown Shadowlands
-Cruella's Wild Ride
-Pete's Revenge
-Dr. Facilier's House of Magic
Dark Jungle
-Yzma's Lab Coaster
-Elephant Graveyard Coaster
-Clayton's Jungle Tours
Port Evil
-Ursula Spinner
-Captain Hook's Pirate Battle
The Underworld
-Rafts to the Underworld
-Hades' Chariots
-Bald Mountain