When does Spring Break Begin??


Please excuse me if I posted twice, I think I made a mistake. So, here's my question.

My wife and I want to plan a trip back to "The World"some time in April., and we want to avoid big spring break crowds. When is the best time to go and can we miss the crowds? We have always gone during the Fall or late summer so this would be a new experience for us. If anyone knows when the peak time for Spring Break is, we would love to know so we can schedule around it. Thanks!! Maybe a few "locals" couyld also give me a headsup as to what to expect weather wise during that time of year. Thanks!!



New Member
We have gone for the last 3 years during the week of Mardi Gras. (40 days before Easter). This year we will be there from Feb. 27th-March 5. The first two years there was hardly any lines. Short lines on most all attractions. Last year almost blew us away. It was so crowded. We were told that the Sept 11 crowd had just started rebooking their trips and you could tell the CM's were not prepared. Long lines, stores not having enough staff to help, etc. I hope this year will be back to what we are used to.
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New Member
Our Spring Break is the week of March 31st and we are coming down! We were there two years ago for spring break, which was also a few weeks before Easter, and I didn't think the crowrds were too bad. We're looking forward to another fun-filled trip!
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New Member
In Pennsylvania, some state universities (University of Pittsburgh) are out the week of March 2. Public schools (atleast in western PA) are only out April 17-21. We were there the week before Easter in 2001, and it wasn't too bad early in the week, but the closer you get to Good Friday, it was complete gridlock! EPCOT was never TOO bad (except for Test Track), but MGM and MK were nuts. The weather, however, was absolutely beautiful, but I don't think we'll be going around Easter again!
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New Member
Spring Break

Hi all.

This is my first post and i'm not sure if i'm supposed to put a new thread for this or not but here goes!!

We are visiting from the U.K for 2 weeks beginning 21st March. Now i know that the spring breaks vary from school to school, BUT can anybody tell me how manic these 2 weeks will be?

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New Member
Well, it sounds as if March will not be too bad, but look out out for April! However, after reading the posted hours for the Parks for March I am a little confused. Epcot WS, is open the latest till 9pm. The events listed on the calendar for MK, says fireworks at 8pm, but they are posted closing at 7pm. Does that mean no fireworks? If this is Spring Break season, they are making it awful hard for the increased crowds to get through if they are not staying open past 7pm. What are they thinking? and can the posted times change before we get there?:confused:
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Original Poster
After listening to all the suggestions, we decided that the end of April was our best bet. Too many colleges getting out in MArtch as well as lotsa of other schools. Looks like Spring break for most kids will be earlier this year due to the later Easter (if that makes sense). They don;t want spring break to be too close to the end of school in June. So, we made ressies at the All-Stars for April 25 - may 5. (Only dates we could come and go with Frequent flyer miles). So, we will be down there the week after Easter (2 days), but then the rest will be the next week. We are hoping for beautiful weather, light crowds and long park hours. That's not too muc do you think?

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New Member
Originally posted by dizneykev
After listening to all the suggestions, we decided that the end of April was our best bet. Too many colleges getting out in MArtch as well as lotsa of other schools. Looks like Spring break for most kids will be earlier this year due to the later Easter (if that makes sense). They don;t want spring break to be too close to the end of school in June. So, we made ressies at the All-Stars for April 25 - may 5. (Only dates we could come and go with Frequent flyer miles). So, we will be down there the week after Easter (2 days), but then the rest will be the next week. We are hoping for beautiful weather, light crowds and long park hours. That's not too muc do you think?


btw most Central Florida Schools get out in mid to late May, anyways the only problem you may have will be rain, but it depends on how strong the weather systems are like El Nino, which is what we are in now, it isn't too strong, so it might be rain, or might be dry!
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Active Member
Rain in the Sunshine State? Never happens:animwink:

Then again we are still trying to dry out from New Years Eve:lol: and I don't mean booze wise.:D

Most colleges have their Spring Break around mid-March and most public school districts try to follow their local college breaks. One reason is that thousands of K-12 teachers take college courses.:cool:

As for Easter, Good Friday to Easter Monday will be mobed just like all holiday periods are.

First week of May avoids all that and the Mid-May dismissal of most K-12 Southern Schools.

You could make your "Spring Break" the first week of December and avoid all of the above.:)
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New Member
Originally posted by Becky
Rain in the Sunshine State? Never happens:animwink:

Then again we are still trying to dry out from New Years Eve:lol: and I don't mean booze wise.:D

Most colleges have their Spring Break around mid-March and most public school districts try to follow their local college breaks. One reason is that thousands of K-12 teachers take college courses.:cool:

As for Easter, Good Friday to Easter Monday will be mobed just like all holiday periods are.

First week of May avoids all that and the Mid-May dismissal of most K-12 Southern Schools.

You could make your "Spring Break" the first week of December and avoid all of the above.:)

I seriously hope, and pray that you are joking about the rain
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