It's so easy to judge when you haven't been in the situation. I don't need your approval or understanding of my situation but I do think you're being quite rude. I know my child and I know the situation, you don't. I also know what it's like to raise a child who doesn't have many meltdowns -- I have 4 of those. For them, discipline worked. For #5, we were dealing with a whole different type of meltdown. Be happy you had an easy-going personality child and didn't ever once have a meltdown. You should clone her.
Oh, by the way, that "brat" of mine...she's an incredibly mature child now....accelerated academically, number 1 in her class, and extremely advanced on 4 different musical instruments and very competent on 3 more. The counselors, teachers, and advisers who have worked with her have told us numerous times that the type of meltdowns she had as a toddler/preschooler are very common in gifted's their brain working at hyper-speed and not being stimulated enough. You see, once she learned how/where to channel her energies, the tantrums/meltdowns went away, and the accelerated academics and musical abilities excelled and she became very easy going. Thank heaven's we didn't just discipline the "brat" and stifle all of her creative and intellectual energy. By the way, whether you believe it or not, it wasn't as simple as "just disciplining" the child. If you ever dealt with a child like her, you'd understand. But you were blessed with a perfect child and not my "brat" so you don't understand what it's like to raise *HER*. She's not your child. It's easy to be perfect on the internet where no one knows you in real life, isn't it? Our "brat" is an amazing child and I'm very thankful that she is surrounded by a supportive "village" and not a judgmental one.
Let me know when your "perfect parenting" handbook comes out --- I'd love to read it.