When and Why?


Well-Known Member
We go first week of May or Last week of August. The first week of May NOBODY is there. We went on every ride and never waited. It was awesome!!!! We just got back from our recent trip in August and it was also not very crowded but the heat index was like 106 :fork:


New Member
I've taken my family, most of the trips were with kids starting from age 5, now up to 16, in April ('96 -- the "record crowds" Easter week), mid-May ('88 so that probably doesn't count, but the temp was nice), late May-Early June '98 and '00 (yes, it's THAT time, but the reason we no longer go then is because of changing school schedules as well as crowds, heat, wildfires, etc.), July ('84 -- mega heat and humidity), November ('02, nice weather, low crowds, but closes early and fewer evening events), and this year Oct. 27-Nov. 2.

I think fall is the best time -- does your college have a Fall break, or perhaps does it start after Labor Day? If so, you could go in August, when the crowds and heat start to decline. You may not be able to go the week before Christmas if classes end late (like this year), and Christmas week is crowded, but what about the week after New Years? Some decorations are still up.

Or, how about a 4-5 day trip, combine it with a mid-term break, or take just 1-2 days off of classes. Sure you won't be able to do everything, but add in a tour (like Backstage Magic) and do something you've never done , and save the rest for your next trip.



Well-Known Member
We went Jan 5-15 this year because we get Christmas-Late January off from college. It was beautiful (80's every day, but I hear it can be hit or miss). The crowds were very managable (30 min standby wait for the MK mountain range). Just avoid the parks on Marathon day(s).


Well-Known Member
rhampson said:
I think fall is the best time -- does your college have a Fall break, or perhaps does it start after Labor Day? If so, you could go in August, when the crowds and heat start to decline. You may not be able to go the week before Christmas if classes end late (like this year), and Christmas week is crowded, but what about the week after New Years? Some decorations are still up.


August in Florida is horrible even in late august...not sept the temps start to fall to the low 90's :)
I also enjoy going to Disney during the Months of November and December. They are alot quieter, The wheather is better (Why leave my hot yard to go to hotter Florida when i can leave my wet, snowcovered yard and visit Beautiful Disney wheather?) and the Decorations Disney has up are amazing. I love the christmas spirit and season so it's all great. and things are usually cheaper and less crowded!!!

but now I too am in college and therefore my trip with my friends isn't going to be until Dec. 31- Jan 5th. urgh. im sure it will be mobbed. can anyone tell me when the crowd die down after newyears?


Well-Known Member
I've been to WDW every month from March to October. By far September was my favorite with October a very close 2nd. September tends to still be a little hot (high 80's low 90's) and being from Boston I want a little heat, and the crowds tend to be light after labor day. October is also nice (low to mid 80's) and the crowds are still a bit light but the I think the parks close earlier.


Account Suspended
well... Ive never beena good student so my parents used to take me out of school but since about 6th grade they sarted going during feb. vacation. however about 2 and a half months ago my father, no lie, woke up one morning and said, "I need a Vacation" and sure enough this past 27th of august our flight landed in orlando.

Although the trip was enjoyable it was extreeeeeemly hot, the trade off was, battle the heat and walk on rides, or go during peak seasons. The only ride that we had to wait for was soarin' - we had to wait an hour, because fast passes ran out - so I would rather battle the heat and walk on rides than go when its cooler and wait an hour for every ride...


New Member
I am a college student and I am going to Disney World durring the school semester :lookaroun , of course I am only missing 1 day of class thanks to the policy no classes on Fridays. If everyone in your group is college or older why not heard down after fall finals? Ours are usually around the first week of December. It's a lot less crowded during that time up until 2 days before Christmas and it is beautiful durring that time. I also like October, that's when I am heading down next. It's less crowded and not quite as hot. Hope this helps.


Beta Return
Original Poster
disneygirl_wdw said:
I am a college student and I am going to Disney World durring the school semester :lookaroun , of course I am only missing 1 day of class thanks to the policy no classes on Fridays. If everyone in your group is college or older why not heard down after fall finals? Ours are usually around the first week of December. It's a lot less crowded during that time up until 2 days before Christmas and it is beautiful durring that time. I also like October, that's when I am heading down next. It's less crowded and not quite as hot. Hope this helps.

One goes to IUPUI out of Indianapolis, and my brother goes to Purdue....I'm not sure when their Xmas break is yet, but usually there isn't time between his last final - which always ends up on a Saturday - and when the Xmas crowds get there. We'll have to wait till there is no college before we can expereince Xmas at WDW I believe. August also won't work because they start mid-august each year, and the only fall break is like 2 days in October - and again, he can't really miss 3 days of classes in his major.

What is the calendar like at WDW for May? We MAY be able to go next May instead of June, but I want to avoid Grad Nights and other big event like the plague. We'll be there for a full week, like from a Sat to a Sat.


Well-Known Member
My suggestion with the schedules would be to try and squeeze in a trip immediately after Jan. 1. The schools should still be out.

If you can ever make it work, though, October (end of the first week or so) is BY FAR the best time with adults. Food & Wine at Epcot is not to be missed. Plus, the weather is beautiful, especially since Indiana will be starting to get that nip in the air (I am from South Bend and went to DePauw, so very familiar with it). It is an outstanding treat and a way to truly experience everything in WDW without the huge lines.


Beta Return
Original Poster
My Aunt and Uncle called me today at work and said that they had been on vacation on the Atlantic coast and saw the hurricane/tropical storm coming in, so they headed to Orlando for their last 2 days. They said they wanted to go to WDW and needed advice, so of course, I gave it to them.

They just called me and said they went to MGM today, from 1pm till closing at 830pm, and walked on EVERYTHING! Sounds like early September isn't too bad a time to go - it's still in the 80s but there are NO crowds. I think I'm just going to have to get my bro and friends through college before we can all take worthwhile trips that are long enough, and nobody has to rush back to school the day we return. He is an RA (counselor, hall monitor, whatever) in the dorm, so he has to be back a week early from winter break, and 2 weeks in the summer.

Thanks for the input everyone. I looked at my May schedule and the only week that's open is the last week, next May - but I predict that's when grad nights and stuff are. Anyone know?


Well the reasons have changed over the years. My parents own a time share a couple minutes from Disney, which they bought when I was a baby. Their "week" is in May, so the first few years of my life we would always go in May. Then once I got to middle school and high school it became more important for me to not miss school, so we'd go to Disney in February instead during mid-winter break.

Now I'm an adult, I run my own business, my husband is in the military and can take leave just about anytime he wants, and my kids aren't in school yet. So we are EXTREMELY flexible and can basically go whenever we want. So I like to go Jan-Feb or Sept-Oct to avoid crowds and have bearable weather. Last year we took a last minute trip in July to take 1 last "cheap" trip 2 weeks before my son turned 3 (so we didn't have to pay a cent for either of our kids), but I don't think I'll ever go in the summer again. This year I'm also trying the week after Thanksgiving because I've heard so many great things about the low crowd levels and Christmas decor.

So to sum it up, I don't like heat, I don't like freezing, and I don't like crowds. So I plan around that!


Beta Return
Original Poster
Laura22 said:
So to sum it up, I don't like heat, I don't like freezing, and I don't like crowds. So I plan around that!

Now you're talking!!! That is exactly my criteria - so I guess I'll try around Xmas sometime, before the Xmas crowds get there...and in September or October (before halloween stuff). Sounds perfect.


edwardtc said:
Now you're talking!!! That is exactly my criteria - so I guess I'll try around Xmas sometime, before the Xmas crowds get there...and in September or October (before halloween stuff). Sounds perfect.

See its great because I'm going to Disney 2 more times this year -the slowest 2 times of the year (of course) and we get to go to MNSSHP and MVMCP!

I'm also looking into a solo trip for the spring to ride EE, but I'm freaking out because I'm such a crowd phobic and I know that spring is a really busy time.


Well-Known Member
Raven66 said:
The first year we went, it was in August. Our last day in the parks was Labor Day and it was horrible!!! Not only was it hot, it was elbow to elbow people and it was just no fun. Then we started going the 3rd week in May, after my daughter got out of school. We love it!! Unfortunately we won't be able to go in May this year for reasons related to my DH job. We are going the last week of Feb. (I think). We will have to take our daughter out of school, and I don't want to do that, but she is a straight A student so I don't feel she will suffer.

Could anyone tell me what to expect of crowds and weather in late Feb.? Thank you. :)
We go during the third week of February, since we have winter break then from school. The crowds aren't bad then, especially once Presidents Day is over, and the weather is usually very mild. It can get cool in the evenings,though, so be prepared for that. We always got a chuckle out of watching the kids in Kissimme catching the school bus dressed in winter coats, while we'd be getting into our swimsuits for a morning dip!

BG Rugger

New Member
Definately the first two weeks in December. As I'm in college I haven't been able to go at that time, but my parents go every year. They say its really comfortable and the crowds are almost non-existant. They were able to pretty much walk onto every attraction as often as they wanted, even the E-ticket ones.


Well-Known Member
Nemo14 said:
We go during the third week of February, since we have winter break then from school. The crowds aren't bad then, especially once Presidents Day is over, and the weather is usually very mild. It can get cool in the evenings,though, so be prepared for that. We always got a chuckle out of watching the kids in Kissimme catching the school bus dressed in winter coats, while we'd be getting into our swimsuits for a morning dip!

Thank you for the response! :wave:

I used to live in Florida. We moved from Michigan when I was high school and I used to laugh at them because they would get to the bus in fur coats. And I would be standing there in short sleeves. :D


Naturally Grumpy
My immediate reaction was "any time the opportunity presents itself"

We have experienced different times over the years and all have pro's and con's.

The last two years, this year with the whole family, last with just DW, we did July. Yes it's hot, and a little crowded, but still doable. Extra magic hours (evenings) weren't that great as the parks were still crowded, but if you get out first thing, you can easily hit all E tickets and get a jump on faspasses. People really didn't seem to get going until 11AM or so... Afternoon thunderstorms are to be expected and worked around.

Over the years, DW and I have enjoyed Sept./Oct a lot and with the exception of 2004, they are generally not crowded. I don't know what your adversion to MNSSHP is, but that is a fun experience in Oct. The parks during the day do not have a halloween makeover, so you would not notice if you didn't go during the evening. Also that time of year has Food and Wine Festival which we really enjoy.

Beginning of Nov. still has Food and Wine (extended last year), and the first two weeks of Dec. are really wonderful. IMHO it is the best time to experience Christmas festivities at the parks. I can think of no more special time than getting to experience Christmas in the parks, particularly Epcot and MK. Also to experience MVMCP at least once.

Jan and Feb are fairly low key, weather can be on the cool side in Jan.

Our next most popular time is mid spring (cross out Easter week, avoid spring break, usually look for the discount date break). Of course this was when the kids were younger and we could take them out of school. Weather is warm but not unbearable, crowds are moderate. Flower and Garden activities continue to grow each year (no pun intended).

This last year, by fluke, I did Easter break as our daughter was as a Disney sports week. Crowds were large, but as with the summer, doing things first thing in the day was the way to go. This week was far worse than any of the summer visits.

So, I guess there are pro's and con's to any time...just understand them going in, take advantage of the special offerings and avoid the potential problems.


New Member
I been there in June & in February, June is busy! February is a really nice time to go. It's quiet and really fun. Unless you go durning the kids break, then it's a little busier! Good luck with your trip.

We are going in December but I had friends who went last year and said the Christmas lights are really great! I can't wait!!

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