Whats your favorite snacks/treats to eat at Disney World?


New Member
Here are my favorites:

Turkey Legs
Dole Whips
Frozen Cokes
Potstickers from AK
Funnel Cakes

and lastly the little donuts that you can get in BB or TL, i cant get enough of them. they are probaly so bad for you but who cares they are so yummy


New Member
barnum42 said:
Schoolbread from Norway.
Zebra Domes from Animal Kingdom Lodge.
I totally agree with Barnum42. The Schoolbread from Norway is the best. And a little known fact- IT IS HUGE AND CHEAPER THEN ANYTHING IN FRANCE!


Well-Known Member
Hmmm...lemme think (and I'll probably forget a few)
-Dole Whip (pineapple and vanilla swirl)
-frozen orange juice from Sunshine Tree Terrace
-chocolate covered Pocky from Japan (which I just had my first experience with on my last trip - after reading a thread about it a long while ago, I decided to try it, and now I'm hooked!)
-chocolate croissant (both France and the Boardwalk Bakery has the best)
-shortbread from UK (the kind you get at the "fish and chips place")
-jalapeno potato chips from Earl of Sandwich (again, I just had my first experience wih these on my last trip, and again, I'm completely hooked!)
-popcorn (what does Disney do to their popcorn to make it the best ever?)
-fruit such as bananas, strawberries, and grapes (somehow, I just start craving fruit when I see it in WDW...it always looks so refreshing!)


New Member
So, I wonder, how many of us need to get new clothes after a Disney vacation? I agree with everyone, I don't think I don't like anything that
has been mentioned. Even though Mickey Premium Ice Cream Bars are
just the perfect treat in a Walt Disney World setting.


Well-Known Member
cherry danish--i eat them exclusively at WDW, nowhere else

lots of fruit from the carts--delicious and really quenches thirst

i love all the food there, CHURROS! omg those are great! and not to mention the little mickey mouse ice creams that look like micket head!!!OMG those are good too! i love the cookies that have ice cream betweent them the 2 cookies with ice cream in the middle yummm and not to mention the mccdonalds fries everywhere! LOL.... disney breakfasts for me is usually sausage and like a lil muffin or sumthin so whenever i eat sausage i think of WDW again!



Well-Known Member
Edeyore said:
So, I wonder, how many of us need to get new clothes after a Disney vacation?
lol! Meh...the way I see it, you pretty much walk it all off, so it balances out. ;) But I don't usually lose any pounds after a Disney vacation, that's for sure!


New Member
My favorite is the original pre-cursor to the Dole Whip...the orange slushie thing from the Sunshine Tree Terrace. I've been eating them ever since I was little. It's a pure classic, and although the famed Dole Whip is good, I still like this one better! :p

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Dizknee_Phreek said:
-popcorn (what does Disney do to their popcorn to make it the best ever?)

My keister is a testament to all the snacks I love at WDW :) But I have to jump on the popcorn bandwagon. I don't know why it seems like it's so, but the popcorn at WDW (and especially MK) tastes better than any other popcorn I've ever had. Last time I went, for various reasons, I didn't get around to getting any popcorn until the vacation was nearly over, a mistake I shan't make the next time.


Active Member
nuroad said:
Although it is simple and not that deliciously descriptive as others posted, I love the ice cream on Main Street and the Rice Krispie Treats.! :slurp:
Gotta have the Rice Krispy treats covered with chocolate (and roughly the size of your head) every time I go! It's bittersweet, though... they are so big that I get a cramp in my jaw every time, trying to open wide enough to shove the whole thing in!
I should mention that they, somehow, taste best when eaten on the sidewalk while waiting for a parade.


Well-Known Member
for me it has to be a frozen latte from the main street bakery in magic kingdom they are fab on a hot day and the cinnamon buns in the same bakery.

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