Me and a friend were on Haunted Mansion and the ride stopped like twice. At the time I wasn't a huge fan of the ride with the darkness and spookyness so I was getting hyped. The second time it stopped I was complaining loudly and using profane language because I was so scared. Don't know how often they do this, but they had like a random scream that scared the you know what out of us, the second time was when we realized it was part of the ride. So I guess the idiots in front of us knew we were scared and wanted to test us so they screamed and scared the living you know what out of us and took our picture in the process.
When we got off I asked them if they had a pic of us and they said no and practically ran away. So later when I saw them, I had my friend stage up and snap a pic of them right as I punched the guy in the face while the other two girls looked on in horror. At least we were even. :shrug: