what's the best age for a kid's first trip to the world?


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Original Poster
My daughter is turning 1 in July and already I'm thinking about our first trip to WDW. I'd like to get people's opinion on what they think is the best age for a kid's first trip.

Is 3 a good age? maybe 4?

I know a lot depends on the kid, but is there a generally accepted minimum age I can go by?


Well-Known Member
I think you will get as many different answers as there are people to answer. :lol:

My oldest's first trip was when she was 4 and she loved it! My youngest went when she was about 18 months old and had a blast. She has always loved looking at the photos from all of the trips. As she got older she told me she didn't remember that first trip and she thought her pictures were of her sister.
She may not have remembered, but I know she had a great time.

I have seen newborns in WDW and infants and toddlers of all ages. I don't think there is a right or wrong only a whats right for you. :wave:


Active Member
tigsmom said:
I think you will get as many different answers as there are people to answer. :lol:

My oldest's first trip was when she was 4 and she loved it! My youngest went when she was about 18 months old and had a blast. She has always loved looking at the photos from all of the trips. As she got older she told me she didn't remember that first trip and she thought her pictures were of her sister.
She may not have remembered, but I know she had a great time.

I have seen newborns in WDW and infants and toddlers of all ages. I don't think there is a right or wrong only a whats right for you. :wave:

Totally agree.


New Member
My children will be going for the first time in 3 weeks and they are 8 and 9. Even though I think it would have been nice to go when they were around 3-5, the age they are now is good for me because I hate lugging things around and be limited as to what we can do, but that is just me. No matter what, they will love it.


New Member
enough said:
Is 3 a good age? maybe 4?

As you and the other people who have responded to say, you're right to say it depends on what's right for you and your kid. :) (Speaking not as a parent, but as a former cast member who observed lots and lots of kids!)

I just thought I'd chime in and say that I was four when I went for the first time, and I loved it! I didn't want to ride EVERY attraction, but there was plenty that interested me and I still remember a good amount of the trip, which I think is nice, too. On this trip, I was 4 1/2, my brother was 1 1/2, and my youngest brother was about 4 months away from being born...next time my family went, I was 7 1/2, and my brothers were 4 1/2 and 2 1/2. Both trips were great for us, as far as I can remember, and my family kept going back, so there were definitely no disasters. :)

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
tigsmom said:
I think you will get as many different answers as there are people to answer. :lol:
Very true. My youngest was at WDW at ten days old.

I don't think there is a perfect age for a first Disney trip. If you can go then go as early as possible and let the chips fall where they may.


Well-Known Member
I don't believe there is one right age. Our son who is 9 months has been to WDW 3 times, first whe he was a month and a half, then when he was 4 months, and now last week, when he just turned 9 months. It has been great to see his progression in responses to characters and rides as time as gone on. Just realize that going with a child s much different when there are only adults. My wife and I derive more pleasure from going on dumbo with our little boy then we ever had when the two of us went on rides alone. Don't forget to make time for yourself as well. We highly recommend kids nite out babysitting service, which allowed us to hop on EE and have a nice dinner while our child was being watched in our room.

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
I think any age is good. My daughters first trip was when she was 1. This was a GREAT trip. She loved meeting all the different charecters ,and we got some of the best pictures and video from all the trips. Every year its fun in a new way, we have been when she was 2, 3 and this year at 4 and are planning next year. I do think that you have to make a judgement on your kids because I know people who had 1 and 2yr olds that hated the charecters and freaked out about any of the dark rides. All I know is I would never change any of the trips we took with her that small.


Well-Known Member
I wanted to go back to WDW more than anyone and would have multiple times, but my wife would only go happily if I agreed to some things. I was a nice husband and went with the guidelines of :
-Our kids had to be out of diapers completely.
-Able to make it through a whole active day without napping (until about 8PM at night) and still get up at a normal time the next day and do it again.

As a result, we had a a dynamite time with most nights out 'till 10PM or later.
Plus, I know they remember everything. They talk about it all the time.

Mori Anne

Active Member
In the Parks
I personally think there is something at WDW for people of all ages 0-???????????????.

My son was just 18 months when we went for the first time. He had a blast. Will he remember any of it when he gets older?? Probably not... But I don't care if he remembers or not. He had fun, and he was "living the moment". Plus it makes for some super cute pictures. My daughter was 4 when we first took her and she loved it (Jan 06). SHE HAD A BLAST!!! :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: We took our digital camcorder and I made a movie out of our recordings. The kids love that a lot.

Anyways, the whole thing depends upon you and your child. Take into consideration crowds, heat (depending on when you go), long lines, the traveling, lugging stuff around, nap times/breaks, etc... but honestly for us, it was 100%percent worth it. In fact we are headed back in a few months for 17 days.


New Member
The first time i went to disney was when i was 4 and i loved it. I think that that is a good age because 1. Their old enough to remember the trip and 2. Their tall enough to ride the rides.


New Member
We started taking our kids when they were between 2.5 and 3. They had a great time. That's been 20+ years ago and my wife & I still go a couple of times a year without the kids. Our oldest, who will 24 next month, went this last Nov. with one of her friends who had never been before and had a ton of fun showing her around the Magic Kingdom.


Active Member
My very first trip was for my 3rd birthday I am almost positive, I remember quite vivdly minnie and mickey, and this was the late 80's so there were alot more of the less witnessed characters today present. I remember enjoying it alot and Ive been going back every year at my birthday and christmas since and I am about to turn 20 in a few weeks and am going to go there with my 2 best friends to celebrate. I tell you this to so you that it can turn into a family tradition of sorts and continue in a way even as an adult. So take your kid whenever you as parent feel they will have the best experience.:wave:


Active Member
My mom was adamant about waiting until after 1st grade. Her theory was that i wouldn't have the stamina (physically and emotionally) to get through several whole days of activity until i was used to going to a full day of school, 5 days a week. It makes sense to me, and at 28, i STILL remember my very first time ever.


Well-Known Member
My son will be 2 1/2 in a couple days. Come July he'll have been 3 times. The first at 8 months, second at 22 months and now 31 months. He remembers nothing from trip 1 but we do have some great pictures. He remembers alot from our October trip and can recognize things by their picture. I'm highly anticipating our July trip.

I'm lucky that my son has no problem napping in his carriage when he tired. So we didn't have to worry about making sure we went back to the hotel every afternoon.

There are plenty of place to change diapers too if that's an issue. I think every restroom has a changing area and the major parks all have a baby station that is quiet and relaxing.

Just remember this....if they are under 3 they are FREE! That's why we want to go back again in December, the week before his 3rd birthday.


New Member
I would say no younger than 5 years old. We waited until our son was 5 because we knew he would enjoy it more and remember it more then if he were younger. Plus, he did not need to take a nap at that age and was potty trained so there was no need to take a diaper bag. My son is small so we did rent a stroller at the parks. We loved having the stroller to carry all of our stuff in anyways and my son loved taking breaks from walking in it. :wave:


Well-Known Member
When your kids are really young I don't think it's as much a matter of if they will enjoy themselves or not - I think it's more about you being willing to tote them around and being limitted in the attractions you can go on.

Obviously kids start remembering things at different ages so if you're worried about getting your money's worth (ie. them remembering the trip) then you may want to wait until they are a little bit older, like 5 or 6. However, if it's worth it to you to see the looks on their faces and you're willing to bear the 'burden' of doing Disney with an infant, then by all means, go for it!!

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