what's the best age for a kid's first trip to the world?


New Member
enough said:
My daughter is turning 1 in July and already I'm thinking about our first trip to WDW. I'd like to get people's opinion on what they think is the best age for a kid's first trip.

Is 3 a good age? maybe 4?

I know a lot depends on the kid, but is there a generally accepted minimum age I can go by?

Well, it all depends....

If you are going for the sole purpose of her having wonderful memories of Disney years from now, maybe 7 or 8. If you are going to see the smiles on her face and have her talk to you about Disney all the time when you get back home, then 3 or 4. If you are going for you, and you have an adorable baby girl in your family, anytime will do.

We took our oldest when he was 3 months. We didnt take him for him to have the experience, we took him because we love Disney and he was part of the family. Of course, we worked our schedule around his every need, but we didnt let him stop us from going.... just like you wouldnt let your child from stopping you go to the mall or zoo.... We always thought we would wait until the kids are older, but we made the decision that we were not going to wait unitil a certain age to start having our own fun. Like I said, we just accomodated his schedule, took it easy and had a blast.

Remember, UNDER 3 IS FREE!


I say between 5 and 6 because that's how old I was when I went the first time and my mom is still amazed at how much I remember from going the first time! My brother was 3 when we went and he doesn't remember much, but I would say 5+, but thats just me!


Well-Known Member
I have been surious about this myself. I would want my kids to remember that they were there but for the first time i quess at least they enjoy it, it would be good.

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
My kids had lots of wonderful experiences at WDW between the ages of 1 and 5. Too bad they don't remember any of them now that they are teenagers. :lol: No, wait, that isn't true - they watch the videos.

Even if they don't consciously remember it now, they were wowed by it all when they were tots. A child under two years can have a great day, but face it - taking your baby that young to WDW is more for the parents than for the kid. The kid can have a great time at that age playing in a cardboard box.

I'd say for most kids, age six give or take a year is optimal for the first visit. They will likely be tall enough for any ride that they would be interested in and still young enough to be wowed by all the Disney magic.

Even if your own kid is younger, that is no reason not to go if you have the opportunity. There is fun and excitement for kids of ALL ages. :wave:


Well-Known Member
I'd say don't put too much emphasis on your child remembering their first time. I went when I was 2, and don't remember a thing. However, I have plenty of pictures of myself back then enjoying MK, and that's good enough for me.

Memory is unreliable anyway -- ask anyone who experienced Epcot as a kid in the 80s and they'll get World of Motion, Spaceship Earth, and Horizons confused. What your child *will* remember, whether they realize it or not, is how much fun they had with their family at that "strange colorful place."


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
thanks everyone - the replies are definitely varied, but it seems like the overall consensus is that any age is a good age for a first trip.

Since we live in Cali I think I'll stick to 3 years for our trip back to Disneyland (we actually went down with her already once when she was just 7 months and she did great - and then 5ish for the longer trip to the World when she'll be able to walk all day and go on more rides.

My wife teases me sometimes saying that the only reason why I wanted to have kids was to have an excuse to go to WDW :)


Well-Known Member
My youngest made his first trip at age 4 months.
My oldest went at about age 1.
No they don't remember their first time.
Yes, we had to adjust everything around them.
Yes, I'm glad we did it.

My oldest remembers things about trips before he was 2. Specifically: the orange train (parking lot tram), the blue train (Wedway People Mover, the red train (Walt Disney World RR) and the Yellow Train (Big Thunder Mountain -- he saw it, just didn't ride it yet).

Note that Disney does not charge for children until they are 3. Theres a reason to go before then. Yes, they may be afraid of the characters in the big heads if you get too close.
But I assure you, a child can enjoy the parks before reaching 2. And most assuredly afterwards.


In my opinion - Any age is perfect for WDW. I mean - You can be 3, 13 or 30 and still enjoy it! But for a child, i would say 6. That's when they can start to take it all in.



Active Member
Wow! This thread has been pretty civil!

We've taken our kids--ages 3 1/2 and 5 1/2 since they were small. We've found that at just before 3 yrs. they really start to get into the experience and will remember much of what they do. It's at that age that they can identify what they've seen on DVD and the Disney Channel with what they encounter at the parks. My favorite all time memory at WDW was when we first arrived at the MK with my daughter who was just about to turn 3. We walked in just in time to see the afternoon parade. The look on her face when she saw the princesses in the flesh took my breath away. Her expression said, "Wow, they are real!"

Do they really remember their visits? Well, now that images from WDW are constantly broadcast on all the Disney Channels, my kids are "reminded" of their trips just about every day. Just last night and out of the blue, my 3 yr. old asked, "Daddy, can we go to Didney World tomorrow?"

Finally, my wife and I decided to take our kids whenever WE were ready to go to WDW. This is just a philosophy we've had in general. We're going to go where we want to go with our kids and not let their ages hinder us from living our lives. In fact, next month we're all going sky diving together. Just kidding, of course!:D


Well-Known Member
enough said:
My wife teases me sometimes saying that the only reason why I wanted to have kids was to have an excuse to go to WDW :)
Heh. I'm with you. I love having three "allies" on my side whenever the topic of next year's vacation arises. :D


New Member
best age

Any age will do, like everything else at Disney, you get what you look for out of the experience. We took the granddaughter at 2, 4 and 6 (with Disney cruises at 4 & 6) and she still talks about the first trip (and all the visits to EVERY restroom in every park). Go and enjoy yourself whenever you can afford it!!!:)


New Member
Definitely toddler age (2-4). Start them early! My first trip was when I was 4, and I'm addicted to Disney now as a young adult. I still have memories of the first time I laid eyes upon Dumbo!


All ages have been great for our kids and for different reasons. The nice thing about going before their 3rd birthday is that they are FREE!


I took my godson when he was one and just learning to walk. He had a great time and there were plenty of rides that we felt comfortable taking him on. There were plenty of options to fill up the day.
I am a native Floridian and have been going to Disney my entire life. The first trip I vividly remember was on my fifth birthday. Pluto gave me a balloon after a show at the castle and the day ended by meeting Snow White. This was back in the day when the characters could move more freely around the park.


New Member
I'm going to be taking my son when he's born. He'll be 2 months. We figure we are not the stroller-ramming, annoying parents that irk everyone, so off we will go! A Sept trip will be new for us-we usually go in May but it didn't work out due to preg complications, so a vacation is warranted! I feel if parents are conscious of their surroundings and not in the "vacation daze", a trip can be done with little annoyance/interruption to other guests. We plan on being attentive, respectable parents whom other people will enjoy being around. We see ourselves as very patient people-I think that helps.


New Member
tigsmom said:
I think you will get as many different answers as there are people to answer. :lol:

I brought my daughter to WDW when she was 4 months old! Disney is great at making you comfortable with infants. The video of her playing with "Chip's" hand is priceless and don't regret bringing her at all!
She doesn't remember it, but she watches the video and sees how cute she was!


New Member
olive10tails said:
I feel if parents are conscious of their surroundings and not in the "vacation daze", a trip can be done with little annoyance/interruption to other guests. We plan on being attentive, respectable parents whom other people will enjoy being around. We see ourselves as very patient people-I think that helps.

Is this your first child? Wait until your baby is crying right in the middle of "The Hall of Presidents" or "Fantasmic". Then see what other people think of you!!!! Or when someone runs right in front of your stroller and yells at you that it was your falt!! You may have the best intentions, but those little blessings have their own plans sometimes.....:lol:


New Member
enough said:
My daughter is turning 1 in July and already I'm thinking about our first trip to WDW. I'd like to get people's opinion on what they think is the best age for a kid's first trip.

Is 3 a good age? maybe 4?

I know a lot depends on the kid, but is there a generally accepted minimum age I can go by?

In my opinion, your never too young! Lol
I started taking my kids when they were under a year. My son is 3 going on 4 and he is a Disney fanatic. He can tell you every ride he's been on and still describe them to a "T". So while many will say, that's too young, I say, you're never too young! ;)

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