What's Next at the Studios?


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Original Poster
Speaker- "So now that Lights, Motors, Action Stunt ____-"

Some dude- "What? I don't Understand!"

Speaker- "Oh, I'm sorry. Now that LMAX-"

Same dude- "Thank you for clearing that up, you may continue."

Speaker- "Thank you. As I was saying, now that the LMAX is pretty much complete, what's next for our fine feathered friend, the Studios. Is a renovation of Star Tours next? What about another show? You know how people love shows! Or maybe-"

From somewhere within audience- "How about another thrill ride to replace a classic, that'll get people through the turnstiles!"

Speaker- "Security, please escort Mr. Eisner out of the room. As I was trying to say, a renovation, a show, what? Well I would like to receive the opinions of the members of the wdwmagic.com forums. Thank you for attending this press conference, now I'd like you to hear our new Magic Kingdom monorail speech, featuring 80% more random blabbering from our old buddy Stitch!"

Stupid General Public- "Hooray, we love Stitch!!"


New Member
Since LMA is still a confirmation right now. The indy stunt show should get an announcement in a couple of months whether to see to close the Epic Stunt Show for good. As for IJA I think it'll be a great contribute to MGM Studios.


New Member
Thank you for hosting the press conference......

I have an agenda for the Studios Park, formally known as MGM.

1. Fix Star Tours. Have different films/rides. There are 6 gates in Star Tours, have 2 gates the original ride, and the other 4 gates new film from Star Wars 1,2,or maybe 3 if it has potential.

2. Indy Stunt Show........Goodbye. Replace with a E-Ticket attraction. Doesn't have to be a roller coaster or a Thrill ride, some nice Indy/Disney E-ticket attraction.

3. Do something with the ABC Studios by Sound's Dangerous. Let's not have another "Odessey"* on our hands!

4. Fix Backstage Studio Tour. Make it exciting again, not like now.

Thank you for your time.

(*Odessey Restaurant was a restaurant at Epcot, which is now a vacant building except for seasonal special events.)


Well-Known Member
*raises hand*

ME, ME, ME, ME, ME :lol:

I'd like to see The Muppet's Pizza Restuarant come to fruition, and I think that Cinemagique would be a good solid addition.

I think the Studios is in need of a "Family Experience", as it has shows, and it has Thrill rides, but is lacking in "middle-ground"



ogryn said:
I'd like to see The Muppet's Pizza Restuarant come to fruition

I've been waiting for the Gonzo restaurant for a long time this is a great concept that would be a great dining experience for families. The only problem I see is that I think it might be a little close to Pizza Planet to be just a pizza restaurant. Wasn't it going to be like an Italian-type place?


Active Member
BigNorm said:
I've been waiting for the Gonzo restaurant for a long time this is a great concept that would be a great dining experience for families. The only problem I see is that I think it might be a little close to Pizza Planet to be just a pizza restaurant. Wasn't it going to be like an Italian-type place?
Yes, too close. I think Pizza Planet is very good, so I dont really think there needs to be another italian style restaurant, since there is also a Mama Melrose's, which is also italian.


Well-Known Member
Replace Pizza Planet then :lol:

Also, as another poster suggested a few days ago, a "House of Mouse" restaurant would be excellent.


figmentfan said:
I have an agenda for the Studios Park, formally known as MGM.

1. Fix Star Tours. Have different films/rides. There are 6 gates in Star Tours, have 2 gates the original ride, and the other 4 gates new film from Star Wars 1,2,or maybe 3 if it has potential.

2. Indy Stunt Show........Goodbye. Replace with a E-Ticket attraction. Doesn't have to be a roller coaster or a Thrill ride, some nice Indy/Disney E-ticket attraction.

3. Do something with the ABC Studios by Sound's Dangerous. Let's not have another "Odessey"* on our hands!

4. Fix Backstage Studio Tour. Make it exciting again, not like now.

Thank you for your time.

(*Odessey Restaurant was a restaurant at Epcot, which is now a vacant building except for seasonal special events.)

I agree with figmentfan's suggestions, with a little variation:

1. Eventually, they are going to have to do something with Star Tours. However, I think they missed the opportunity to do anything major. The time for that was about 5-6 years ago when Episode I was being released and they could have cashed in on the hype from Episodes I through III. At this point, they'd be lucky to have a major rehab done before Episode III is released on DVD. So, unfortunately, I think they missed that boat and the most we can hope for is a cleaned up version of the same - possibly a replacement sim.

2. The left side of the park desperately needs an E-Ticket attraction. With TOT, RnR and Fantasmic all on the right, I always feel like the park is going to tip over. I don't agree with replacing the Indy Show with an Indy Ride. I like the Indy Stunt Show. And while I have seen it about 8 times, I have been on Haunted Mansion about 20 and I never want to see that go. Also, it doesn't make sense to replace it with a ride with the same theme. If Indy is still popular enough to support an attraction, then keep the show. Then build an E-ticket attraction somewhere to the left of Indy Stunt Show or Star Tours. MGM needs more attractions - not replacements.

3. ...Except for Sounds Dangerous. Please replace that with something someone wants to see (or hear). Is that building big enough to hold a dark ride?

4. [I think figmentfan was talking about Backlot Tour. If not, mine is a new suggestion.] I have been saying this since the first time I went on the Backlot Tour, "needs more excitement!" Catastrophe Canyon is great, but how about something in the beginning and middle of the tour. How about something that involves the guests like the actors in GMR? Something, a car chase screaming past the tram, a scene being filmed goes awry, anything, please.

OK, just my thoughts. Thanks figmentfan for letting me sponge.


Well-Known Member
More Muppets! Please? :) I really hope they can work them into some more aspects of the park, since I *love* the Muppets.

I also would have no problem with adding some more "middle ground" rides as was mentioned before...I'm always a fan of the sit-and-move-slowly dark rides of MK and Epcot. Even though I have no idea what specifically they could do in this vein with regards to what the *theme* of the ride could be, I've felt for a couple years now that MGM and especially DAK could benefit from getting a ride of that type - to me it's so quintessentially Disney. Maybe I'm forgetting some rides (it's possible), but between the two of them the only ride that fits that description is the Great Movie Ride and (kind of, though it's rough) Dinosaur, right?

And the dark rides are always good in my opinion, because A) they're inside and air conditioned which people always love at WDW, B) You get to sit down and rest your legs for a few minutes which is also usually popular with people, C) they're usually tame, which makes them a draw for all ages, but D) they're also usually pretty intricate and interesting so even if they're not "intense" they're not horribly boring for older crowds.

Just my rambling input! I'm done now! :p

Dj Corona

Active Member
I definately like the House of Mouse restuarant idea, too....it just makes way too much sense not to have it. My question is, everybody always talks about replacing the Indy show with an Indy ride, but couldn't it be something completely different altogether without being Indy themed?


WDWBro said:
Stupid General Public- "Hooray, we love Stitch!!"

I am sorry, but I find this pretty offensive. I am a huge Disney fan myself. I have been since I was a child. I am a Stitch fan too, so that makes me stupid? Please. Just because some of us like a character you don't doesn't mean we're stupid.


New Member
I would like to see these things happen to MGM:

1) leave GMR and fix BLT it needs new exciting dialouge like GMR has now more intresting.

2) Some new show for the Superstar Television Doug Live etc. old stage its been vacent way too long. I do not count that stupid ABC thing they did a couple of years ago. I would like to see a newer version of Superstar Television that always brought in lots of guests. So did Doug Live why did Doug Live close they never even told the cast why my friend who played Doug is still wondering that while he works two jobs at MGM.

3) Sounds Dangerous needs to be let go. I like the old shows even the Dalmatians thing was better than Drew Carey's stupidity. I still thing Monster Sound Show was the best. I think they need another one of those or otherwise the sound effects stage you exit into doesn't compute to some people. Also alot of people just go into there with out the show so what's the use for it.

4) I think AFI should become its own attraction or part of GMR.

5) what about the old Acme Factory I use to like it the old way? Now its boring picture station there are enough of those everywhere else.

6) Honey I Shrunk The Audience Play Area What is this good for again??? Okay people w/ kids could loose them for what 10 minutes till everyone is bored or worse lost. :lol:

7) what about the rest of the backlot area on the left side. It's closed up it is behind the play area it use to be where the tram rode around in the old days when you couldn't walk down residential streets. I think when i was younger the dip mobile from Roger Rabbit was back there now there isn't anything. How about we knock down the play area and make a new attraction in that space its large enough.

8) what about the old studios area where backlot tour part 2 use to run through I know one studio is mickey the other is millionaire what's with the other one like attached to the one man's dream thing (which is also too boring).

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