What would you show someone on their first never ever in WDW: Illuminations or Wishes


Well-Known Member
What would you show someone on their first night ever in WDW: Illuminations or Wishes

Hi.. I'm going to WDW in december.. me and my wife are taking our moms their for the holidays. Its the first ever trip their for our moms

Anyway, I keep changing my first day plans. I can't decide what is more impressive for their first night.. which would you choose to show them as their first night ever at WDW (we wont be doing rides or dinner first night):

1. Illuminations (and walking around a few countries and seeing Epcot all lit up in christmas colors)

2. Wishes (and seeing Spectro Magic while there)

Hmm.. Very tough decision for me.

PS : Any idea what time MK is usually open until on Sat Nights in december?


New Member
we went last christmas and the ending to Illuminations was AWESOME!!

I would do the MK thing first too...just gives you that magical feel to see the castle for the first time.
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New Member
What? Illuminations boring? No Way! It is an amazing and moving show. It by far is better that Wishes. Unless you are childish and like to look at a big castle!
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Well-Known Member
MouseMadness said:
Unless you need to catch a little nap, which is always in order during the "globe sequence" during RoE. :lookaroun


That's probably the biggest reason why I'm not a big fan of ROE. I don't like that sequence to say the least. It's the "Matrix Reloaded Rave Sequence" of Disney nighttime spectaculars.
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Well-Known Member
PotterGirlSC said:
What? Illuminations boring? No Way! It is an amazing and moving show. It by far is better that Wishes. Unless you are childish and like to look at a big castle!

Coming from a new member with a character in a popular children's book series in their screen name, I don't know if you are in a position to label other people childish for liking Wishes better than ROE.
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New Member
dxwwf3 said:
Coming from a new member with a character in a popular children's book series in their screen name, I don't know if you are in a position to label other people childish for liking Wishes better than ROE.

As another "new" member, with a LONG history of infusing all things Disney in my life, that statement is uncalled for. Especially if you are purporting yourself to be one of the "older" members who is all knowing, all seeing, etc, ad nauseum.

If PotterGirlSC thinks that Wishes is directed towards a more "childish" audience than IllumiNations, that is nothing more than an opinion. It isn't a reason to attack a new member of this forum!

Personally, I can see where PotterGirlSC is coming from....Wishes is all about sound bites and big flashes in the sky, while IllumiNations forces you to actually focus your attention on distant slow moving objects between the insane volleys of fireworks.

So, dxwwf3, can you be a little more polite to us "new" members in the future? We're not banging on your door pushing religious pamphlets down your throat, after all!

We just don't happen to have the same exact opinion as you on every detail of how one should enjoy the Disney experience.
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New Member
unfortunately (if you have to pick one over the other), i think this more or less like comparing apples to oranges...

both are round, both are sweet, but one will give you a completely different taste and texture from the other - it comes down to a matter of personal interest...
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New Member
MouseMadness said:
Unless you need to catch a little nap, which is always in order during the "globe sequence" during RoE. :lookaroun
Whilst I agree that it could do with a lot of trimming, once someone told me there is a story behind Illuminations - the development of life on earth, concentrating on man, then the random images on the globe start to make a bit more sense.
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New Member
To be honest, the reasons I like IlluminNations better is numerous...

1.) Atmosphere. In Magic Kingdom, it feels like everyone is crowded next to one another--barely able to breath. In EPCOT, the lagoon is so large, that you have breathing room. As the sun sets and the new age techo is pumped across the park, it is truly peaceful. It's one of the few times at Disney where sitting and waiting is a pleasure.

2.) Location--You are so close to the fireworks. If you get right next to the railing, it feels like you are right on top of the action.

3.) Story-- As Barnum said, the globe is important. The images really do make sense, especially if you watch them. I will regress, and admit it is not "action packed" but it is really beautiful watch.

4.) MUSIC--The true reason why it's superior. Wishes uses a rehash of Disney musicals. It feels trite. IllumiNations uses the finest musical score EVER composed for a Disney Theme Park. No joke.
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Active Member
PotterGirlSC said:
What? Illuminations boring? No Way! It is an amazing and moving show. It by far is better that Wishes. Unless you are childish and like to look at a big castle!

To each his own - but Illuminations is b-o-r-i-n-g. The two times I watched it I left thinking - wow I could have been on an attraction or eating a decent meal rather than waiting for and through this. I have only seen it twice because the first time I was much younger and thought maybe that is why I did not like it - but then last year watched it again and sure enough - bored to tears.
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Well-Known Member
dflye said:
As another "new" member, with a LONG history of infusing all things Disney in my life, that statement is uncalled for. Especially if you are purporting yourself to be one of the "older" members who is all knowing, all seeing, etc, ad nauseum.

If PotterGirlSC thinks that Wishes is directed towards a more "childish" audience than IllumiNations, that is nothing more than an opinion. It isn't a reason to attack a new member of this forum!

Personally, I can see where PotterGirlSC is coming from....Wishes is all about sound bites and big flashes in the sky, while IllumiNations forces you to actually focus your attention on distant slow moving objects between the insane volleys of fireworks.

So, dxwwf3, can you be a little more polite to us "new" members in the future? We're not banging on your door pushing religious pamphlets down your throat, after all!

We just don't happen to have the same exact opinion as you on every detail of how one should enjoy the Disney experience.

1. Go back and read Potter's post and see if you think she was being polite. If you honestly think she was being polite when she called Wishes fans "childish", then good for you. My "uncalled for" statement was a reply to a rude comment.

2. I am definately not one of those "know it all" posters. But if you are new here, it would probably benefit yourself if you don't go around making fun of guests that prefer Wishes. And if you spend any amount of time here, you'll see that I try to be fair and fun in my posts. But I don't like being made fun of because of a personal opinion.

3. I simply pointed out the irony that she was calling us "childish" while here screen name features Harry Potter. It would be just like if I called people who liked Cinderellabration "sissys" and my screen name was "CelineDionFan".

4. You can look at a handful of posts in this thread that argue their points without name calling. If Potter's post had been along the lines of barnum's or I-99's post, then I would have had NO problem with a differing opinion.

5. Maybe I took her post the wrong way, and if that's the case I apologize. But it came off to me as being very rude.

So I think maybe you should reread Potter's post and then you'll probably see why I posted the way I did.
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New Member
dxwwf3 said:
1. Go back and read Potter's post and see if you think she was being polite. If you honestly think she was being polite when she called Wishes fans "childish", then good for you. My "uncalled for" statement was a reply to a rude comment.
Ok, I have to admit that PotterGirlSC's post was a little bit less than polite.

dxwwf3 said:
2. I am definately not one of those "know it all" posters. But if you are new here, it would probably benefit yourself if you don't go around making fun of guests that prefer Wishes. And if you spend any amount of time here, you'll see that I try to be fair and fun in my posts. But I don't like being made fun of because of a personal opinion.

3. I simply pointed out the irony that she was calling us "childish" while here screen name features Harry Potter. It would be just like if I called people who liked Cinderellabration "sissys" and my screen name was "CelineDionFan".

4. You can look at a handful of posts in this thread that argue their points without name calling. If Potter's post had been along the lines of barnum's or I-99's post, then I would have had NO problem with a differing opinion.

5. Maybe I took her post the wrong way, and if that's the case I apologize. But it came off to me as being very rude.
One of the problems with written conversations, you can't read the facial expressions to figure out how a message was intended to be delivered. Having a smiley would have made the remark a little more in jest, instead of rude.

dxwwf3 said:
So I think maybe you should reread Potter's post and then you'll probably see why I posted the way I did.
Yes, I can see how the use of the word childish was irritating, and caused you to respond.

Sorry for jumping all over you with unfounded assumptions, I guess the newbie herd mentality instinct kicked in last night when I was posting! :lol:
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Well-Known Member
dflye said:
One of the problems with written conversations, you can't read the facial expressions to figure out how a message was intended to be delivered. Having a smiley would have made the remark a little more in jest, instead of rude.

Uh-huh. That's why I use (and sometimes overuse) smilies because I think they are very important for the reader.

dflye said:
Yes, I can see how the use of the word childish was irritating, and caused you to respond.

Sorry for jumping all over you with unfounded assumptions, I guess the newbie herd mentality instinct kicked in last night when I was posting! :lol:

It's ok and don't worry about it. I'm glad you see where I was coming from now :wave:
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Well-Known Member
*sigh* Like I said, apples and oranges!! :lol:

I'm not trying to disregard Illuminations, I LOVE Illuminations!! But to answer the question... there was my answer! Wishes. Why must we always try to talk people out of their preferences here? :brick: :hammer:

I think to refer to those who prefer Wishes as childish was extremely rude. "Childlike"? Maybe. :animwink:

Could be due to the fact that I have 4 girls of my own. *shrug* But... please don't be rude because there's different strokes for us different folks. :wave:
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PotterGirlSC said:
What? Illuminations boring? No Way! It is an amazing and moving show. It by far is better that Wishes. Unless you are childish and like to look at a big castle!

Childish? Isn't that the entire reason for going to WDW in the first place?
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New Member
WISHES! The story behind the fireworks makes you all tingly inside. It makes you want to be little again when nothing bad can happen. It's just amazing. I've seen it 3 times and all 3 times have cried my eyes out.
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New Member
I said this to someone else already and I shall give you the same humble advice so you don't regret anything you did when you get home: DON'T WAIST YOUR VACATION BY SEEING WISHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's a terrible show with the worst music in the world ESPECIALLY the actual Wishes song. Take it away and bring back FANTASY IN THE SKY.
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