What would Walt Disney think of the present day Magic Kingdom?

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
I think he'd be pleased that the park got built, despite his passing. But I think he'd be appalled at the cost of attendance, the price of lodgings, the fate of Epcot, and I can just see him walking down Main Street and growling "Too many *$%!!! gift shops!"


Well-Known Member
I'm sure he would enjoy the warm Florida weather after being frozen all of those years...
Since he would now be 114 years old I would like to see what he thinks about all those people that think using a scooter is evil. Bet they would change their tune if they saw him riding one. But, seriously, I think that other then the a lot of details, I think he would be pretty happy with it. It has stayed in a recognizable range of his original thoughts even after all this time. And don't kid yourself if he thought that the price was too high and looked at the crowds I'm sure he would have been shocked and pleased that people are willing to spend that much money just to experience what he came up with.

Then, of course, he would head to the management and ask why, with all this income, they haven't been adding new stuff constantly to the show. "What good is all this size if we don't use it", he would say. He would also want to know why the Imagineers are no longer designing, building and plus-ing everything like they used too. Why is it all being jobbed out? And why are you not investing in the parks instead of lining you own pockets. It wouldn't be a pretty meeting! I suspect all the accountants would be looking for new jobs as well.

Oh, well, if we can dream it... we can do it.
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Walt Disney1955

Well-Known Member
If he saw WDW? He might just say "Way to go big brother (Roy)!" I mean, who would have held it against Roy if he didn't follow through on what his deceased brother wanted? I think he'd have a heart attack over the prices. Disneyland wasn't like that, even taking inflation into account.

I think he'd be pleased if he saw his old rides like Dumbo, Small World, Peter Pan, etc. still there. I assume he would be pleased with how Pirates turned out and how popular it was, Country Bear Jamboree too which was just in the rough stages when he died.

Even things like Carousel of Progress I assume he'd still be pleased with. That was one of his babies. You'd have to think that the Hall of Presidents would be a major upgrade on "Mr. Lincoln" as well.

Of course there are things he wouldn't like either. But for all the people that think he was all about making money, remember, he wasn't. He sort of thumbed his nose at the stock holders because he kept using his money to make other movies and such. So while he did alright for himself financially, it never seemed to be his main motive.


Official Member of the Girly Girl Fan Club
Premium Member
"When they said it gets hot and humid in Central Florida in the summer, they weren't exaggerating. And it does rain every afternoon!"


Active Member
I do not presume to be as insightful or brilliant as Mr. Disney. And I hesitate to subdue my humility to respond, but I will.

First, I believe he might be pleased with the construction. It was his wish that the parks would keep from becoming stagnant.

Second, he might remind the executives to focus every employee on keeping the highest standards for guest/castmember interaction. The parks exist for people, guest and castmember alike, not for technology displays for technologies sake.

Finally, the boardwalk-esque carts with flashing swords, blinking skull heads, and "whizz-spinny-things" would, and should, be history.

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
Oh, and he'd be totally furious about the broken yeti. No doubt about it. "We've been operating a broken ride in one of MY parks for six years???!!!! The #%@!!! with that! Tear the entire mountain down if you have to! Just fix the @$%!! thing!!!!"



Well-Known Member
DAK isn't Walt's park, but I see your point.
If you really want to nitpick about it. Absolutely nothing at WDW is Walt's park. All he can lay direct claim to is Disneyland. However in this instance, regardless of how much fantasy thinking this thread is, every park that comes under his name is Walt's park and he might just get a little upset about the Yeti.

I don't think anyone needs to worry about how he would react to that anyway. Once he finds out how his EPCOT turned out, his blood pressure would be so high it would probably kill him again.

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