"Figaro...I have been DYING to hear from you! I thought about you all last week since I knew you were flying down on Tuesday morning....and becasue Disney closed up for the day. I was hoping you all were well and made it safely. Not to mention, hoping that the weather held out for you too!"
Well, I guess you won't get this until you get home....but I really hope you have a good and safe trip! Please let me know how it went when you get home. I'll be thinking about you.
We made it just in time to Orlando, we were one of the last flights allowed to land. On top of everything else that happened, we got tons of rain from Gabrielle. But, of course, we still consider ourselves very lucky! We made the best of it!

The parks were empty, security was great and very obvious, officers were everywhere. As I mentioned in another thread, we saw the bomb sniffing dogs at EPCOT.
Couldn't really tell you much about MacArthur, seemed to me that there was NO security there. We parked our care in teh residents lot and it was still there, even though it was about 200 feet from the airplanes. Saw absolutely no uniformed security, people were just hanging out all over the terminal waiting for arrivals.
I can't even imagine seeing the whole thing happening in person. Watching it live on tv I was shaking and became so depressed. My husband is a cop on here on Long Island. Several of his coworkers went in on Saturday, their day off, to help out. Now he feels guilty that we weren't here.
Right now I'm looking out my window at the idiot neighbors across the street. They put up a HUGE American flag over their house, but they have it facing the wrong way! Although I really do appreciate the sentiment behind it, it's driving me crazy looking at it. Worse, it's been like that for atleast a day or two and no one has told them to fix it. (We got home late last night and noticed it) Been waiting for them to get home so I can say something!