What was your BEST trip to WDW?


Well-Known Member
The first one....
July 4th week 1983.
Epcots first Fourth of July.
The fireworks on the 4th went on non stop for over half an hour and the ending music was The 1812 Overture with a cannonade of hundreds of shells at the end.
We were told at the time that was the most expensive fireworks display that Disney had put on to that date.
Nothing I've seen since has even come close to that spectacle. :D


Well-Known Member
For me the best was my DS's birthday trip around Christmas when everything went right. Meals were all great, short lines or wait times, we saw Cirgue du Soleil and had dinner at California Grill on his birthday.He got to ride in the front of the monorail, okay it was a few years ago, he's a teen and still talks about that trip.

The worst was a "Grand Gathering" with my DW's family.


Well-Known Member
hard to say.

my first one back in 1977. stayed in the treehouse villas, met Dart Vader and got his autograph at the WDW Shopping Village.

or last year. wife's birthday, daughter's first visit to Disney. entirely magical.


Well-Known Member
I have a feeling our trip in 9 days is going to be incredible. We have everything planned out -- ADRs, Fastpasses, reminders for parades/fireworks, etc...with some down time mixed in. This will be my fourth trip and my mom's fifth, so we're getting pretty good at knowing what to do and when, and what we like to do and when.

That said, my bf and I are planning a trip for 3ish years down the road, and I know that it will be absolutely magical.
Mine was in April of 2013. I had only been to WDW once in 2007, and this was our first BIG vacation since we'd been married (not counting our Alaskan cruise for our honeymoon!)
We got in late that first night and went straight to the MK, as it was going to be open until 3am that night.
Nothing is better than MK at night, and we walked onto every single ride! Seriously...we didn't wait over 5 minutes for anything!!

But now that we have a 2 month old boy, I'm sure that trip will be topped in the next few years!


Well-Known Member
My favorite trip was our trip last year. We were able to take my son's best friend who had never had a chance to go to WDW (and probably would not have if we did not take him). It made everything so much more magical to see the joy and appreciation in his face.


New Member
I'll jump in on this one.

My favorite was Summer 1994. This was about 2 months after the Lion King was released. I was in college and my family and I stayed at the Dolphin, which felt like one of the nicest hotels I had ever seen at that point in my life. For some reason, I remember being super-excited at seeing the Florida state flag flying proudly in the parking lot by the lobby entrance, and being even more excited that former Redskins OL Joe Jacoby was in line in front of us checking in. Riding the boats to MGM Studios and EPCOT Center was nice and relaxing...much better than the stressful buses.
Even though I had been to WDW a number of times prior to 1994, this was the first time that I was old enough to wander around the parks by myself, which gave me a whole new appreciation for all of the little details that I had never noticed during previous visits while being rushed along with the rest of the fam. I made it a point to ride every ride and see every show as many times as possible (especially the Haunted Mansion), just to let everything soak in.
EPCOT Center was my favorite park then, as it was still at its high water mark. Journey Into Imagination was by far the highlight of Future World, and Horizons and World of Motion were still looking good. I visited Wonders of Life for the first time and really enjoyed Cranium Command and its celebrity cast. Visiting EPCOT Center made me believe that anything and everything was possible!
Of course, this was before Fast Passes and Disney Dining Plan. But standing in line for up to an hour to ride Space Mountain and Splash Mountain never bothered me. The lines always seemed to move at a good pace, and the wait let me appreciate the line's theming and helped build the anticipation for the ride. It was also nice eating a very good lunch with my parents at San Angel Inn without the need to make reservations.
There still wasn't much to do at MGM Studios. but that seemed okay. I still enjoyed the Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast shows. And of course, the Muppets 4D and the Robin Williams-Walter Cronkite animation film were probably the most amusing shows I had ever seen at a theme park. WDW seemed so cutting-edge to me. Little did I know that on my next trip 2 Summers later, the then-new Tower of Terror would (IMHO) top everything else WDW had built up to that point.


Well-Known Member
October 2006. Just the wife and I for 2 weeks. Stayed at FW in our RV, we rotated our days between parks and relaxing at the resort. We had a ball at FW fishing, hiking, riding our bikes, and grilling. We watched the Electric Parade 1 night on the beach with some good wine. Cheers!


Well-Known Member
I've posted about this one before, but here's the short[er] version.

We visited in April (Easter break, to be specific) 2005. It was my parents, my sister and BIL, my DH and me. Although Mom and Dad had taken us 3-4 times growing up, this was our first visit in 12 years, the first WDW visit with our husbands, the last one before any of us had children, and the last one my mother would ever have. We all knew this at the time: Mom's health was not great and was only going to get worse, and going together was her idea, something she wanted to do while she still had the strength.

We stayed at Coronado Springs (the first time any of us had stayed anywhere but at the Fort Wilderness Campground). Although the trip was not without its problems, there were no issues that our own patience or a CM's intervention did not solve. There were also many times where we felt God had really "paved the way" for us. Our flights went flawlessly. The weather was beautiful. When we discovered that our travel agent had given us the wrong documents and that the reservation number she'd given us didn't even show up in the Disney computer system, a Coronado Springs manager dismissed the problem with a wave of his hand (literally taking our word for it that we even had a paid reservation), told a CM to go ahead and give us three rooms, and said that he would personally call our TA and work out the problem on Monday (which he did). DH and I got the connecting room we asked for with Mom and Dad, so we could spend quality time with them. We got walk-up dining reservations at multiple table service venues. Buses arrived just when we needed them to. The time my parents got stuck on a broken-down Disney bus en route to join us for our ADR at the Coral Reef, where we'd been waiting for 20 minutes on the floor, a kind CM seated the rest of us (despite our party being incomplete) at one of the best tables in the restaurant and let us linger there for nearly half an hour while we waited for my parents to arrive. Mom and Dad shared a memorable slow dance on the walkway to Tomorrowland during the Magic Kingdom's fireworks.

It was Disney magic at its finest, and no future trip could ever live up to it. As long as I live, I don't believe I'll be able to pass through that walkway to Tomorrowland, past the spot where Mom and Dad danced their way through the last Disney fireworks she would ever see, without choking up.
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Active Member
My Best trip would be this past one January 2014!!! we went from Jan 11-20th. Stayed at the BC. My Birthday fell in the middle of out trip. On the ride down DH grilled me on our plans (he doesn't pay attention until it is time to leave makes it difficult to plan) He wanted to know why I did not book the BC club level (ugh I asked he did not want to) So when we went to check in and they told us the price difference I ask DH if he wanted to his response "it's your birthday week so whatever you want) !!!!! Club level it was with a beautiful view of the lake!!

Our first night there we ate at the Cape May Cafe so DH could get his seafood fix. I had arranged for a custom birthday cake to be deliver to our table and OMG was my cake awesome!!!!!

Came back to room next day to a dozen roses waiting for me. It was the best waking up and walking in to our room each day with fresh roses to see!!!

We did Shula's on my actually birthday the meal was delish and they gave me the creme brule trio (my favorite) as a Happy Birthday!! Sorry was so excited I plowed through before I remember to take a photo lol

We did a fireworks cruise on bay lake with just the two of us and it is just the best way to see the firework IMO on video though no pictures yet. But I watch the video all the time just to get a feel of magic again. Oh and the best part would be my shopping spree at the Art of Disney!!

we are figment and donald fans!!! Now usually we do a tour but that is being saved for Sept trip (anniversary trip) back to BC where we will be doing the Wild Africa Trek, The Steam Train tour, and the Segway tour another custom cake for our anniversary...sooo maybe Sept will replace January we shall see if I get another shopping spree at the Art of Disney....

JillC LI

Well-Known Member
I also want to say all of them, but if forced to pick, I'd have to say the first trip that we took the kids (ages 5 and 7). They absolutely believed all the magic. Their faces were filled with awe every time they met a character. And everything was new to to them.


Well-Known Member
My best trip was in high school in 2003 the week after Christmas. Two of my good friends were already down for Christmas with their families. We had a blast and it was the first time I was allowed to wander off with out adults. We got stuck on the HM and Splash Mtn. We stayed at the parks until 1am for EMH and it was just great to experience everything as 17-18 year old kids. I can't even remember where I stayed that time because we never spent time at the resort!

Tied with that trip was 2008 when my now husband flew down and surprised be with an engagement ring at the Mexico Pavilion at Epcot. Had no clue he was coming!


Active Member
I also want to say all of them, but if forced to pick, I'd have to say the first trip that we took the kids (ages 5 and 7). They absolutely believed all the magic. Their faces were filled with awe every time they met a character. And everything was new to to them.

We do not have kids and I have to say I love seeing the expression and emotion come over the little ones when they see MK for first time. I can see how this would be your #1. I wish I had little ones to bring to MK and experience this first hand and not looking like that crazy person starring at the kids as they meet Cinderella for the first time!!


Well-Known Member
I have been 3 times, once as a kid, then as a teenager, and last as a husband/father. I would have to say the best was my last time in Christmas 2009. We went with my parents and brother's family. It was my wife's first trip to DW (she loved it). Our kids were 6 (DD) and 3 (DS). It doesn't get much better than being a parent at DW..especially for Christmas.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
As far as trips with Slappette go, they all had something of value except maybe our second one, which was the first time driving there and back, it was during a very crowded Spring Break, it was shorter than our first so it felt more rushed, we didn't plan for breaks as well as we should have, and it was just a bit of a fustercluck. Even then, it had some great fun moments but that would be the worst. But the rest also have their share of "ups and downs" though there are far fewer downs.

The last trip was maybe the best because our eldest was 3, and a really good age for much of the ol' patented Disney magic. She didn't like many rides, too scary, and she liked It's a Small World WAY too much. But she mostly behaved exactly as you'd hope a three year old would behave during a WDW trip, with few behavioral problems and a whoooole lot of wide-eyed wonder. I wrote about our last night in another thread, where it was just the two of us, Slappette took Slapprerina #2 back to the room because she was exhausted and Slapperina #1 and I stayed for the MSEP. She was so cute and talkative some people thought we were "plants" hired to act like "regular tourists" but be loud and funny to keep those nearby amused while waiting for the parade. Another great moment was our first day, seeing the 3pm parade for the first time and Slapperina #1 had what she called "happy tears" seeing the princesses for the first time. A lot of character meals, since Slapperina #2 was an infant, we thought the Deluxe Dining Plan would be a better value so it always felt like showtime for #1. After the breakfast in Akershus, where Belle taught Slapperina #1 how to pose "like a lady," S#1 was so excited she jumped in my lap and said "kiss me Daddy," but before I could, she grabbed my face in her hands and sing-songed "You're being kissed BY A LAAAAADYYYYYY." She's a total trip. Even during one bad moment she made magic; she got a splinter at the walkway near the geyser at WIlderness Lodge so we left with her in tears until we could get to some tweezers. On the way out we saw a couple posing for wedding photos and they looked amazing. To distract Slapperina #1 I said "look honey, they just got married."
"Can I get muh-muh-married here?" (fighting through the splinter tears)
"uh...sure, if you want, why not?"
"Wuh-wuh-will you be my h-h-h-husband?"
"No honey I can't be your husband I'm MOMMY'S husband."
"PLLLLLLEEEEEASSSSE OWOWOWOWOWOWOW (holding up hand with splinter in case I forgot she's injured)
"Uh...OK, when you're old enough to get married, IF you still want to marry me, we can get married."
"....ohkey....(quiet for a second, sniffling) If you're married to me AND you're married to Mommy, what does that make Grandda?"
"A social pariah, dear, a social pariah..."
(Followed by a stern look from Mom not to be mean, and laughter from people behind us listening in)

EDIT: And from an earlier thread, my MSEP story:
last trip down, I'm holding my oldest while waiting for MSEP. My wife brought the baby back to the room, but Slapperina really wanted to see the parade so we stuck around. And this was one of those times I was getting a little louder because I know people are listening, so why not have some fun. I told her that it should be a very bright parade because "I hear there are, like, A MILLION lights in this parade." Slapperina looked up at the sky and went "a million...a million...maybe there are a million lights in the parade because there are a million stars in the sky!" There is a murmured "awwwwww" in our general vicinity, which she doesn't notice, but I hear. I say "Maybe that's why...you know, you've very philosophical." Now, she's three at this point, never heard the word philosophical, but decided she didn't like the sound of it, so she grabs my face with her hands, gets right in my face and goes, "No, YOU'RE PHILLASHPLOPPPICAL!" And the crows around us went bug-nuts with laughter. One man asked if we were "street performers" hired to pretend to be adorable guests waiting for the parade so people won't be bored. I said no, but it's nice to have career options.


Active Member
Mine was the week of Thanksgiving 2009. I had just moved home from Texas (I grew up in Southern Illinois) and my brother was home on college break. My grandmother had passed away earlier in the year and it had been pretty rough on all of us. We drove down to Jacksonville the Saturday before Thanksgiving, dropped my grandpa off at my aunt and uncles, and my folks, my brother and I headed to Disney for 4 days at the Wilderness Lodge. They already had the Christmas decorations up and it wasn't exceptionally crowded. We had a great time and we all were able to finally relax after a rough few months. It's definitely a trip I won't forget.

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