What was your BEST trip to WDW?


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Original Poster
Mine was a 2007 girls trip to the F&W. It was the first time I hadn't gone with my parents or taken the HS dance team I coach.
I was freeeeeeee to do what I wanted to do.

We stayed at the POFQ which started my love of the resort. We had the dining plan for $40 I think. It included appetizer, drink,entrée, desert AND tip as well as snack and CS.

We did parks by day and danced the night away at Mannequins and had crazy amounts of fun at the Adventurers Club.

That trip solidified my adult love of the park.

I think this summer with my kiddo and DH might come close if not top it. She's never been and will be 3.5 at the time. I can't even begin to think of her excitement of seeing the PRINCESS castle(her words) for the 1st time.

What's yours?!


Well-Known Member
Ours was probably our second trip with DD when she was five back in 2008. Stayed at Beach Club and were chosen for a YOAMD upgrade to Club level rooms. It was a great trip and besides our first trip together as a married couple on our first anniversary back in '96 it is my favorite. The 2008 trip because of the family trip and Disney was still doing a great job at guest satisfaction but the '96 trip because honestly MK and EPCOT were at the top of their game back then.

I take a trip back in my minds eye often to that trip and remember all of the magic we felt and there was not a thin veil over closed off attractions or buildings like there is now, all features were working properly and it truly was a great time to get to experience those two parks!


Well-Known Member
2006. Sister graduated high school, I was nearing my last semester in college, and Jeremy Irons was at Spaceship Earth.

Prior to that....1997. Cake Castle, X-S Tech, Vegetarian Lasagna at The Land, Horizons was still there, Ellen's Energy Adventure was fresh, and the Enchanted Tiki Room hadn't been messed with...still had the fountain in the center of the room.


Well-Known Member
I've been going since 1985, but those trips in the 80s and early 90s were always planned by my parents and the trips in the mid to late 90s were more modest and just kind of thrown together. I didn't return until 2010, which was my girls' first trip, but it was stressful since other family was involved. We returned with the girls in summer of 2011... a surprise trip :) ... and that is my fave!

Even from the start of the planning, this trip was fun. We hadn't booked our resort, but I was in NOLA with DH at our 180 mark and sat there in the hotel lounge booking ADRs. I booked our resort reservation a month later and had 5 month of messing with the kids ;) DD7 (then 4) knew we were going someplace for her 5th birthday, but we kept her and her sister guessing for months. While we had some hiccups and headaches in the last few weeks before the trip, we were able to make it. We road tripped for 2 days from Texas to FL...even spent our 2nd night in a motel just a couple of miles from the Main Gate without ruining the surprise.

On surprise day, we were out the door shortly before 7am and made the short final leg of the drive into WDW. The surprise was successfully revealed as the Main Gate came into view. Beyond that- it was just a great trip. We stayed at the Contemporary- which was WONDERFUL, were on deluxe dining that trip so we had tons of fun meals planned for the kids, our first custom cake, it was August yet it was cooler at WDW than it was at home- so the weather was great to us, the crowds were much lighter than predicted, no extra family tagging along, and we all just had a great time.

Many of you have seen the surprise reveal vid, but for those who haven't :) Yes, my video skills leave a bit to be desired, but it's not awful either :)



Well-Known Member
I don't think I've had mine yet!

My first trip solidified my love for WDW, but it definitely wasn't "best trip ever". We planned it in 2-3 months, we had my MIL with us, we overspent, and we went during Spring Break so crowds were MISERABLE!!

My second trip was very testing. We took my FIL/MIL and my FIL and I used to be like oil and water. We stayed off site, took 1 car for 2 families.....it just didn't work.

This next trip, Im convinced is going to be the best one!!!! We're not taking anyone with us, it'll just be US, going in a slow season....we're going to do all the meals we've always wanted to do and had to skip out on because of poor planning or disinterested other family members. :D

Out of the 2 trips, I would say the second trip was the best just because we spent more time swimming, exploring.... :)

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Best trip was 2003, was on terminal leave from Air Force. We went for 3 weeks, stayed 18 nights in the cabins at FW then 3 nights at the HRH. Did everything from fireworks cruise to character dining the youngest went on the pony trek. Fantastic time, its amazing how a few extra days let you change the tempo.

That said in 2007 (?) when I had booked several surprises that was a cool trip. We stayed at HRH then were due to stay at FW Villas, what I hadnt told them was that we had 3 nights MK view at the Polly, Mrs Sak didnt realise even after we had driven through the resort gate and the squeels of surprise from the back seat when they heard me confirm to security we were checking in. When we moved to WL I had arranged gifts to be left in the room. I took PNMC on a backstage tour while Mrs Sak took the youngest on a character breakfast. It was a trip full of little add ons, Ive a feeling that was the year we did the Wishes cruise too.


Active Member
All of my trips have been great and have reasons that could qualify for them for the top spot... But I think my favorite would have to be our second trip. It was during the height of YOAMD (which I LOVED and wish they would revisit), and my son was just turning 6. My brother in law (who also happens to be my best friend) went with us, so that was an added bonus as well. I think there are a lot of reasons why this trip stands out to me. One would be the fact that my son had so many "magical" moments on this trip. He was in LOVE with the Pink Power Ranger, and thanks to some awesome CM's, got the royal treatment on the first day of our trip when he met her. The CM walked him over and let him "escort" her from the Rangers-Mobile to her "spot" to M&G. He had on a shirt that said "Marry Me Pink Ranger" and she wrote "Yes" in his autograph book. That was just one of MANY moments that he got to experience on this trip. Also, this was our first trip where that I went to the parks "appreciating" all things WDW. Our first trip I went in not expecting to fall in love with the place, but while there did just that. That next year was spent scouring message boards, reading books, listening to podcasts....so by this trip, I was ready to search our every little secret. I could go on and on about this trip, but honestly it was just about perfect. I miss WDW so bad, and it's trips like this that are the reason why.


Well-Known Member
Mine is a long story that happily for all of you, I am not going to detail. I probably have someplace before anyway. I got married in 1972. It was a long hard uphill climb from there to 1983 when we made our first visit. Along the way we had acquired two beautiful daughters who had reached the almost grown up age of 7 and 9 years old.

Finally we were able to afford to be able to make a road trip from Vermont to WDW. This was my first trip to WDW and I was 36 years old. We made it a road trip and I wasn't sure how much I was looking forward to the 3000 mile + round trip, but, I found that the further I drove the better I felt. We could only afford to stay offsite and we had a very carefully planned budget. I don't remember the exact amount per day that was budgeted but I do remember that if we went over on one day we had to cut back the next and if we stayed under we had that much extra to spend the next day. It was that close.

Anyway, it was our first major family outing. I had been on road trips in the past but my girls had not. They were fantastic. We didn't try to surprise them, in fact, we included them in the planning and the concern about staying in budget. We all had the greatest trip ever. I was hooked at the entrance to WDW (World Drive) and just got more impressed with everything I saw and experienced. I don't think I have ever smiled as much before or since. We rode the attractions, watched the shows and sang the songs. (something that caused incredible discomfort to my wife because we managed to sing "now is the time, now is the best" pretty much all the way back the 1500 miles to Vermont.

We managed to come close on subsequent trips there in later years, but, nothing beat that first experience. I have been reliving it because I have started writing a family history about our trips and was amazed at the detail that I remembered about that trip. I questioned my daughters about their memories and we all seemed to remember almost every detail of it. That had to be good.

Skippy's Pal

Well-Known Member
May 2000. The new millennium had just arrived, amazing to see "2000" above Spaceship Earth. The amazing EPCOT Millennium Parade with the Sage of Time and those huge puppets. All the effects working. DAK almost brand new, much high quality and unique merch. Pulled daughter out of 8th grade for the trip, celebrating the fact that she'd just received a 4-year full scholarship to a private high school based on her academic performance. And above it all: an air of hopefulness for the new millennium. And then 16 months later, 9/11. And nothing has been quite the same since.


Beta Return
Best trip was 2003, was on terminal leave from Air Force. We went for 3 weeks, stayed 18 nights in the cabins at FW then 3 nights at the HRH. Did everything from fireworks cruise to character dining the youngest went on the pony trek. Fantastic time, its amazing how a few extra days let you change the tempo.

That said in 2007 (?) when I had booked several surprises that was a cool trip. We stayed at HRH then were due to stay at FW Villas, what I hadnt told them was that we had 3 nights MK view at the Polly, Mrs Sak didnt realise even after we had driven through the resort gate and the squeels of surprise from the back seat when they heard me confirm to security we were checking in. When we moved to WL I had arranged gifts to be left in the room. I took PNMC on a backstage tour while Mrs Sak took the youngest on a character breakfast. It was a trip full of little add ons, Ive a feeling that was the year we did the Wishes cruise too.

Very cool!


Active Member
My best trip was in 1997/98. My mom and sister and I spent 2 weeks at the Contemporary. It was the last time that we were all together for a Family Disney trip because after that I graduated High School and moved out of the house. We look at the pictures from that trip all the time. the parks were amazing, clean, and the cast members were all amazing. That was back in the day when if there were two lines, you take the one to the left and it would be shorter. I miss those days!!

Spent NYE at MGM Studios and saw the Doobie Brothers and the Bacon Brothers Band. The fireworks were amazing at that park all the time. We capped the trip with dinner at Victoria and Alberts, it was truly magical.


Well-Known Member
So many great trips to choose from but I'll have to say mine and my husband's honeymoon this past September/October! We were on a natural high the whole time having just got married in an amazing wedding at home on a Saturday and flew to Disney on Monday.

We stayed at the Wilderness Lodge for the first time and Disneymooned for 12 days which was longest trip we've ever taken. For the first time, we bought the DDP which was awesome. We ate so so many signatures and really loved all of our dining choices. We just loved the resort and the weather was hot the whole time with only two afternoons of brief rain showers. We had so much time to enjoy everything to its fullest. We also spent two great days at Universal. We also had two great flights. Just an amazing trip!!!


Well-Known Member
Best trip was 2003, was on terminal leave from Air Force. We went for 3 weeks, stayed 18 nights in the cabins at FW then 3 nights at the HRH. Did everything from fireworks cruise to character dining the youngest went on the pony trek. Fantastic time, its amazing how a few extra days let you change the tempo.

That said in 2007 (?) when I had booked several surprises that was a cool trip. We stayed at HRH then were due to stay at FW Villas, what I hadnt told them was that we had 3 nights MK view at the Polly, Mrs Sak didnt realise even after we had driven through the resort gate and the squeels of surprise from the back seat when they heard me confirm to security we were checking in. When we moved to WL I had arranged gifts to be left in the room. I took PNMC on a backstage tour while Mrs Sak took the youngest on a character breakfast. It was a trip full of little add ons, Ive a feeling that was the year we did the Wishes cruise too.
Wish I didn't live 2 1/2 hours away so I could go for 3 weeks. Gosh darn; I love being close, but sometimes...


Well-Known Member
My favorite trip was 2006. It was my parents' 40th anniversary and they had been saving for the whole family to go for quite some time - I'm talking at least 7 years.

My girlfriend came with, my brother and his family came, and both of my parents were there. It was my first trip as an adult and the first time I had been there since I was five, since I didn't really count my high school band trip as a "real" trip. It was also my first time staying on property, which was a really big deal to us.

We had such a great time. Early October, very minimal crowd levels, perfect weather, and everyone was happy. I proposed, she said yes, everything was new and exciting, and our whole family was together.

I often think back very fondly of that trip... *sigh*
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Active Member
My best trip was Feb 2013, it was my DD (3.5 y/o at the time) and DW very first trip to WDW. The looks on my DD face when she saw first saw Cinderella and also first seeing Mickey is something that I will always remember!

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