Make your reservation time early for Tonys. They get extremely busy during the mvmcp. In 2009 it took us almost three hours to get in and get fed. We had a reservation for 6:00pm, got there a little early and barely made it out of there in time for the parade. Crystal Palace may be a little better time wise, but their dinner menu is so-so and it's a character buffet. We usually plan the Christmas party for our day that we do Animal Kingdom, which closes at 5pm. Last year we got dinner on the way to MK at the GF cafe and that worked out good, we got dinner, avoided the long wait time at Tony's and were at the park when Mvmcp began. This year we are doing the same at either the GF cafe or one of the other resort restaurants on the Monorail line. Some of the quick service places in the park are converted to stations to get the free cookies and cocoa, but last years Mvmcp program listed Casey's Corner, Cosmic Rays, Pecos Bills Inn, and the Lunching Pad as serving burgers, dogs and such during the party. As far as attractions at the party, check out the pirate band playing Christmas tunes in front of POTC. The Christmas stage show is also nice. We hit all of the free cookie and hot cocoa places also, especially on the cold years, like last year. The Mvmcp gets very crowded, but after the early parade and fireworks are over with the families with kids start to thin out and you can just about walk on any attraction.