What to do when you're lonesome for Disney???


New Member
amykissangel said:
What do you do when you're lonesome for Disney?
I sit on my bed singing "it's a small world" to myself while clutching my old Disney bear.
Okay, so even I'm not actually that bad.
In all truth, I generally walk through the parks in my head. If I'm stressed out or having trouble sleeping, I'll imagine myself walking down Main Street, or riding through Spaceship Earth. I find it really relaxing, actually.


We get out the scrapbooks (a great investment for sure). We relive all of our great meals as we look at the receipts. I think they make neat souvenirs. We check out our photos and park guides. Then I raid my Disney library and reread my books. I love the Imagineering books. We watch old planning videos etc. And I really love that I found this site! It's so refreshing to see the thoughts of people who "get it". Some people don't. I get weird looks at times when others hear that we go to WDW, year after year. More if possible. We call it our annual pilgrimage.

I'm glad to hear I'm not the only person to get choked up at WDW. Once we get through the Main Street Train Station I always announce " hey guys can you believe it, we're here!!! :sohappy: And of course the goodbye is a heart breaker :cry: eased only by the thought that as soon as possible,we will return. :)


New Member
I need a fix for my 4 year old...he thinks we can drive there in a half hour...even though the flight was 2 hours!

We are both going through withdrawls until 2008!


Come here, look at the photos of our April 2006 trip. But moslty we are planning the next trip in Spring 2007.

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
We have plenty of videos, pictures on the computer, maps, everything, the best part of the videos is that I can see how much our sons have changed over the years. And then forget that we miss WDW and focus on how much we miss our sons at that or this age. When we first went to WDW they were 4 and 2 1/2, now at 12 and 10, well lets just say even though they are the same they are not the same. And every trip brings a new experience because of what they are willing to do as apposed to the last time we were there. Then when we go with someone who has never been there before we live vicariously thru them for a first time visit, like next month and then again in Nov., it will always be new for us as well as them. 46 days and counting, NOT SOON ENOUGH!!!:D :D :sohappy: :sohappy:


Active Member
when I start to miss WDW, I always get on these forums, watch programs on t.v. about Disney, watch the Disney channel, put in a Disney film, look at pictures from my vacations from the past, listen to park audio.....check it out @ www.dtuneslive.com, flip through my Disney cookbooks and try to make something that's only from the hotels or the parks, etc....etc....

Only 77 more days for me....seems too far away still....it can't come fast enough


Well-Known Member
I haven't been there since the end of my college program, August 2004! :eek:

  • I watch the planning videos
  • Watch programs on the Travel Channel, History, and Food Network
  • I watch my slideshow video from when I went freshman year with my high school band, although some of those memories aren't as good as they should be so sometimes I end up getting depressed after that one
  • Listen to park music, and picture it in my head
  • Read about new attractions, and pretend like I'm planning a trip, my aunt might be taking us next summer *crosses fingers* if she doesn't I'm definitely going to get down there one way or another. Actually I might be going in the fall, one of my friends in Florida is getting married so that's a perfect excuse to go!
  • Visit this site as much as I can!
I watch all of our vacation planning DVD's that WDW has sent us. I also look at all of the photo albums from past trips.

Goin' Back to the World! July 31-August 6

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