What to do about people taking flash pictures on rides.

What do you do about people taking flash photos on rides?

  • Ignore it, it doesn't really bother me.

    Votes: 52 49.1%
  • I ask politely for them to stop and if they don't I don't press it.

    Votes: 27 25.5%
  • I repeatedly ask them to stop getting increasingly hostile each time.

    Votes: 16 15.1%
  • I tell a CM after the ride but to no avail.

    Votes: 7 6.6%
  • I instantly go bananas and start flashing them in the face, I'll dispose of their camera if I must.

    Votes: 14 13.2%

  • Total voters


Active Member
I have to admit that I am a guily flash-taker. I try not to use it in excess though, especially in rides because I get a little embarrassed by all the people looking at me for taking pictures. But that was in the past, and if I want to take some good flash pictures of attractions I usually just get on at the end of the day or something and get on when theres nobody on and take pictures like crazy.


New Member
Are you actually suggesting that a person who confronts the selfish, flash-using, rule-breaking moron and calls them out for breaking the policy that Disney has instituted for the safety and well-being of all park guests is in the wrong?
I hope I misunderstood your post because, if that's what you meant, we need to talk!

While riding TGMR last August, we sat behind a family with a flash camera. The mom started taking pictures almost immediately. I simply said, "No flash photography, please". She paid no attention and kept going. I stated again, louder this time, and she kept going. Now, her daughter was turning around and giving us dirty looks. I said it again and realized that this woman was pretended not to understand me because she was speaking in another language. She must've known what I was saying, however, because she handed the camera to her husband. Was she thinking that I wouldn't say anything to a man? I then stated loudly and clearly and in Spanish that no flash photography was allowed. That did the trick. At the end of the ride, the family exited quickly. We spoke to a manager about why the rule can't be enforced and went out of the building.
Waiting for us outside was a group of people who wanted to thank and support us for saying something. That was very nice of them, but I wondered why the entire group left it to me to be the only one to stand up to these people. There are more rule-followers in WDW than rule-breakers and we need to stand up for our rights as admission paying guests.

Sorry to say, but in my opinion, you were wrong to do what you did.

Don't misunderstand, the lady taking pictures was wrong as well. And if you had stopped at one correction, I'd probably be on your side. But your continued commenting was undoubtedly just as distracting to the others in your ride vehicle as was her picture taking. And given that a CM accompanies you through this ride, it was THAT person's job to enforce the rules, not yours.

Granted, you would have been within rights and reason to complain to a CM afterwards, but given the choice between people taking flash pictures and someone yelling repeatedly at them to stop, I'd take the flash (yes, even in my precious HM!)

Ever hear "two wrongs don't make a right"?

All it does is make things MORE unpleasant. How very anti-Disney.

No offense intended, but change the situation from TGMR to driving on the freeway. If you repeatedly "correct" the driving of other people, it usually ends badly.


Well-Known Member
well one time on Splash Mt. a family in front of us was taking SOOOOOO many pictures, not even of the ride but of each other... doing the same annoying pose in each one. so i said... " Thats not annoying!!!" being sarcastic... then they got the hint that the other half of the boat was trying to enjoy the ride with out seeing flashes of light every 12 sec
Sorry to say, but in my opinion, you were wrong to do what you did.

Don't misunderstand, the lady taking pictures was wrong as well. And if you had stopped at one correction, I'd probably be on your side. But your continued commenting was undoubtedly just as distracting to the others in your ride vehicle as was her picture taking. And given that a CM accompanies you through this ride, it was THAT person's job to enforce the rules, not yours.

Granted, you would have been within rights and reason to complain to a CM afterwards, but given the choice between people taking flash pictures and someone yelling repeatedly at them to stop, I'd take the flash (yes, even in my precious HM!)

Ever hear "two wrongs don't make a right"?

All it does is make things MORE unpleasant. How very anti-Disney.

No offense intended, but change the situation from TGMR to driving on the freeway. If you repeatedly "correct" the driving of other people, it usually ends badly.

Although we disagree, I appreciate your calm demeanor while expressing your views.
The group of people who waited outside the ride to tell us how they agreed with and supported my stand validated what I did to stop the "flasher".

The freeway is a different story. When somebody is driving a car like it's a guided missile, I'm much safer just staying out of their way.


I actually did just about toss this one guy's camera into the water on Pirates the last time we were at Disney. He and his family passed their digital camera back and forth across the seats of the ride for the entire trip, literally taking multiple pictures of every animatronic on both sides of the ship. The Johnny Depp animatronics got almost 20-30 individual flash photos a piece.

But that's nothing compared to the woman on IASW who decided that mid-ride was a good time to make a phone call to her mother. That's right - a woman actually had the most inane conversation about the care and feeding of her dog, talking as loudly as possible over the singing going on around her. I simply could not believe the gall of the woman. Everyone on the boat was turning around to stare at her like she was a crazy person - but she just kept on nattering away, while the rest of us tried our best to get back to the ride. She continued to talk through the whole experience and continued her conversation as she got off the boat and walked up the gangway. Just incredibly rude.


Active Member
I actually did just about toss this one guy's camera into the water on Pirates the last time we were at Disney. He and his family passed their digital camera back and forth across the seats of the ride for the entire trip, literally taking multiple pictures of every animatronic on both sides of the ship. The Johnny Depp animatronics got almost 20-30 individual flash photos a piece.

But that's nothing compared to the woman on IASW who decided that mid-ride was a good time to make a phone call to her mother. That's right - a woman actually had the most inane conversation about the care and feeding of her dog, talking as loudly as possible over the singing going on around her. I simply could not believe the gall of the woman. Everyone on the boat was turning around to stare at her like she was a crazy person - but she just kept on nattering away, while the rest of us tried our best to get back to the ride. She continued to talk through the whole experience and continued her conversation as she got off the boat and walked up the gangway. Just incredibly rude.

About the lady...no one said anything??? Someone atleast say..."please stop talking it is ruining the experience for everyone else on this ride..."


Well-Known Member
One thing you could do is tell them that flash pictures of rides look horrible anyway. There was a good article posted at MiceAge recently about taking good on-ride photos without using a flash.


Well-Known Member
The propper use of this device will solve the problem.


That needs a bigger canister my friend.


Well-Known Member
I get annoyed when people/CMs automatically think there's a flash on my camera and give me crap in advance for it. Its because of the people who break the rules that I get yelled at for it. Because i hate it when a flash goes off in my face on a dark ride. Which is not to say i haven't retaliated :lookaroun Nikon makes some powerful stuff if used correctly. :lookaroun

Well guess what, I know how to get a photo on a dark ride without using a flash. I can generally get a good photo in a poorly lit environment because i've taken the time to learn how.

Of course the people who use flashes on the rides are the same people who think that their camera flash will somehow do something at major sporting events rather than just illuminating the back of the person's head in front of you.

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