What rides/attractions have grown on you the most?


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Everyone has favorite rides that they have loved from the first very first time..

But.. what rides/attractions/shows/etc in Disney World have grown on you the most? Like maybe you didnt like them much at first.. but now you love them?

For example.. the first time I went to Disney World as a kid I didnt like Pirates of the Carribean at all.. then when I got older and went to disney world again for my honeymoon I still didnt appreciate it much. But all of a sudden.. two trips later.. both of us suddenly love that ride. So, pirates of the carribean would be the ride that has grown on me the most! :sohappy:

Another ride that has grown on me is Thunder Mountain Railroad.. when I was younger I thought of it as just a toned down rollercoaster for little kids or old ladies lol.. but recently I really started to appreciate the theme of it more.. like when you first get on and you hear the old western guy say "this is the WiLdEsssttt ride in the WiLdErnessSS!!!" :sohappy:


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Probably the TTA, because as a child I thought it was lame, now I appreciate a chance to escape for a bit !!


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unkadug said:
Probably the TTA, because as a child I thought it was lame, now I appreciate a chance to escape for a bit !!

Thats a ride that I always loved although I can see how it would seem lame to someone young. I think that because it was real late when I rode it.. and because nobody was on it except for me and my wife.. my first impression of it was as a relaxing romantic getaway from the madness below.

Wouldnt it be cool if you could just stay on the TTA and it could take you to MGM or someplace. A nice long relaxing ride.


New Member
The Haunted Mansion is my hands down favorite. I never wanted to go on it when I was younger but as I got older that changed.

Now my challenge is to get my 5 year old son to ride it - history repeats itself once again!


Account Suspended
Splash Mountain. I was always scared of it as a child, but now i love it. Its funny, cute, and scary at the same time. Classic ride, if only i had ridden it before.:animwink:


New Member
Astro-Orbiter. I figured it was just another Dumbo-type ride, but when I went on it back in May, I thought it was awesome. It goes so fast and it's at such a great vantage point. It's become my second-favorite ride at MK. Behind Space Mountain, of course.

I've also gained some respect for it's a small world. Everytime I ride that, there's something new I see that I missed before.


Well-Known Member
As sad as it is, I'd have to say the new Journey into imagination... I loved the first version as a kid, and when I went back as an adult it was version 2. Then the current one. The first time I rode the current ride, I was so glad to see Figgie back, that I really didn't pay much attention to the whole theme of the ride. The next day I rode it again, only to find I really didn't care for it. Well, my next trip we were walking passed it, and I said lets give it one more chance. Ever since then I ride it at least 4 times a trip. I don't know if it is the fact that there is hardly ever any wait, but I always find myself asking my girlfriend "want to go on Figment?"


New Member
I must say I never had a liking for BTMRR. I went on it a long time ago and lost interest in it but after riding it recently, I discovered I had missed a lot of scenery while I was riding. Now, it is one of my must rides and I take the time to breathe in the atmosphere.:lol:


Well-Known Member
I would have to say mine has got to be Journey into Imagination, the origional, Journey into imagination was my favourite ride from a very young age and I was heart broken when Journey into Your imagination entered our lives. When Figment returned in Journey into Imagination with Figment I still felt that the attraction was cheated of it's former glory. I rode it once that vacation and did not feel impressed although it was far better than ver 2. I had recorded the entire show on camera and watched it a number of times at home, which is when I become addicted.

I know the entire attraction off by heart, from every word to every sound. Just the other day I was in Epcot and rode JIIWF 24 times. I love the ride to pieces now. And it was also nice the following day to see that the attraction was queing up out side the pavillion, that was not something that I had seen since the origional attraction, usually I just walk straight on and have the entire vehicle to my self and family (allthough they stop after two rides) lol.


Well-Known Member
WDWFantasmic said:
I must say I never had a liking for BTMRR. I went on it a long time ago and lost interest in it but after riding it recently, I discovered I had missed a lot of scenery while I was riding. Now, it is one of my must rides and I take the time to breathe in the atmosphere.:lol:
Don't you just love the smell inside BTMR caves.

ssidiouss@mac.c said:
Wouldnt it be cool if you could just stay on the TTA and it could take you to MGM or someplace. A nice long relaxing ride.
You may be onto something there, does anyone know what it costs for a transportation system such as that to be built? I would love for them to do something like that now that we all know the monorail is not going to be expanded anytime soon.


<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">I would also have to say Pirates of the Caribbean. When I was little, I thought it was younger, but now, I appreciate it more and enjoy it so much! Everytime I go on it, I see something different that I never noticed before. I love that!!!</TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on">


Well-Known Member
Interesting topic:

TTA - Used to think it was boring, and now I find it fun and relaxing. Not to mention it's the only place you can hear "Tomorrowland Interplanetary Convention Center" ;)

Carousel of Progress - My gosh this is probably the winner for this topic for me. I can appreciate this attraction alot more as a 21 year old than I did when I was a 12 year old.

All of World Showcase - Especially looking at the shops and being in the atmosphere. Not to mention the American Adventure, O' Canada, and Impressions de France which are 3 of my favorite attractions at Epcot now.

Spaceship Earth - It gets better everytime I ride it.

Cranium Command - I didn't care for it that much in the past (usually because I wanted to ride Body Wars again), but this is truely one of the best attractions in Epcot history. Funny everytime you see it and alot of learning for the children too.

Sounds Dangerous - This has grown on me alot the more I see it. I think it was a pretty neat idea to base an entire attraction on sounds in the dark. And I think it works pretty well too. That doesn't mean I don't think it may be time for an update, but I have grown to really enjoy this attraction.

The entire park - This used to be my least favorite park of the 4 and now it's my 3rd favorite in front of the Magic Kingdom. Every time I go back it feels more like "home" (meaning it feels more and more like an equal Disney park to the others). I really enjoy the atmosphere of the park and I think Everest will be one of my favorite attractions as well.


Well-Known Member
Interesting thread topic.

Mine would have to be...

Alien Ecounter: I did not like this attraction at all the first time I rode it. Then, I really enjoyed it before its demise.

EEA: The first time I rode Ellen, I wasn't too taken with it. Now, I think it really is witty and well done. It could stand to be shortened a bit, but it works.

TT: The first ride I did not like this attraction. It simply didn't have the Disney magic for me. Now, while it still is lacking IMHO, I do enjoy it.

WS: I agree with dxwwf3. As a kid, I HATED all of WS. Today, however, I really have come to respect what it is and the romance of the entire promenade.

DAK: I agree with dxwwf again here. I thought the park was really lacking and it was the one park I didn't like. Now it is starting to expand and have its own identity. It is becoming more difficult to break the tie between MGM and DAK now instead of DAK being a clear 4th.


This is an easy one for me...Fantasmic! The first time I saw that show, it was a very cold, rainy night in November. In fact, they came so close to cancelling due to the weather, we almost sat an hour in the cold rain for nothing. On top of that, my family had run into some old neighbors who I never really cared for, so I felt they were ruining the evening. Suddenly we were doing everything on THEIR to do list, not ours. Then when Fantasmic! finally did start, it didn't make any sense to me. I was like.."what the heck does Pocahontas have to do with anything?" Just not a good night to experience such an amazing show for the first time.

Since then, I have seen the show numerous times and absolutely love it!


What a fantasic thread. I have to be honest there was alot in the MK that i didnt really take too at first. My first Disney experiance was in Paris, so coming from the highly themed versions of BTM, and Space Mountain, to the florida versions was a big let down for me.

However the more I went on them, the more I fell in love with them. I love the 80's charm of Space Mountain, its kinda that retro funky, and BTM in Florida, while not as grand as the version in Paris, it is alot faster, and has more varied theming, so these would be my two.

Also the castle, at first i thought the castle wasn't very attractive, but the 50th overlay has raised my opinion soooo much, and after going back to see the Paris castle, it just lack the grandness and charm of the Florida Castle.

Have to aggree with the DAK theory, spent a full day there this September with my Mum and Brothers and fell in love with the whole concept, were as before it was "Oh! Theres nice", let go to Terror Towers now.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
Space Mountain

My first experience with SM was an absolute disaster! I am fairly tall (190cm/6'3") and the first ride I honestly thought I was going to fall out of the car the whole ride. I really was not having fun at all. :mad:

Next trip I reluctantly agreed to go again to please my son [my Disney trips are ALL about pleasing him - I have fun too, but he's the focus]. Well, wouldn't you know, I loved it! The difference was this time I folded my rather long legs into the car much better and the lap restraint was actually in my lap. The first time it wasn't, so I actually wasn't entirely wrong thinking I might fall out :eek: [well, maybe I just wasn't AS secure as I could have been :eek:]

Now I wouldn't miss it for anything! :sohappy:


New Member
Mine would have to be Rock n' Roll Rollercoaster. I never enjoyed rollercoasters much and had never gone on one with an inversion of any kind. I final waited in line for an hour, (urged on by my son, 15 at the time.) and rode. I found myself signing along with "Sweet Emotion" and had go on again, as soon as I got off.


Active Member
When I was small I was terrified of Space Mountain. Would. NOT. Ride. Now, it's a must do. Thanks goodness I grew out of that one.

Another would have to be El Rio De Tiempo and Malestrom. I thought they were Bor-ing as a kid, but now they're such an awesome part of Epcot for me. (Strangely enough, I was never bored with O Canada, and Impressions de France. I was a weird kid)

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