What rides/attractions have grown on you the most?


Active Member
Ditto for me with El Rio Del Tiempo and Maelstrom.

Also, the first time I rode the old Alien Encounter in 5th grade I hated it....would never admit it scared me...told the folks I "wasn't impressed." But those last few years before it closed it was a must-do several times during the trip. Now we have Stitch...bleh.

I also used to hate our trips to Downtown Disney and walking around the Boardwalk, etc, because it cut into park time. Now, trips twice as long as before combined with being older makes me enjoy them. Plus, DTD we do at night after the parks close anyway.

A week from now I will be in WDW!!!


Well-Known Member
MGM.....the whole thing! :lol:

I never liked the way it looked and always found it confusing to get around,
yet those I travel with love it so I spend more and more time there each trip dining and seeing the shows in addition to the great attractions.

It really has grown on me over the years!

Plus...the best frozen lemonade stand ANYWHERE! :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
The one attraction that's really grown on me would have to be The American Adventure. Have always been a history buff but it wasn't until I did the Backstage Magic Tour and saw how this attraction works and learn about how it was created that I truly started to appreciate this attraction.


I think the two attractions that have have grown on me the most are The Tower of Terror and The American Adventure.I didn't appreciate TAA because I thought it was all boring garbage until a few years ago. Now I absolutely love it. It is always a must see.Now ToT I went on once and it scared the crud out of me A few years ago I finnaly the courage to do it again and now I love it.It's also a shame I only went on AE once but it was incredible!!


Active Member
This really is a good thread:

When I was a kid belive or not I hated fast rides. I used to not like space mountian:lookaroun . But of course when I turned like 14 or 15 I began to like it. But I still don't like Tower of Terror I rode it like twice and thats it:( .

My favorite was epcot because all the rides were slow and it was supposed to be the "future":animwink: . What I did not like about epcot was WS just like most kids:dazzle: . But now I really appericiate very much and is my favorite part of disney :p .

And I'm staring to feel like AK is part of disney now. Because at first it was alright.


Active Member
Edeyore said:
Mine would have to be Rock n' Roll Rollercoaster. I never enjoyed rollercoasters much and had never gone on one with an inversion of any kind. I final waited in line for an hour, (urged on by my son, 15 at the time.) and rode. I found myself signing along with "Sweet Emotion" and had go on again, as soon as I got off.

Ah yes...I usually don't have a voice for a couple hours after the screaming/singing on RNRC. Its my favorite part the jammin Aerosmith tunes.

Anyway, mine would be:

Buzz Lightyear~ the first time I rode it I was trying to figure out the laser gun and all my friends made fun of me for getting a bad score. But now I know where to target and I really enjoy it.

Second would probably be...the TTA. I liked it [for the breeze] the first couple times I rode it but now its an essential part of the Tommorrowland Experience.

I don't have many more, truth is there are few rides that I don't like all that well.


Well-Known Member
Funny thread.Always hated IASW when I was younger but the nastalgia has really come around now. Kinda sad when I go and it's closed.


when i went on alien encounter when i was 9, i got scre soo bad, lol, i was crying, so i never wanted to go on and i said i will never ever go on thaty again...but the next time i went there, parents and sisters wanted me to go on, so i went and so i was fine and then now i love it! and makes me mad they got rid of it!!!....i still love you stitch!, but alien was better, more fun to get scare with now:)


Well-Known Member
Splash Mountain and Big Thunder Mountain

Universe of Energy

Kilaminjaro Safaris

Great Movie Ride (Its amazing how much I love this ride)


New Member
Definitely Snow White's Scary Adventure. I never disliked it, except when I was scared of the dark and wouldn't ride anything inside. But after being a CP in Fantasyland attractions and Snow being one of my attractions, it is now by far my favorite. So it's a little corny and not really scary, but it's great.


New Member
Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin would have to be mine. I have not liked this ride from the time it opened. But it seems that recently I have found a new love for it.


Active Member
My kids are e ticket fanatics. Christmas of 2004, we took my wife's parents with us and they introduced all of us to rides we knew were there, but seemed to tame for us. We now can't wait to ride the TTA, or SSE.

It's going to be hard to ride those when we go back because my mother-in-law was diagnosed with lung cancer in February and died in October. My kids have already talked about how those rides will remind them about Grandma.

(Just a note: My mother-in-law talked about our trip right up to the day she passed. For that we will always be grateful to WDW.:) )


Active Member
EPCOT bored me and was never a place I wanted to go until I got older. Of course, they also have added Test Track and Mission: Space since then. :p Of course, I do appreciate World Showcase, Innoventions, and SSE more now than before.


New Member
  • Carousel of Progress
  • The American Adventure
  • Tarzan Rocks!- I hadn't ever seen this show until a certain poster on this board took me to see it one day. Now, I am upset that its closing in January, such a great show.
  • All of Animal Kingdom. While I liked the park, it was my least favorite one. But when I took the time to see everything that it had to offer, it grew on me. Plus, its going to be my work location in about a week :)
dxwwf3 said:
Spaceship Earth - It gets better everytime I ride it.

That's me, as well. SSE is an attraction that really improves with maturity. I didn't like it the first few times riding it, but especially this last time [maybe it was that I was older or have kids now] I especially appreciated the timelessness of that ride. SSE has now gone from something we should do each trip to something we MUST do each trip.
My favorite rides

Haunted Hansion-love the effects and everything
Splash Mountain-wut more can i say.......
Space Mountain-awesome themeing
ToT-used to be afraid of drops and now i luv the incredible themeing and susspence
AK-i appreciate it much more now
Fantasmic!-once again OMG, luv the music it was my marching band's show(mallots)(last year mellophone)


New Member
Pongo said:
Astro-Orbiter. I figured it was just another Dumbo-type ride, but when I went on it back in May, I thought it was awesome. It goes so fast and it's at such a great vantage point. It's become my second-favorite ride at MK. Behind Space Mountain, of course.

I've also gained some respect for it's a small world. Everytime I ride that, there's something new I see that I missed before.

I went on the Astro-Orbiter during Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Part, talk about an AWESOME view of the fire works!

Also, Splash Mountian, Haunted Mansion, and more, I remember how scary Splash Mountian was to me the first time I went on it, then I eventually went with my hand in the air which makes it even scarier, now after many times riding SM it isn't scary at all, but is very fun!


New Member
Ellen, wait for me!

For years, I avoided Ellen's Energy Adventure. Energy? Adventure? Yawn... whatever. but then, during one trip when I had a bit of time to spare, I decided to give it the proverbial whirl. Imagine my surprise when I laughed my butt off and then saw those amazing dinosaurs... some of the coolest animatronics in the park for my money! Now, I do it at least a couple time during every visit. Yeah, it could be a tad shorter... but it's still a whole lot of bang for the buck!

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