Hey guys.
Have you ever seen a movie and thought what an awesome ride they could make out of it (Or maybe i just really sad haha)
I know most people would think of Disney movies but i thought it would be more fun if we make believe Disney has the rights to all films. So it does not just have to be a disney film.
Seeing Alice in Wonderland has made me want a crazy Dark alice in wonderland ride!!! I would love a transformers ride at universal also :lol::lol::lol:
Have you ever seen a movie and thought what an awesome ride they could make out of it (Or maybe i just really sad haha)
I know most people would think of Disney movies but i thought it would be more fun if we make believe Disney has the rights to all films. So it does not just have to be a disney film.
Seeing Alice in Wonderland has made me want a crazy Dark alice in wonderland ride!!! I would love a transformers ride at universal also :lol::lol::lol: