What job would you NOT want if you were a CM?


Active Member
MissionSpaceFan said:
I got stuck on that..... for 45 minutes once. So, i agree, it would make me go Insane before the end of one day.
I can imagine! That would be a great time to have an Ipod with you!
For some strange reason, I get really clausterphobic on that ride...not sure what it is...Plus the singing adds to it I think.
I'll be the vomit cleanup guy. Just give me my bag of sawdust, trash bags, latex gloves, disinfectant and a broom and dustpan. No problem. I just want to be a CM!!! Come on, vomit isn't all that bad guys. I felt the same way yall do until I worked at Six Flags and then I realized its not as bad as you think. Just follow the cleanup procedure and you'll be fine. Also helps to think of it as your cleaning up after an animal. LOL



I wouldn't want to follow the horses up Main Street if you know what I'm saying. I wouldn't want to be in the complaint department either.

Simba One

New Member
Manager's opinion

I think I got a glimpse into the mind of a training manager as to what the worst job is...

I was walking between stores at Downtown Disney and overheard a CM in a tie and carrying a notebook that said something about "Disney Training". He was telling a story to his two similarly attired colleagues about how he had berated a trainee about not picking up something on the ground that he had walked by. The punch line to his story was, "Then I turned to ______ (somebody's name) and told him that we had our man. He looked at me kind of confused, so I said that this guy was just the kind of person we needed to work over at Small World."

I remember thinking that if I worked IASW I would have been pretty offended by a suit talking like that about the CM's. The other two managers looked kind of uncomfortable and didn't laugh along with him, thank goodness.


New Member
I would totally hate to work in the parking lot. The booth, the traffic directing, any of it--it looks completely dull and also there you are in the sun all day long.

Now, I *would* like to skipper the Jungle Cruise. Though a CM there told me they haven't drained the water from it since 1978...


Well-Known Member
Tinker Bell!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could not fly down from the castle every night. I would faint when I would get to the very top


Meega, nala kwishta!
tomm4004 said:
Lifeguard -

OK, I'm not "sure" what this was, but our room at AKL overlooked the pool. They blew the whistle and ordered everyone out. The lifeguard grabbed the net and and scooped something out of the pool. It was a brown blob and wasn't moving so it wasn't a live animal. Then a man came with huge rubber gloves and a giant yellow bag. They put the "object" in the bag. Then he carted it off like he was handling nuclear waste. The pool stayed closed for a couple hours. If it had been an animal, why keep the pool closed after it had been taken away?

Again, I have no idea what the brown blob was, and I'm glad!

Sounds like a sceen from Caddyshack. :lol: Maybe it was a candybar. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Simba One said:
.....I was walking between stores at Downtown Disney and overheard a CM in a tie and carrying a notebook that said something about "Disney Training". He was telling a story to his two similarly attired colleagues about how he had berated a trainee about not picking up something on the ground that he had walked by. The punch line to his story was, "Then I turned to ______ (somebody's name) and told him that we had our man. He looked at me kind of confused, so I said that this guy was just the kind of person we needed to work over at Small World."

I remember thinking that if I worked IASW I would have been pretty offended by a suit talking like that about the CM's. The other two managers looked kind of uncomfortable and didn't laugh along with him, thank goodness.

That's just like the suits to start berating the employees on the lower rungs of the corporate ladder. Just remember, even the "suits" had to start on the same rung.

I have dealt with the suits before and let me tell you this: "They put their clothes on the same way you do. So, they're no different."


Well-Known Member
mm522 said:
Tinker Bell!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could not fly down from the castle every night. I would faint when I would get to the very top

Sorry folks! There will be no show tonight. Tinkerbell fainted! :lol:


Well-Known Member
AkiraRaptor said:
Sounds like a sceen from Caddyshack. :lol: Maybe it was a candybar. :lol:

HAHAHAHH!! Great movie! Bill Murray is cleaning the pool and then he picks up the "brown object" and says, "I found it!" What was really great was when he bit into it and the Judge's (played by Ted Knight) wife faints. :lol:

Caddyshack... classic 80s movie! :lol:


New Member
Worst job? Working Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. I couldn't stand being that close to it and not riding it. It would drive me insane.
Best job? DJ at Rock 'n' Roll Beach Club.:slurp:


New Member
I would hate the job of cleaning restrooms,vomit,emptying trash,etc. Having done it a dept/grocery store I hated it. Also working in a parking lot would get to me too but having a CDL (comercial drivers licence) i'd love to drive the bus or trams if l had to work the parking lot. Other than that I'd be cool working any attraction.


Active Member
I would not want to work anywhere that did not have air conditioning. I fear being out in the Florida heat and sun all day would get old quick. I think working on any one of the rides would be fun? It also might be fun working at one of the resorts at maybe the gift shop or at check in.


Active Member
1) An operator at the Tomorrowland Speedway
2) Directing traffic in the parking lots
3) The guy in the preshow at RNRC who has to stand in the recording studio and get the guitar (haven't seen this person lately tho).


Well-Known Member
mm522 said:
Tinker Bell!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could not fly down from the castle every night. I would faint when I would get to the very top

But imagine how cool in several years when she can return and tell her kids and grandchildren how she used to fly down from the castle.

I would hate to work in a parking lot, or do anything where I am not in direct contact with Guests. I need to socialize and make people happy, so any non people person job I would hate, especially if working at the most magical place on earth.


Well-Known Member
I.M.Fearless said:
Worst job? Working Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. I couldn't stand being that close to it and not riding it. It would drive me insane.

SO TRUE! In my trip report I explain how on two different nights we were able to ride Big Thunder at night in the back seat and not ahve to exit the station and get back into line b/c the queue was empty. It was tremendous. I think I totalled 16 trips on Big Thunder back seat, and was even on the "last train of the night" along with 8 other Guests. So fun!!! :sohappy:

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