What job would you NOT want if you were a CM?


New Member
I wouldn't want to work in any establishment that serves meat, because I'd be trying to convince all my customers to go veg. I wouldn't want to clean up, be a jungle cruise skipper, or work in Space Mountain. :wave:


New Member
i wouldnt want to be the person who stands in the tower at IASW. when i went, all she did was wave, and it looked pretty boring.... anything else id do, except clean up after the horses.......


New Member
iluvmybeast said:
i wouldnt want to be the person who stands in the tower at IASW. when i went, all she did was wave, and it looked pretty boring.... anything else id do, except clean up after the horses.......

Although if you're the tower person, you get to talk on the mic, which is way fun :sohappy: :sohappy:


New Member
Having answered phones, cleaned up after guests in rooms, and delivered thing to rooms, i can't put those down. I wouldn't want to do anything in foods or with a long speel.


Well-Known Member
egionet said:
Although if you're the tower person, you get to talk on the mic, which is way fun :sohappy: :sohappy:

they can't keep me off the mic LOL

but that isn't what they do all day...they are trained on the attractions on that side of fantacyland....and maybe even the other side as well and more


Well-Known Member
SpenceMan01 said:
Also, I wouldn't want to work at the call center in Tampa. How bad would that suck to be working for Disney World.... but having to be an hour+ away! You couldn't even enjoy WDW very often!

The Tampa DRC is really closer then it seems... ;)


I think I would rather clean than man any FP merge point and have to spend all day dealing with everyone that doesn't understand the system. And do the teacups in WDW have the same audio loop as in DL? That could get maddening indeed.



New Member
I would definitely not want to have to clean the bathrooms........I wouldn't mind working the front desk at the hotels....oh and GUYS!!!!......i think the pooper scoopers have the best job.....rumor has it they get paid by the pound................. :lol:


New Member
ScrapIron said:
I think I would rather clean than man any FP merge point and have to spend all day dealing with everyone that doesn't understand the system. And do the teacups in WDW have the same audio loop as in DL? That could get maddening indeed.


Actually the teacups loop is a lot of fun. I like it better than the other rides in Fantasyland. Not to mention, you forget about it after being there for 2 minutes.


New Member
Lifeguard -

OK, I'm not "sure" what this was, but our room at AKL overlooked the pool. They blew the whistle and ordered everyone out. The lifeguard grabbed the net and and scooped something out of the pool. It was a brown blob and wasn't moving so it wasn't a live animal. Then a man came with huge rubber gloves and a giant yellow bag. They put the "object" in the bag. Then he carted it off like he was handling nuclear waste. The pool stayed closed for a couple hours. If it had been an animal, why keep the pool closed after it had been taken away?

Again, I have no idea what the brown blob was, and I'm glad!


Well-Known Member
DisneyGuyJake said:
...... My trick was to always breath through my mouth while cleaning. But if its red at all, even the slightest tint, you call medical to come clean it up. I'll run Mission Space if y'all don't want to. :)


That would make sense because of blood. Still, that's pretty nasty cleaning up vomit. :(

Sure.. I'll let you run Mission: SPACE ;)

As for me, I would like to be the guy who supports the technical components of the rides (mainly the computer systems).


Active Member
JPVonDrake said:
The Tampa DRC is really closer then it seems... ;)
Yes my personal best is 45/50 Minutes to the welcome sign from Tampa light traffic, not speeding.

I would not want to work IASW...the song would drive me crazy too...
I would not want to work Guest Relations...not that I would mind helping people, I just can't imagine listening to people complain all day.
I would LOVE to work the Country Bear Jamboree, or the Haunted Mansion.


New Member
DisneySam said:
I would not want to work IASW...the song would drive me crazy too...

I got stuck on that..... for 45 minutes once. So, i agree, it would make me go Insane before the end of one day.

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