What is your favorite ride/attraction at MGM?

what is your favorite ride/attraction at MGM?

  • Tower of Terror

    Votes: 52 40.6%
  • Rockin'Rollercoaster

    Votes: 27 21.1%
  • The Great Movie Ride

    Votes: 14 10.9%
  • Muppetvision

    Votes: 7 5.5%
  • Beauty and the Beast Musical

    Votes: 5 3.9%
  • Fantasmic

    Votes: 12 9.4%
  • Backlot Tour

    Votes: 1 0.8%
  • Lights, Motors, Action

    Votes: 3 2.3%
  • Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular

    Votes: 2 1.6%
  • Other (please specify)

    Votes: 5 3.9%

  • Total voters


Active Member
My Daughter and I love Tower of Terror. But I also like quite a few other rides and attractions. I really like the Rock n Rollercoaster, Star Tours is my sons favorite and I like it too. I like Indiana Jones, as you can see by my Avatar. The new Lights show is great also. The Backlot tours was good too, but now that they have gotten rid of the house section it seems less of a movie set ride. My wife loves Beauty and the Beast. There are many that are up there.


Well-Known Member
I think a poll for rides and a seperate poll for attractions might have been easier. I voted TOT as that is my favourite ride within MGM - Fantasmic is my favourite attraction


New Member
My favorite is by far Rock 'n' Roller Coaster. It's fast, upside down, but it has no steep drops (which is good, for me). Plus, it has Aerosmith.

Pure Heaven on earth!


New Member
hands down the rock 'n'roller coaster. to me its the best thrill ride in WDW. its the only thing that goes upside down. plus, its has awesome music. you can't beat aerosmith. TOT is a good ride too. RNRC is more thrilling.


Well-Known Member
Other: I like Walt Disney: One Man's Dream the best. I find all the props and info just facinating.

There's not much else that I like at MGM and in fact, I almost never go there. (It's been probably two years since I've been.)


New Member
Rock 'n Roller Coaster, I love it.

I actually skipped the Tower this year, having two daughters who absolutely didn't want to ride it, let alone step foot inside made that decision for me. Soon... Soooooooon... they'll be old enough for me to feel comfortable leaving them alone...


New Member
TOT and RnRC.
i love TOT because of its atmoshere,the creepy olden time music,the mist in the gardens,the great CM's when they are in character,the deserted hotel,everything it just is awesome to me.

i love RnRC because of 1 thing, how often do you get to be in a stretch open top cadillac,blasting through loops with aerosmith pumping insanely load in you ears.



New Member
Tower of Terror is my favorite. It used to be Rockin' Rollercoaster, before I was scared of ToT. Now it is my favorite.


Energy, you make the world go round!
Star tours, not for thrilling reason's, unless you sit in the back, but plainly, i love star wars,and I the the Queing line

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