What is your favorite disney souvenier?


Original Poster
Haven't done one of these threads in a while. Just wanna know what everyone's favorite souvenier from the parks is. Mine is probally my haunted mansion pen that lights up green. Followed closely by my mini mission space snow globe and my mini test track car. Who else wants ta weigh in?


Active Member
Looks like I have the honor of being the first to respond!

I would definitely have to say that my Figment stuffed animal, and my figment hat, ears and all, would be my favorite Disney keepsakes.

I'm just now getting into pin collecting, with my first two being the CoP one, and the 20K one... hopefully this will bring me many years of cherished Disney souveniers. :)


New Member
It may not be of the parks, but I bought it from Magic Kingdom when the Disneyana shop was in Fantasyland where the Philarmagic shop now is - an original cell of Orville from "The Rescuers"


Well-Known Member
I would have to say my WL Christmas ornament; it was a gift from my SIL after our combined family trip in 2001. It was so unexpected and the note that accompanied it was beautiful.

Then of course there are my Tiggers, and magnets. :lol:


Have two favorite souvenirs that we must get on each visit. Coffee mug and photo album.

edited ... make that three things forgot magnets.


Well-Known Member
This past trip...I'd have to say my "Pirates of the Caribbean" Game of Life or my Yoda T-shirt that says, "Pull My Finger"
Back in October: Dumbo Mr. Potatohead part.
Back in May: Jedi Mickey plush.


Well-Known Member
My husband and I took my two teenage brothers to DW in 2003. And they bought us a Mickey and Minnie musical snowglobe as a thank you gift. I love it! They bought it as a surprise and did not give it to us untill after we returned home.


Well-Known Member
I have a ring that I bought that is in the shape of Mickey's head and I used to wear that all of the time. Then I gave it to my boyfriend for safe keeping and he lost it...oh well. Guess that just means I'll have to buy a new one when I go down next time.


Well-Known Member
nibblesandbits said:
I have a ring that I bought that is in the shape of Mickey's head and I used to wear that all of the time. Then I gave it to my boyfriend for safe keeping and he lost it...oh well. Guess that just means I'll have to buy a new one when I go down next time.

You gave it to him for "safe keeping" and he went and lost it? I hope the ring is still safe :lookaroun :lol: jk


New Member
Monorail magnet! Press the button and you get one of three monorail guy announcements each time.

Sometimes it's the little things.... :animwink:

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
I just love my glow in the dark frisbee from Sci-Fi theter. Kids meals were once served in them. The restaurant may not offer them anymore, since they didn't have them the last time I was there (October 04). If so, that would make it: A COLLECTOR'S ITEM!


New Member
I have so many, but one of my favorites is our Coo-coo (sp?) clock from the Germany pavillion. Not exactly disney manufactured or anything but it still reminds me of Disney every half hour when it coo-coos. :D


Well-Known Member
Whenever I see a thread like this, I keep thinking of that car commercial...

When the little girl is telling the adult about the vacation the family had...

...and there's the baby...

"Mommy says he's their little souvenier..." :lol:


New Member
wardrobeguy said:
Monorail magnet! Press the button and you get one of three monorail guy announcements each time.

Sometimes it's the little things.... :animwink:
I have one of those too. I tend to keep it poised ready to do the Spanish speech :D
My favorite Disney souvenier is my Mickey ears...red, with my name embroidered on the back, worn on my first day in the MK at age 4.

Other than that, I love my postcards. I collect them, and I have different ones from every trip, so pulling them out is like having my own pictorial history of WDW. ANd I always gotta buy a T-shirt...the trip is not complete without a new one. :D


Well-Known Member
wardrobeguy said:
Monorail magnet! Press the button and you get one of three monorail guy announcements each time.

Sometimes it's the little things.... :animwink:

I need one of these for my collection!
Just randomly, I love my Steam Boat Willy nodding mickey head. It's so cool! He sits on my desk and nods (off) with me!!!

Also we have our magnets!!! No one can live with out their magnets!


New Member
Definately my disney stuffed animals (a HUGE Malificent dragon from MGM from '99, a chesire cat, and a HUGE figment from back in the 90's) as well as my 80's Figment horns hat.

Then there's these sweatshirts from back in the day that my parents and I got when it dropped to like 40 degrees one night we were there so we all got these awsome black mickey sweatshirts with red and yellow lining on the sleeves... still have em all at the house. They rule!

Oh - and by the way, if any of you have cats, get them the Figaro treats they have in the Main St. Store at the MK... my cats have never loved any treats ever as much as they love those and they come in a little canister with Figaro on it! SO cute and a great souvenier!! :D

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