What is your favorite __________ at Spaceship Earth


Well-Known Member
The sleeping monk is my favorite.

:lol: i was waiting for someone to mention the sleeping monk. That's my favorite! I also love it when we get stuck, right when we're going down SE backwards. What I don't like about it is we always get stuck in front of that scene with the teacher and the 3 kids doing a project or something with students from other countries simultaneously. Kind of annoying now lol. And I believe some of you have mentioned it, but I love the end of the ride when...Jeremy Irons is it?...when he finishes his speech and that music is playing...always gives me goosebumps!

Irrawaddy Erik

Well-Known Member
All of it.....

I also love the smell walking up into SSE the whole cool clean smell, but the music is the thing that I've always loved.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by matt&helen
My favorite part of of SE is the Roman scene. That cartoon background showing all roads lead to Rome, and the scene of Rome burning and the smell of it. Pretty cool.

I love that smell!!!! My favorite part of SE. In my book, you aren't officially in Epcot until you smell Rome burning.


Active Member
Originally posted by barnum42
Another vote for the dome at the very top with the Earth surrounded by stars.

As an aside, does anyone know why Jeremy Irons puts on an American accent for the commentary?

I never detected an American accent in Jeremy Irons speil. He sounds the same as always to me.:veryconfu :lookaroun
I'd have to say the whole ride is great. But if i had to choose one part i'd have to say the bridge ya'll are all talking about. The way the light comes through the fiber optics blended to the music... ahhhh still gives me chills:) Dang now i'm gonna have to dig up my SE vid.. Thanks ya'll :lol:


I love, and miss very much, the Walter Cronkite narration that was replaced years ago. That's Spaceship Earth to me. Like many others I really enjoy the stars at the top of the geosphere. It's definitely the most relaxing, and most beautiful, part of the attraction.


I have to agree with crazygirley - getting off. SE is one of the most uncomfortable rides I have ever been on. By the time I get off my shoulders and neck are killing em. I do however love the music but the smell of Rome burning? I have to cover my nose because it literally makes me sick. But the music ? That's what keeps bringing me back!


Well-Known Member
I love Jeremy Irons' voice. I go on the ride specifically to close my eyes and listen to him, sometimes. :p I love Rome buring, the renaissance, and the part with the phone operators and the movie screens. I miss Tomorrow's Child so much! That was an amazing song. And I hate that horrible voice at the end that welcomes us to the new global community, or whatever it is. :hurl: Spaceship Earth is one of my favourites. :D

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
My favs have to be the smell of Rome and watching the fiberoptic lights move from that city all the way down on the decent. I get chills!! :D


New Member
Original Poster
I was talking with another friends on these boards about Walt and the whole Disney idea. And I came to a realization why I like this ride.

Walt was a visionary that never took no as the final answer.

This ride (and others like World of Motion, Horizons, etc.) show that we, as a people, excel the most when we push for what's next out there. Walt displayed it in his life and that some drive is in rides like this one.

Anyway, thought I'd share that with you all.



Active Member
New to SE

My wife and I are taking her two over 50 cousins to WDW next week. The thing I look forward to most is to see their reaction after coming off Spaceship Earth. If it effects them the way it always has me, it will be worth the entire trip. I love that ride. I hope Project Gemini doesn't seriously damage it.


Account Suspended
Like most everyone else, my favorite part is when Spaceship Earth reveals itself at the top of the ride. I almost feel as if I'm flying during that short scene. SSE is one of my favorite rides of any park.

Unlike everyone else, I cannot stand to be stuck on that ride. I can't stand when it stops. For someone who has never been on it before, the starting and stopping really ruins the experience.

Last trip, we had to ride 3 times in a row so my mother could get her "first" trip without stopping.

Not to mention it makes me a bit nervous when we stop. The thought of walking all the way down from the top of the ride because they can't get it going again, does not appeal to me.

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
Re: New to SE

Originally posted by Donfan
My wife and I are taking her two over 50 cousins to WDW next week. The thing I look forward to most is to see their reaction after coming off Spaceship Earth. If it effects them the way it always has me, it will be worth the entire trip. I love that ride. I hope Project Gemini doesn't seriously damage it.
**Thread Drift**

The first time I read this, I thought it said "My wife's over 50 cousins..." I was about to say "Damn!? (which I just recently learned I can use on here :lol: ) That bill must be outrageous! Over 50 people to WDW? How would you ever fit them on SE?"

Sorry, I'm going on about 4 hours of sleep and it was funny to me. :p
Okay, I cant believe no one mentioned the kid selling the news paper!


And my favorite part of the ride was...

TOMMORROWS CHILD...for the future world is born today!

(I think thats what it said!)


New Member
The absolute best part of Spaceship Earth is the fall of the Roman Empire and the smell of the burnt ashes:sohappy: Always makes me smile...like this:D


New Member
Originally posted by CoraJack
Not to mention it makes me a bit nervous when we stop. The thought of walking all the way down from the top of the ride because they can't get it going again, does not appeal to me.

I think I am right in saying that the main reason the ride stops is to give guests with special needs a little more time to get on and off the ride. Nothing to worry about, thogh it is a bit tough on the neck if you are stopped on the homeward leg.


New Member
My favorite part of Spaceship Earth is the group of scences starting at Eygpt up until the Renaisance. I love them all. I love the sleeping monk and I also love the smell of Rome burning(sometimes when something really is burning, it will smell just like that and one of my friends and I always looked at each other and say-it smells like Rome:)

I also love the finale music


Le Meh
Premium Member
Getting Stuck

Originally posted by tmp
Mine too. - I really like the chariot fading in the distance. It is just something I have always liked. The chariot fades away and all of a sudden it is back. I love when the ride gets stuck there. That is another thing I love - getting stuck on SE. I know it sounds stupid, but it just would not be a trip on SE without stopping atleast once.

I agree, the only ride at WDW that I like getting stuck on. My favorite part is the view of earth from the moon, but I liked it when Walte Cronkite did it when it first opened. My next favorite scene is the monks toiling away. Poor guy, been there for over 15 years and still hasnt gotten past that same page, and the other one still sleeping. My next favorite is the caveman scene.

But I guess all we will have is memories when the remodel SE. Its a shame they are going to more of a thrill park than an educational park. PLEASE KEEP SOMETHING FOR US NERDS.....PLEASE :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Well-Known Member
The absolute best part of Spaceship Earth is the fall of the Roman Empire and the smell of the burnt ashes Always makes me smile...like this

This is the BEST part of the ride. I can never forget that smell!!!!


New Member
Okay, I have been hearing about this "project Gemeni" thing ever since I staretd reasding these forums, and I STILL have no diea what it is!! ...I know it has to do with remoldeling SE...but are they going to change the name? what exactly is going to be remodled? and when is this going to be taking place? Sorry for being so out of the loop, I just really want to know for once!! :) Thanks!!!

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