What Is Your BEST MEMORY At Walt Disney World?

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Catching Bells paulsy on our 84 trip and having to wear an eye patch cause I couldnt blink. Most people thought it was a pirate thang...


New Member
When I brought my kids for the first time two years ago. I cried the entire tram trip from the parking lot at MGM :cry: I'm sure every one around me thought I was nutty, but I was just so happy that I was able to take the kids to a place that meant so much to me!


Well-Known Member
Without a doubt, my best WDW memory is marching down mainstreet in the Magic Kingdom with my high school marching band. It was something that I had always dreamed of doing and something that I will never forget.


Mine has to be when we all surprised my mom with a surprise 60th birthday/Disney vacation. I will never forget the look on her face when we were walking over the bridge at the Riverside on our way to the food court and she saw my brother and sisters and their families walking out of the check-in area. It was awesome to see her grandkids running up to her with their "Grandma's 60th Birthday Disney Tour" shirts on and hugging her.


I think my favorite memories are when i was little, my aunt worked cinderella's carrousel. she would let me push the button to start the music & the carrousel, then she would put me up on one of the horses. at around the same age watching MAIN STREET ELECTRICAL PARADE in town square, on the steps of the town square cafe, or infront of the emporium. was so magical the announcement, the lights going out then the blue fairy cinderella, the small world floats, i recall one for fox & the hound about the time it came out.:)


New Member
My first trip to the world was in June of '02 with my DW,DD 5,DS 2, and DIL's.We drove 23.5 hours to get there and Iwasn't real sure how good of an idea this was. We had a pretty good trip other than the heat and crowds.

The one character my DD really loved at the time was Sleeping Beauty. We looked for four days and never did find her, so the last morning we asked a CM where she might be. He left and came back in a couple minutes and told us to be over by the Harbour House in 30 minutes and we should find what we are looking for. Sure enough there she was , my DD got her picture and a kiss on the cheek that she didn't wash off for a long time.

That hooked this country boy from Kansas on WDW Forever!!!:D

P.S. We don't drive or go in the summer any more.
Next trip DEC. '07


I would have to say my best memory at Disney was returning to WDW with my own family. The last time there I was just a kid and now here I was returning with my DW, DD-8 and DS-5. It brought back a whole rush of memories! It is amazing how much you remember.


Active Member
I have three favorite memories.

On one of my first trips to Disney World my grandparents went with us. I was very into collecting the ceramic figures of the characters. I had budgeted my money so that I knew exactly what ones I could get. It was near the end of our trip and we were in a shop and I saw the Cinderella one that I couldn't afford but wanted very badly. After we left the shop (without Cinderella) we were sitting on a bench in the Main Street Square area when my Grandma asked to see what figures I had bought. I pulled the ones out of the bag and on the bottom of the bag was Cinderella. Grandma only admitted years later that she had spoken with the CM at the register when I was not paying attention and had paid for it and had her put it in the bottom of my bag.

My second favorite memory is from my 2003 trip when we had just left Philharmagic on the first night we were in the MK and just as we exited Wishes started. It was such an amazing spot to be to see it and I had yet to see the Wishes program and I stood there and cried like a baby. Disney makes me so sappy!

Finally we took my son who was 3 to Disney World in 2003 and he face when he saw Buzz Lightyear and the CM what made the moment so special will stick with me forever.

Oh geez... reading the story about your g'ma and the Cinderella figurine made me teary eyed...what a wonderful memory for you!


Well-Known Member
It is really tough to choose, but I would have to say waking up on my first trip down with my fiancee. It was only her second time (we weren't dating the first time I took her). It was a perfect Florida morning, and it had that Disney smell to it outside (don't know if anyone else knows what I'm talking about, but I really think it is there) and we went over to Epcot, walked around, and it was near empty. We got some breakfast and took it outside. It was simply a perfect morning and moment that I won't really forget.


New Member
i have two the first was when my dw first saw the castle for the first time. we are coming across the seven seas lagoon. at the age of 20 it still made her cry. the other was when my brother in law first saw mickey and he tried to say theres mickey but nothing came out. i would have not have thought anything but he was 15 at the time.


Active Member
I've been there so many times but I'd have to say my greatest memory was this past November (11/26/06 to be exact!). That is the day that my now fiance proposed to me in front of the castle in a glass slipper! I'll never ever forget that and I have the slipper to always remember it by! We are honeymooning in September and I am soo excited to create even more special memories!

How wonderful! Congrats! We HM'd in Disney for 14 days...it was wonderful! Wishing you all the happiness in the world! :wave:


Well-Known Member
My best memory is from seven years ago. Renting out the Rose Garden in front of the castle so i could propose to my girlfriend. We had the entire place to ourselves, with thousands of onlookers

A victorian couch
glass slipper
chocolate covered strawberries
sparkling apple cider

and she said yes!!!


It is really tough to choose, but I would have to say waking up on my first trip down with my fiancee. It was only her second time (we weren't dating the first time I took her). It was a perfect Florida morning, and it had that Disney smell to it outside (don't know if anyone else knows what I'm talking about, but I really think it is there) and we went over to Epcot, walked around, and it was near empty. We got some breakfast and took it outside. It was simply a perfect morning and moment that I won't really forget.

Oh, I hear you on the smell. There are some days when I'm doing something and I'll get a whiff--maybe it's a flower, or a spring breeze, or a hit of chlorine..LOL--but it will stop me in my tracks and instantly, for that one split second, I'll be there on Main Street.


New Member
When we took the kids for the first time in 2000 (dd was 5, ds was 3), my dd's world was all about Snow White. We had been there a week and had yet to see her except in a parade. She had a sweet Snow White dress that she had been saving to wear, so we figured our last day at the MK would be our best bet. We looked for her all day, and finally at about 4:45pm asked a CM where to find her. He called someone and found that she was at the American Pavillion at EPCOT until 5:30. We had reservations at Liberty Tree Tavern at 6:30pm. I swear, we have NEVER moved so fast! We ran to the monorail, rode to EPCOT, ran all the way back to the American Pavillion and there she was, ALONE in the garden. She turned towards us, saw my dd and just gushed over her... her dress, how pretty she was, etc. We had her all to ourselves for at least 10 minutes! It was so amazing! We were all on such a high that we floated back to the MK, made our reservations and had a wonderful dinner.

THEN, when we left the restaurant, the Electric Light Parade was starting, and there were GREAT seats right in front of Liberty Tree. So we settled in and watched that fabulous parade! Finally, I could see the Snow White unit coming... with Dopey driving the mine car! Snow White herself was skipping along the parade route (in her electric dress), waving & blowing kisses, etc. but not interacting with the audience at all. When they got to us, Snow White made a BEELINE for my dd... kissed her, hugged her, told her she loved her... and then went on her way. As I watched her go, she resumed her skipping, waving and blowing kisses, but never interacted with another child. It was so special to be singled out like that... and of course, I was a blubbery mess! My princess was treated like a princess... and now, at 12, she still remembers how much Snow White loves her!



Well-Known Member
Oh, I hear you on the smell. There are some days when I'm doing something and I'll get a whiff--maybe it's a flower, or a spring breeze, or a hit of chlorine..LOL--but it will stop me in my tracks and instantly, for that one split second, I'll be there on Main Street.

I totally agree. My boyfriend were taking a walk one night last summer and we walked by a house with an absolutely huge, beautiful flower garden and the smell of it made me cry because it smelled like WDW... Florida... either one, it was just such a happy smell.

I think my happiest memory is of my friend and boyfriend's faces when we first walked into our hotel room and realized that we were REALLY there. My friend was the one who came up with the idea of a WDW trip because he'd never been, but had been hearing stories from his aunts and uncles his whole life. Of course, I jumped on the chance. My bf only really went because he loves us, but he didn't really care about the whole Disney thing.
Well we got there, and he was the happiest of the three of us. I think he got the most magic out of the trip because.. he really had no idea what to expect.
A few weeks after we got home, we were watching The Office and a YOAMD commercial came on and he got all teary-eyed and said "Wow... we were there."
That made me so happy. I really thought he wouldn't care for it.


If you had asked me about my favorite Disney memory last year at this time, I would have told you about the first time I walked down Main Street. It was our fist day of the honeymoon and I would swear to you I never touched the ground.

Or maybe it would have been the time a few years later when we took the "Behind the Magic" tour and had the greatest tour guide ever.

But now, it is a lot easier... last year my wife and I returned to WDW for our tenth anniversary. It was a Thursday, the last day of our trip. We had dinner at Ohana (where they announced our anniversary and made us dance the hula) then headed bak to the MK for Wishes. Somehow, with only a few minutes to spare, we made it all the way up to the circle around the Partners statue just before the show started.

So I stood there, next to Uncle Walt and Mickey, my arms around my wife, ten years to the day we were married and listened to the singing tell me that wishes do come true. I couldn't help it. I cried like a baby. Not only is it my best WDW memory, it is one of my best memories period.


Sitting in the monorail in 1975 as a wide-eyed 8 year old looking out the window as we passed through the Contemporary Resort. It was the biggest, most impressive building I had ever seen, all while riding a "train" of any kind for the very first time.


Pfizered Fairy
Premium Member
In the Parks
2 off the top of my wings.....one trip we got to ride my FAVORITE ride, BTMRR 3 times in a row with NO WAITING and during the last ride we saw the fireworks going off and continued to watch them from the ride exit area. Perfect end to a wonderful magical day. :animwink: The other was when one child was grumpy this year and we got held up on one of the exploration trails at AK, told there was too much congestion up ahead and to please wait a minute.....which of course did not help the grumpy one...then to go around the corner to get dreamfastpasses...which made the day and added something special to the whole trip.:D

And yes....that smell...............sigh...............:king:

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