What Is Your BEST MEMORY At Walt Disney World?


I have three favorite memories.

On one of my first trips to Disney World my grandparents went with us. I was very into collecting the ceramic figures of the characters. I had budgeted my money so that I knew exactly what ones I could get. It was near the end of our trip and we were in a shop and I saw the Cinderella one that I couldn't afford but wanted very badly. After we left the shop (without Cinderella) we were sitting on a bench in the Main Street Square area when my Grandma asked to see what figures I had bought. I pulled the ones out of the bag and on the bottom of the bag was Cinderella. Grandma only admitted years later that she had spoken with the CM at the register when I was not paying attention and had paid for it and had her put it in the bottom of my bag.

My second favorite memory is from my 2003 trip when we had just left Philharmagic on the first night we were in the MK and just as we exited Wishes started. It was such an amazing spot to be to see it and I had yet to see the Wishes program and I stood there and cried like a baby. Disney makes me so sappy!

Finally we took my son who was 3 to Disney World in 2003 and he face when he saw Buzz Lightyear and the CM what made the moment so special will stick with me forever.


New Member
Watching the MK fireworks the first night that I'm there. We always go to MK the first night so we can watch the fireworks and realize that we are in the happiest place on the earth. I also enjoy walking down Sunset Bvld. looking at ToT. Thats my favorite attraction.


Well-Known Member
I've been there so many times but I'd have to say my greatest memory was this past November (11/26/06 to be exact!). That is the day that my now fiance proposed to me in front of the castle in a glass slipper! I'll never ever forget that and I have the slipper to always remember it by! We are honeymooning in September and I am soo excited to create even more special memories!


New Member
I'm going to give you 3 memories. One as a 6 year old in 1981 (first visit to MK), one as an adult in 2005 (first time back since 1981), and one as a parent in 2006.

1. As a 6 year old, I wanted a souvenier. I had gotten a Donald Duck t-shirt, but didn't consider that a souvenier. We all know how kids think. So, as we left MK, I started crying. My parents found out that I wanted a souvenier and went back in to get a flashlight pen. I loved that thing. Still have it at my parents' house.

2. Went back to MK/WDW for the first time in 2005, since my visit as a 6 year old. The best memory for me was how much I recalled in MK from 24 years ago. It was amazing how I remembered so much and that was special to me.

3. Last year, our 3 year old princess obsessed daughter had wanted to see Cinderella so bad. The previous year, we didn't see her, but she was afraid to get pictures with them. This time at 3, she was getting pictures with every character. We didn't have Cinderella's dinner booked, so we didn't think we'd see her this time. We went to Princess lunch at Akerhaus in Norway this time. Last year we did breakfast and they had 6 princesses, but no Cinderella, so we figured it would be the same. She insisted that Cindy would be there. The last princess to come out was Cindy and she got so excited and said, "I told you she would be here." My wife and I just looked at each other and got tears in our eyes to see the excitement and joy on her face.:D


New Member
My ex wife and I took our 5y/o daughter to Disney. After ROE they started playing the exit music and my daughter and I danced together for the first time ever! We were in front of the Mexican pavillion next to where they have the quick serve items.

It brings me almost to tears everytime I think about that.


Active Member
The best feeling happens on every trip. I love driving through the main gates, it's an inexplicable feeling that comes over you, I can't really explain it other than that it is a VERY happy feeling. However, to define a moment, I'd have to say after the first time I rode ToT in 1997. I knew it was my favorite attraction right when I saw it, the sheer size of it was impressive. I had never experienced a ride that had made me shake before, but unlike most people, I enjoyed being scared out of my mind and was hooked.

I know that feeling VERY well!! Very giddy and SOOO darn excited. Can hardly sit still and can't wait to get on that monorail!! :sohappy:


Wow--I have so many that I really can't pick just one. So here are three:

1.) 1987- I was seven and this was the first time I saw the MSEP. I thought it was so magical and cry every time I hear the music. I'm so excited I'll get to see it in April when I'm out in DL!

2.) 1992- My mother and I went for the first time alone. My parents had just separated and it was the first vaca we'd taken with just the two of us. I didn't think it would be the same because my father was the huge Disney Freak. Mom didn't think she could do a vaca alone without her husband. But we did it, we bonded and now we couldn't imagine going to Disney without each other. We're best friends because of that trip.

3.) 2006- August 17. My wedding day.


Active Member
My favorite Walt Disney World memory is from Easter Sunday, 2004. We were in line for the Tomorrwand Speedway when it started raining. To escape the rain, we headed over to Cosmic Ray's to get some dinner; apparently everyone else was doing the same thing. We ended up sitting on the floor while eating our chiken strips. That was one of the best Easter dinners my family has ever had, simply because it was probably a once-in-a-lifetime kind of thing. Now, we joke about eating chicken strips while sitting on the floor for Easter dinner. We've only done that once since then & we turned on the travel channel because they were having a WDW marathon.


New Member
My grand-dad was my favorite person in the world. His favorite fireworks display was at MK(don't remember what it was called at the time) , eating at the Crystal Palace and riding Space Mountain. I do these now, in his memory,(he has since past away) every trip. I cry alot during Wishes, it makes me think of him so much , but they are still my favorite memories.


Well-Known Member
My fondest memory was my second trip to Disney World ( my first one as an adult). I went with my Partner for the first time, for our 10th "anniversary" (well, nine and a half years. We had had a rough year, I wasn't sure he'd make it to 10). We watched SpectroMagic Parade from the Liberty Square side of the parade route. I said "Let's take the Skyway Ride to Tomorrowland!" We got in line, he said, "but we'll miss the fireworks". I said "no, we won't". We waited, and waited. We boarded our gondola, got 10' from the Fantasyland station, and the gondola stopped! The music started for Fantasy In the Sky, the show began, our gondola began to move, and we watched the fireworks above the park as we traveled to Tomorrow(land). That will always be special in my heart (considering that no one can ever do that again, :mad: it was a great intimate moment in a corwded park, that can never happen again ).
We will be going back for our 20th "anniversary" this year.
Now I just have to think about making it just as special.:lol:


Well-Known Member
Jan 2005. Wy wife, daughter,son and I rode Primeval Whirl 6 times in a row with no wait. Be the end we where dizzy and laughing so hard! Great family moment. Everyone was so happy.


For me there are a few:

1) My husband surprising me on my birthday trip by having my sister fly out and meet us near the end of our vacation. I walked around the corner coming into the International Gateway at Epcot...and my sister was standing there! Spent the next 3.5 days sharing with her all our favorite rides and shows we had experienced during the week (she had never been there before, either!).

2) Getting to ride Segways around Epcot. That was sooo fun!

3) Coolest memory: getting in the hot seat on Millionaire, and getting to the 125K mark. I unfortunately lost on that question, but had sooo much fun! My sister and hubby were cheearing so loudly from the audience, and I felt so accomplished to get that far! Especially now that there is no more Millionaire, I cherish that memory (and my pin set I got from it that increases in value every day! LOL)


The first (and only) time I went to the Magic Kingdom, my husband & I rode Big Thunder. When we got in line, it was sunny. We finally got on, and were going up the lift hill & I saw the water that's at the top. It looked like a HUGE waterfall - so i asked him about it, and he assured me it turned off.

Well, we got up to the top and went out & realized that the "waterfall" was actually pouring rain. With how fast we were going & how much it was raining, I had to keep my eyes shut the entire time because the rain was pelting us in the face. So, my first & only ride on Big Thunder - I didn't get to see any of the scenery.


New Member
My best memory is leaving AK with my 3 year old on my shoulders when he said, "You know Daddy, this is the greatest place in the world!"


New Member
My favorite memory is of the first time i saw Spectromagic after it's return. I really missed it and liked it much more than the Electrical parade. Since then, it has remained my favorite thing in all of the world.


Well-Known Member
First: My Dad was a junior Air Force officer and couldn't afford to take us kids to the Blue Bayou at DL. When I grew up and got my own job, I went to a convention in Anaheim and took a bunch of co-workers there. My childhood dream!

Second: I talked my GF at the time to go on the Tower. After the ride she had this big evil grin. She looked at me, grinning, and said, "I'm going to kill you." She then proceeded to chase me through the park! :lol:


New Member
I've got a couple of favorite memories...

Firstly, at age six, I got to hug an Ewok. That sentence alone makes me smile. We were about the same height, and I am happy to say that Ewoks are the SOFTEST things in the galaxy. Must be a for Disney to import those suckers all the way from Endor.

Secondly, age 12, just walking around and enjoying Future World at night. Just got off Imagination (back when it was AMAZING) checking out the fiber optic sidewalks and eating gummi candies out of a little box with Figment stamped on the lid. Awesome.

My next three faves are from my most recent trip, last year, age 22. First night in the 'World, doing EMH at the Magic Kingdom. My little bro and I split off from my folks, and ran around like crazy--this was his "first" time (i.e. not as a toddler) and it had been so long it was practically my first time. So we get on Splash Mountain, front seat (or close to front) and just as we're about to go over that final monster hill, we get an amazing view of fireworks going off around the castle. I can't think of a better introduction to the 'World. I'm pretty sure we high-fived.

Later that trip, we did the Indy Stunt Show, my Mom volunteers me, and I got picked! Not only that, the director liked my dance so much I got to have my own death scene! Dad caught the whole thing on the digital camera, and needless to say, it was a helluva experience.

This was also my first time on the Tower of Terror. I chickened out on the previous trip (I broke through an emergency exit in the boiler rooms, actually :|) but this last time I manned up and took it on. And screamed/yelled/laughed the whole way down, and up, and down, etc. while clutching the armrests with all my might. I think I embarrassed Mom... What can I say, it was intense! My second ride was quieter... :)


New Member
All these memories from people on their honeymoon but no magical moments in the hotel rooms. :zipit:
er..uhm..anyway. For me, to many to express except for two.
Back in '93 I received the worst news a doctor can give a patient, so I took out all my savings and took my entire family to WDW for 10 days. So for me, the whole trip was my best memory. Mainly though, on that first morning when we all rounded that corner on main street and saw the castle off in the distance. Just knew it would be my first and last time. But here I am 14 years later and my family is taking me this summer for all new 'best memories'.
The other is more surreal. On another trip, one afternoon at DS we had just come out of the Little Mermaid show into a major thunderstorm. We stood under the overhang and watched lightening bolts hit around and in back of TOT. Talk about life imitating art.


All these memories from people on their honeymoon but no magical moments in the hotel rooms. :zipit:
er..uhm..anyway. For me, to many to express except for two.
Back in '93 I received the worst news a doctor can give a patient, so I took out all my savings and took my entire family to WDW for 10 days. So for me, the whole trip was my best memory. Mainly though, on that first morning when we all rounded that corner on main street and saw the castle off in the distance. Just knew it would be my first and last time. But here I am 14 years later and my family is taking me this summer for all new 'best memories'.
The other is more surreal. On another trip, one afternoon at DS we had just come out of the Little Mermaid show into a major thunderstorm. We stood under the overhang and watched lightening bolts hit around and in back of TOT. Talk about life imitating art.

Congrats! Survival, and celebration!! :)

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