I think I know what you're talking about. They were tiny little Happy meal type dolls with rubbery outfits. They came in heart shaped zipper bags that were clear with a colored zipper. My dd picked them from the disney store. I think she had 5 different ones. Stupid things drove me crazy! They'd jam my vacuum and were always coming apart. bleh!
Yep you're right - that's the one. At first we thought we were doing something wrong, but there was no way we could change the clothes without de-capitation and amputation!
Yes! and, unfortunately, my oldest loved 'em and found a set at every gift shop! She had 2 or 3 from the disney store, 1 from hotel GS, and 1 from LM GS in DHS. I'm so happy it seems they stopped selling them lol
For the pins, we just keep them on the lanyards. My main complaint about the pins were the closures. They don't stay on. I would love to put them on my kids' backpacks or something but they keep coming undone. I ended up using pencil erasers and even that's not perfect.