Well-Known Member
My DH and I made the decision to wait until our DD was 5 (she is now 10) before we took our first trip. We had such a wonderful time. She was all go go go. There was only a couple of rides that she wasn't tall enough for. She remembers that whole trip and that was back in the days when we drove, we fly now. We were in the parks open to close, we would ask her if she wanted to go rest or get a stroller and she looked at us like we were insane.:lol: She still does:lookaroun We won't be going back until Feb. 2008, and we can't wait.:sohappy:
Have fun on your trip and take lots of pictures, that's what I did and we look at them all the time.
Have fun on your trip and take lots of pictures, that's what I did and we look at them all the time.