what is the most weird or funny experience with a disney character

Boo's Mom

New Member
I forgot to add the time when we were very little and we all got the roses that light up. My cousin matthew held his up to minnie during spectromagic and she tried to reach for it but couldn't get it. Then we saw her at the character breakfast and he blushed big time. It was funny but it made the adults cry lol (we were about 5,6, and 7)


This one happened last July during evening magic hours at MK, it was me, my daughter who was 6 at the time, my sister, and her daughter who was 10 months. We were in line to meet Goofy anf there was a little boy avout 7 or so in front o fus. he goes up to get Goofy's autograph, Goofy turns his back to the kid, signs the book, turns back around ,acts like he can't find the kid, starts walking around "looking" for this kid. Meanwhile, this kid is SCREAMING at Goofy "I'm right here!" Goofy acts like he finally sees the boy and gives him his book back. Then my daughter goes up with 2 autograph books (one for her, one for my neice). He signs one, gives it back to her, then takes the 2nd and runs off toward a garbage can like he's gonna throw it away. Had my daughter running after him yelling "Goofy! Goofy!" He stopped at the can, turned to her, signed the book, and blew her a kiss. Everyone was laughing at both of these :lol:


Well-Known Member
A few weeks ago the Character bus was at Epcot, like it always is. Everyone had lines... except for Friar Tuck. Friar got into Mickey's line. He wipped out a Photo Pass and got his photo with Mickey. I've never seen a Kid as happy to see mickey as Friar Tuck was


New Member
My DD was decked out in Minnie stuff so when she was getting Mickey's autograph he took her over to see Minnie. The CM was so excited because I guess is really rare to get your picture with both of them

One time at MGM my DD and I were waiting outside of the gate where the characters come out and Geptto and Gideon were there. Gepetto was really sweet and danced with her but Gideon was weird and kept following me and taking the bear my DH had won for me.

Another time during Cinderella's Celebration we were walking down the path at the side of the castle and the Wicked Queen was going back behind the castle. We waved at her and she "dismissed" us. It was kind of funny.

The characters are always fun and playful especially with my DD.


Well-Known Member
Boo's Mom said:
When we did the character breakfast at 1900 park fare (grand floridian), tigger came over to the table and played with my sisters hair and had me bouncing with him (family said he was flirting, I say he was just being tigger lol). He sat down at another empty table and wouldn't sign autographs because the kids were coming up to him so he made them wait at their tables. Mad hatter came over and struck up a conversation asking where we were going and what we were going to buy him. My little cousin said one thing and he said "but I want lots of things!" Then he acted like he took her nose away and she said thats ok, I have another one and acted like she put another nose on. He said well thats unusual never heard that one before. Then when we were leaving, tigger challenged us all to a bouncing contest, tigger won of course lol. On the way out, the mad hatter plopped himself down on the floor when talking to these two guys from sacramento. he was mad because he couldn't get anything and alice said she wanted to kick him and he said she was not invited to the tea party. the two guys from sacramento told us later on the bus that he thought we were part of the act because my grandmother kept calling hatter a big baby because he was pouting for not getting anything. It was hilarious! that was the best character experience. Sorry that it is so run-on and long :D
What state in Sacramento (There are three states that have the city Sacramento)? If they're from California...then they're okay in my book (I may be bias because they are from my home town.) :lol:


New Member
We went to MGM when it first opened with a several friends and one couple had their 14 month old son with them.The child (Josh) was at that stage where he was afraid of strangers. If we got near one of the charaters or if they looked to long at him, he would cry. His mother and I went to get pop-corn near the Brown Derby then sat at a bench near there while the rest of our group went to potty. Eeyore came by a sat with us while Josh's attention was else where> Eyore picked Josh up at held him in his arms while Josh watch the crowd go by not knowing Eeyore was holding him.At one pointe Josh looked up at Eeyore and had a shocked look on his face then said doggie and laid his head on Eeyore and fell asleep. Josh is 14 now and Eeyore is still his favorite.

rosebud's mom

Active Member
Wow, I have so many stories ! I have posted some of them before, but it has been many months so I will share again.

The first was in 1983. My then husband, my parents, and my 2 sons were celebrating my oldest son's 4th birthday at the character breakfast on the Empress Lily. To truly appreciate the humor you would have to understand that my mother is EXTREMELY reserved. Gideon and Foulfellow Fox came around to our table, and Foulfellow put his arm around her shoulder. She began to blush furiously. At that point Gideon sat down in her lap and mimed kissing her ! The pictures are still priceless after all these years.

Also on that occasion, Goofy brought a balloon to my son, everyone sang "Happy Birthday", and then Goofy gave Justin his "birthday spanking!!" He actually still remembers this as one of the highlights of his childhood.

Then in 1989 I was a single mom of 3. The boys were 10 and 7, and my daughter was almost 2. We were having breakfast at what is now Chef Mickey's. The restaurant was deserted, and we had a wonderful time. Just as we finished eating and were preparing to leave, Prince John from Robin Hood took my little girl by the hand and walked away through a door marked as "No Admittance." I stood there wondering what I should do for a minute or two, while my 7 year old was freaking out that "Prince John took my sister!". Then the door opened and there they were. She had two ENORMOUS chocolate chip cookies in hand and was giggling with delight. To this day I don't know exactly what went on ! Then he took the 7 year old by the hand and led him over to a CM phone. Prince John punched a couple of buttons and then gave the phone to my son. He said, "Mom ! Its room service ! What do I say ?" Unfortunately, I didn't have the camera ready to capture his expression.

December of 2004 my current husband were at Disney with our 4 yr old daughter, my now 17 year old daughter, and her boyfriend. The little one has long blonde waves of hair that reach several inches below her waist. Pretty much all the characters played with her hair, and she got LOTS of kisses. Wendy played peek-a-boo. At MGM the older daughter had Pal Mickey hanging from her waist. When visiting with Donald and Daisy, Donald was able to take Pal Mickey without her noticing. Then he started punhing him ! Daisy took him from Donald, shook her finger at him, kissed Mickey, and gave him back to my daughter. Donald made "she's crazy" motions toward Daisy and walked behind the trailer.

I have more..... but I think this is long enough ! I can't say enough good things about the CMs.

Dopey Dave

New Member
This is not really a disney character experience but it's close.

My wife and I attended MNSSHP two years ago. My wife was dressed as the Fairy Godmother. (Of course, I was Dopey). We were sitting down and having an Ice Creme when one of the managers came over and told my wife she wasn't supposed to be sitting down that she should get back to work!

When the manager realized her mistake we all had a big laugh. :lol:


New Member
When I was 10, Roger Rabbit stole my hat. I was stomping my foot and yelling at him to give my hat back, and he started stomping his foot along with me.


New Member
In Magic Kingdom in 2003, My cousin and I posed for a picture with Jafar-someone I surely didn't want to meet, but was pushed to get an autograph. I was afraid to TOUCH him! He gave me his autograph and the picture was taken. Then, he pushed me away! The nerve! So, I said "FINE! I'll go see Aladdin!" and I stomped away proudly with the rest of the family. When I looked back, he was running after me! I screamed and ran! Haha, now that was a quite funny experience.


Well-Known Member
When my little sister was 1 or 2 years old, we wen't to WDW. We were in Chef Mickey's when Chip came over to the table, so my dad picked her up so she could see him. Aparrantly my sister didn't like her breakfast, because she proceeded to eat Chip's nose (well, gnaw on it rather). It was pretty funny.

On our last trip, we ate dinner in the Liberty Tree Tavern. When Pluto finally came to the room we were in, he went over to one table, where ofcourse the mother greeted him by saying "Hi Goofy!"
Big mistake.
He collapsed right onto the floor and it was just really funny. My mom, behind her laughing, couldn't help but think "what is he's having a heart attack or something, and we're all just sitting here laughing at him?"
At that Pluto got up so not to worry her. Later when he came to our table my mom said "It's ok, we all know you're Chip." :lol: I don't think he heard this, because he was still concious.

Thats all i can think of for now.




New Member
Back when I was about 8 (I'm 23 now), I was at a character breakfast (at the Poly I think) and I was eating and all of a sudden I realized a furry paw was taking one of my sausage links, I turned around and sure enough there were Chip and Dale. I was very frustrated with him (c'mon I was little) and told him to give it back, but he just kept messing with me. I started to get the biggest kick out of it. They wouldn't leave me alone the rest of the time... everytime I went to eat they'd take something! Needless to say I laughed for most of the meal and didn't eat much. I'll never forget it.

Boo's Mom

New Member
Two years ago we were getting off of Pirates and there was hook and some other pirates character (forgive me! I cannot remember his name!). They were signing autographs and taking peoples hats and wearing them or throwing them over the half wall behind them. They would chase after guests and take funny pictures. Hook would do something to the other guy and he would do it back then Hook would run after him through the store. It was hilarious. We sat there for 20 minutes watching the show they were putting on.

LoriMistress, they were from Sacramento, California


Well-Known Member
Boo's Mom said:
Two years ago we were getting off of Pirates and there was hook and some other pirates character (forgive me! I cannot remember his name!).
LoriMistress, they were from Sacramento, California

That would be Mr. Smee, always doing stuff for the captain.


Well-Known Member
Atta83 said:
LoriMistress, they were from Sacramento, California.
Awesome, totally awesome.

I am lame for getting excited for them being from my hometown. Speaking of which, DH and I were at Main Street USA and there were the singing barbershop cortette, before they sang to DH and I, "When You Wish Upon A Star," they asked us where we were from and when we told them Sacramento, CA one of the men asked why we came all the way down here when they have a park in CA, and the other one turned to him and said, "Shut up! We want them to come down here!" We thought that was so funny!


New Member
The most fun I´ve had with characters was when I was the escort for the Three Wise Men during holiday season at Epcot. To keep the magic alive, I´ll keep the inside jokes to myself (if you could see my smile now... hehe)... :D


New Member
We had fun with Goofy at AK last summer. We were waiting in line for pictures with Goofy, and of course as soon as we got to be first in line, he had to take a 5 minute break. They assured us he would be back in 5 min, so we waited, joking with the CM that Goofy must have needed a visit to the restroom. My 6 year old son was getting a little impatient, so he asked what was taking so long...and commented that it must take a long time to take his costume off. The CM agreed that it must take awhile to take his "fishing" costume (outfit) off. My son said argued that he meant taking off the head and whole costume, and the CM was "shocked" and asked if my son could take his head off? This went back and forth a few times and the whole line was laughing histerically.

When Goofy came back, he posed for pictures and while I was snapping pics with the kids, I noticed the pants on Goofy's fishing outfit were unzipped. I mentioned this (assuming that this was part of Goofy's act) and he acted as if this wasn't planned (I still don't know if it was planned or not). He tried to hide, then he tried to take my camera when he realized we had pictures of it. It was pretty funny! I'll have to see if I can find a picture of it.

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